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Hours: 39.04

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13059: Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ? corrected the response. 0.25 Actions
02/27/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12945: Profile - check issues below Still profile text not removed with Security & still taking duplicates email 1.00 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12903: Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app. changes are done , but the register link design is not yet finalised 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12876: Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills. changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12879: Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill". changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12880: My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping have added the year with the month for further clarification, and order has been sent by project manager , please confirm with him . 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12877: My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42 remove space 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12896: Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma we have intregrated the remember now feature ,hence a dummy button is removed 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12897: Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12901: Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again" added the backend error message , please check with project manager for appropriate backeng message 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12898: Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below added the error message from backend. 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12905: Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once. as discussed with chirag , the value has been set to exact value , rather than rounding off 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12911: My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12927: Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here added as per suggestion 0.75 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12929: Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below resolved except point no.1, was changed ( please dicuss with project Manager ) 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12921: Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup added the pop up modal and corrected the icon alignment 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13005: Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page. as per the design the tab from dashboard has been changes to button on top in compare page, and the donut chart has been changed to bar chart to analyse in details 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13006: Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year current system date and time has been added 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12874: No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page added the link on logo and hard coded the dashboard page to sidebar 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12960: Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop last account deletion disable feature has been added with a toast on UI 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12945: Profile - check issues below changes have been applied 1.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12958: Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12960: Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop last account deletion disable feature has been added with a toast on UI 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12961: Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app. text changed according to web figma 0.25 Actions
02/26/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12969: Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails please check with project manager, issue from backend team 0.01 Actions
(51-75/76) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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