

Anisha Kumari

  • Login: Anisha
  • Registered on: 06/28/2023
  • Last connection: 12/26/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 25 150 175
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
Money Services---->AFSC-->Return Upload panel Developer 10/25/2023
Return Upload-->Insurance Developer 10/25/2023
Return Upload-->International Banks Developer 10/25/2023
Arya MarketPlace Developer 04/01/2024
Milisto Developer 12/10/2024
QuikrBox admin Developer 06/28/2023
INSURANCE Developer 09/25/2023
INTERNATIONAL BANKING Developer 09/08/2023
MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Developer 09/08/2023
MUTUAL FUND Developer 09/08/2023
TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Developer 09/12/2023



06:13 PM Milisto Bug #11677 (Resolved): View gift registry > Search not working
Anisha Kumari
01:46 PM Milisto Bug #11687 (Resolved): Home page > Posts count > after adding & deleting new post count not getting updated instantly. It shows updated after sometime. Should reflect at the same time.
Anisha Kumari
01:32 PM Milisto Bug #11726 (Feedback): User not getting notification if group admin decline the request of joining the group
As per discussion with Dharamveer Sir if user is getting invitation request then it is fine. Notification in case of ... Anisha Kumari
01:31 PM Milisto Bug #11693 (Resolved): Group chat > I have clicked on this icon & it removes me from the group. Please ask before removing me from the group. And show remove type icon and on hover show tooltip like Remove me from the group
As per discussion with Dharamveer Sir this is fine. Anisha Kumari
01:30 PM Milisto Bug #11644 (Resolved): We can show asterisk sign for the mandatory fields in all forms like Create new Group, add new Registry , Register page, my pages etc...
Anisha Kumari


05:46 PM Milisto Bug #11617 (Resolved): Sign in with Google not working
Anisha Kumari
11:55 AM Milisto Bug #11633 (Feedback): I am typing text in the search field, but it is not appearing there and is instead showing in the advanced search. Why is this happening?
As per discussion with Dharamveer sir this is fine. Anisha Kumari


06:58 PM Milisto Bug #11688 (Resolved): Home page > Posts count showing wrong. It is showing 4 count for 1 post having 4 images in it.
As per discussion with Dharamveer sir this option is hidden. Anisha Kumari
06:32 PM Milisto Bug #11694 (In Progress): I removed myself from a group I created, but the group chat remains visible to me.
To fix this issue currently delete myself option is hidden. Kindly ignore previous note. Anisha Kumari
03:38 PM Milisto Bug #11694 (Resolved): I removed myself from a group I created, but the group chat remains visible to me.
As a group chat owner I can't delete myself from group so remove button is hidden from group option. Anisha Kumari

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