

Dharamveer S

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 04/12/2022
  • Last connection: 10/25/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 18 18 36
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
Alfianza-International Manager 01/09/2024
Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Manager, Developer 05/27/2022
Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel Manager 04/19/2023
Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel Manager 04/19/2023
Mutual Fund ---> AFSC ---> Return Upload Panel Manager 04/21/2023
Trust & Company Managers ---> AFSC ---> Return Upload Panel Manager 04/24/2023
AM Best CAIR Manager 01/30/2023
ECCB Consolidated Report Manager 03/01/2023
ECCBLIB REPORT Manager 02/13/2023
STRESS REPORT Manager 03/27/2023
Sector- Insurance Developer, Reporter 06/27/2022
Sector- Money Services Manager, Developer, Reporter 06/15/2022
Sector- Mutual Fund Manager, Developer, Reporter 06/15/2022
Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Manager, Developer, Reporter 06/15/2022
Sector-Trust & Company Managers Manager, Developer, Reporter 06/15/2022
Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Manager, Developer, Reporter 06/15/2022
ARIAS-II Manager 04/12/2022
Licensee Panel Manager 04/12/2022
Super Admin Panel Manager 04/12/2022
ARIAS-II Client Feedback-INSURNACE QUARTERLY Manager 04/12/2022
ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: ERSP Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: INSURANCE Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: Money Services Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: NRSP Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Manager 04/12/2022
Arya MarketPlace Manager 04/01/2024
AryaMarket Place - Mobile Manager 07/09/2024
Carib Stores - Web store Manager 10/10/2023
Carib Stores Delivery boy App Manager 10/10/2023
Carib Stores Store App Manager 10/10/2023
Carib Stores User app Manager 10/10/2023
Sector Name: Mutual Fund-Client Feedback Manager 04/12/2022
Sector Name: NRSP- Client Feedback Manager 04/12/2022
Collection Auction Manager 12/19/2022
Consumer Affairs Manager 02/24/2025
Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Manager 02/24/2025
Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Manager 03/21/2025
Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Manager 03/03/2025
FSEW Manager 12/14/2023
Glinstin Android app issues Manager 01/09/2023
Glinstin Web- Mobile issues Manager 11/11/2022
GLISTEN Manager 09/16/2022
Government Of Anguilla Manager 10/30/2023
Govt of Anguilla Admin Panel Manager 10/30/2023
HejTelge-Super Admin Manager 05/27/2022
Intranet Manager 01/02/2023
Intranet - New Manager 03/15/2023
Intranet Portal - Admin Manager 02/01/2023
Intranet User end issues Manager 02/07/2023
KANZO API issues Manager 08/02/2023
KANZO Store App Manager 08/02/2023
KANZO User App 2023 Manager 08/02/2023
LUSGO AWS 2023-24 Manager 12/19/2023
Skilled Trades - Android Manager 11/30/2023
Skilled Trades - Dev - 2025 Manager 01/30/2025
Lusgo AWS - Website Manager 02/14/2025
Skilled Trades iOS Manager 10/28/2024
IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Developer 07/11/2022
Lusgo Android 2022 Manager 09/16/2022
Lusgo API Issues 2022 Reporter 09/16/2022
Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Manager 09/16/2022
Milisto Manager 11/28/2024
Oye cakes Manager 12/27/2023
police & voting admin panel Manager 02/06/2023
Property Tax Manager 03/20/2023
House Tax App Manager 03/20/2023
House Tax Web Manager 03/20/2023
PSC Web & Admin Issues Manager 09/05/2024
Admin Issues Manager 09/05/2024
Web Issues Manager 09/05/2024
Quikrbox Manager 02/15/2023
QuikMart Manager 01/03/2024
Quikrbox - Api issues Manager 06/09/2023
QuikrBox admin Manager 02/16/2023
Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Manager 02/28/2023
QuikrBox Store app Issues Manager 02/27/2023
Quikrbox User app Manager 02/15/2023
QUICKR BOX ( DESIGN ) Manager 02/22/2023
Quikrbox Web Store Manager 05/25/2023
Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Manager 04/12/2022
Credit Unions Register Manager 04/12/2022
INSURANCE Manager 09/25/2023
MUTUAL FUND Manager 09/08/2023
TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Manager 09/12/2023
Saaf Sverige- >.net api Manager, Developer 05/27/2022
Sakoon Manager 10/31/2023
Sakoon - Admin Manager 10/31/2023
Sakoon - Client Manager 10/31/2023
Sakoon - Counsellor Manager 10/31/2023
Sakoon (Peace Of Mind ) Manager 06/29/2023
Skilled Trades- 1st App (ANDROID) Manager 12/20/2024
V P Manager 06/06/2023
Voting & Police Admin Manager 02/28/2023
Voting & police frontend Manager 06/06/2023
WASCO Manager 10/29/2024
WASCO Admin Issues Manager 10/30/2024
Wasco Frontend Issues Manager 10/29/2024
Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Manager 02/24/2025
Wasco Billing (Web) Manager 02/24/2025
Wasco Mobile Billing (Android) Manager 02/24/2025
Wok Nation Manager 11/29/2024
Dashboard & Sidebar Issue Manager 12/02/2024
KITCHEN ISSUES Manager 11/29/2024
POS ISSUE Manager 11/29/2024
WAITER ISSUES Manager 11/29/2024



01:06 PM Intranet - New Bug #6200 (Resolved): Admin login > add news > change the field name to Attachments and any file should able to upload by the admin.
Dharamveer S
01:06 PM Intranet - New Bug #6194 (Resolved): Admin Login > news management > click page 2 > S.No. should start from 11.
Dharamveer S
01:06 PM Intranet - New Bug #6193 (Resolved): Admin Login > News management > add new news and click on submit > No department is displayed.
Dharamveer S
01:06 PM Intranet - New Bug #6192 (Resolved): Admin Login > News Management > change the colour of the edit button and swap the position of the buttons.
Dharamveer S


10:46 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #2950 (Resolved): Consolidated Report --> MSB--> Other income not in this form ( please replace to 61-89 days )
Dharamveer S


11:56 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2165 (Resolved): New application-->International insurance-->Need to remove captive & Foreign from category (As per client comment over the call)
Dharamveer S


04:33 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2250 (Resolved): Admin--> LICENCE REQUESTS--> PRE LICENCE REQUESTS-->Submission --> Request for resubmission---> When applicant click on request for resubmission system throwing error message.
Dharamveer S


03:27 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2106 (Resolved): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request-->Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 4---> 13 ---> when applicant change admin panel to another lfsc panel and back to admin panel provided value get disappear.
Dharamveer S
03:27 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2101 (Resolved): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request--> Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 1---> 3 and 4--->Provided value on lfsc panel is showing different in the admin panel
Dharamveer S


05:26 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1174 (Resolved): Form-A-->Qus.1 & Qus.5--->YES-->provide comment-->save-->submit-->payment-->view-->Why does "YES" is not ticked after submit.
Dharamveer S

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