





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12164 Bug New Normal Admin --> Wasco form --> New Connection Request --> Edit --> Email or Mobile Fields should be separate because the admin is able to update with an invalid value Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 05:41 PM Actions
12163 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Wasco form --> New Connection Request --> The "status of the Applicant" field should be checkbox or radio button but in the admin panel it is showing an input field needs to correct them Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 05:47 PM Actions
12157 Bug New Normal Home --> Wasco Services --> New connection --> All mandatory fields in every form should have asterisks. Some forms are asterisks mark some are not asterisk Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:42 PM Actions
12153 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Dashboard -- > Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier --> Update -->success messages are arriving wrong need to correct the success message after the update "Change of Occupier/Proprietor" Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:18 PM Actions
12143 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier --> Edit/update --> Need to correct the heading of the form in the edit case Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:22 PM Actions
12142 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier --> Check issue below Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 03:22 PM Actions
12141 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Service Connection --> Edit --> Update --> Put validation message for "Nearest Water Meter Tag OR Serial Number" inside the form Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:51 PM Actions
12139 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Service Connection --> provided value is not showing on the generated pdf file Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 01:43 PM Actions
12132 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form --> View --> put colon on email field and remove extra space from date fields Mohd Irfan 12/26/2024 04:28 PM Actions
12130 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form --> Generate PDF --> Text content is overlapping on the date field Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 12:42 PM Actions
12129 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form -->No need to show both "officer signature" & "officer date" in view of the application Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 01:47 PM Actions
12128 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form -->text content should not be break should be in single-line Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 05:57 PM Actions
12123 Bug Resolved Normal Home --> Wasco services --> New Connection --> Download Change of Address Form --> Put validation for invalid email format Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:53 PM Actions
12122 Bug Resolved Normal Home --> Wasco services --> New Connection --> Telephone and Mobile Number field should be numeric Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:44 PM Actions
12118 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Edit --> update --> After an update from the admin the "NIC/ID/DL#" value disappears Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 11:10 AM Actions
12116 Bug New Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Edit --> Update --> Download pdf --> designing issue after generate the pdf from admin Abhimanyu jha 12/24/2024 04:29 PM Actions
12114 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Need to correct the success message after updating the form, instead of deleting it, you should show updated Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 11:38 AM Actions
12112 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Generated Pdf --> "REVERT TO PROPRIETOR" should be on same page instead of 2 page Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 11:41 AM Actions
12111 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Generate Pdf --> Text content is overlapping Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:39 PM Actions
12106 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Text content is overlapping Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:42 PM Actions
12102 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Wasco Form -->APPLICATION FOR SERVICE CONNECTION --> Edit ---> Date of approval field should be date picker instead of text box Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:39 PM Actions
12101 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Wasco Form -->APPLICATION FOR SERVICE CONNECTION --> Edit --> whats wrong --> Text is currently clickable; admin clicks it, navigating to the top page. This text should not be clickable. Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:38 PM Actions
12100 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Wasco Form -->APPLICATION FOR SERVICE CONNECTION --> Download Pdf --> Text content should not go outside of the box but currently it is happening with max character length Abhimanyu jha 12/23/2024 06:32 PM Actions
12099 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Wasco Form -->APPLICATION FOR SERVICE CONNECTION --> Download --> When the admin clicks the download PDF button, a tab should open in a new window instead of the same tab. Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 02:23 PM Actions
12098 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Wasco Form -->APPLICATION FOR SERVICE CONNECTION --> download Pdf --> date is coming static need to make date dynamic Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 02:23 PM Actions
(1-25/34) Per page: 25, 50

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