

Iram Hamdani

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 06/22/2022
  • Last connection: 01/15/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 29 36 65
Reported issues 0 1 1


Project Roles Registered on
Benjamin Rose Developer 08/28/2023
Benjamin Rose - Admin Developer 08/28/2023
HelpDesk Developer 10/14/2022
HRMS Developer 06/22/2022
Skilled Trades - Android Developer 09/24/2024
PTCCB - Admin Developer 11/11/2024
PTCCB - Frontend Developer 11/11/2024



05:33 PM PTCCB - Frontend Bug #11497 (Feedback): Register any product > On the "Add Product Info" page, a loader should appear after uploading a file to confirm that the file is being uploaded.
not requied as it is a popup window Iram Hamdani
05:33 PM PTCCB - Frontend 1.00 hour (Bug #11497 (Feedback): Register any product > On the "Add Product Info" page, a loader should appear after uploading a file to confirm that the file is being uploaded.)
Iram Hamdani
05:32 PM PTCCB - Frontend Bug #11485 (Feedback): I have registered new company with Username Chemical but it's not showing in admin
actually till then user will not verify the account record wont be displayed from admin side . once verified then it... Iram Hamdani
05:32 PM PTCCB - Frontend 1.00 hour (Bug #11485 (Feedback): I have registered new company with Username Chemical but it's not showing in admin)
Iram Hamdani
05:18 PM PTCCB - Frontend Bug #11485: I have registered new company with Username Chemical but it's not showing in admin
Actually when user verifies account from email the company will be listed by admin to further approve it so as per fl... Iram Hamdani
04:53 PM PTCCB - Frontend Bug #11525 (Resolved): Any application should not be accessible if the application number is edited manually in the URL.
Iram Hamdani
04:41 PM PTCCB - Admin Bug #11488 (Resolved): Companies > Pending for Review > Latest added record should shown at top
Iram Hamdani
04:40 PM PTCCB - Admin Bug #11489 (Resolved): The telephone number field is showing empty when editing a company in the admin panel, even though it was entered during registration under the "Pending for Review" section of the company.
Iram Hamdani
04:19 PM PTCCB - Admin Bug #11503 (Resolved): Users list > after creating new user it should show latest record at the top.
Iram Hamdani
03:12 PM PTCCB - Frontend Bug #11486 (Resolved): Applications > Product registration > Add product popup > Ensure correct spelling and add appropriate spaces between words
Iram Hamdani

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