

Goverdhan verma

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 11/13/2024
  • Last connection: 03/13/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 10 132 142
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
Sakoon - Admin Developer 03/04/2025
Sakoon - Client Developer 02/21/2025
Sakoon - Counsellor Developer 03/07/2025
WASCO Developer 11/13/2024
WASCO Admin Issues Developer 11/13/2024
Wasco Frontend Issues Developer 11/13/2024



01:25 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12862 (Resolved): Dashboard - Keel Sakoon "S" capital & select "S" capital. check screenshot
Goverdhan verma
01:25 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13267 (Resolved): Payments screen - latest one should shown at top
Goverdhan verma
01:23 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13295 (Resolved): Appointments - latest appointment should shown at top
Goverdhan verma
01:00 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12811 (Resolved): Admin --> profile --> Contact number should be" Min6-11Max "numeric character
Goverdhan verma
12:59 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13067 (Resolved): Dashboard - Cumulative Data - No of Counsellor should be No of Counsellors, Same for - No of Clients , No of Appointments...
Goverdhan verma
12:57 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13290 (Resolved): Sign up as a counsellor - I work with field --already asked on sign up form then why asking again same on My professional details page
Goverdhan verma
12:15 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13235 (Resolved): Appointment list - Appointment status should be Cancelled , Approved, Rescheduled after action done.
Goverdhan verma
12:15 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13098 (Resolved): Counsellor book appointment on the behalf of client- it shows 0 slots but when clicked on the slot is shows 1 slot. che
Goverdhan verma
12:12 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13292 (Resolved): Payment list - Counselor Booking column - Counselor spelling mistake
Goverdhan verma
12:12 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13294 (Resolved): Counsellor marked availability on Leave - But in client panel appointment status still remain approved...and on dashboard meeting link still shows instead of note added by counsellor while marking leave
Goverdhan verma

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