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Hours: 39.04

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13158: Dashboard - My consumption - Water usage chart - Request failed with status code 500 ..error displaying if there is no data. Please correct it changes are done as suggested 0.75 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13167: Compare page - remove or hide text "Comparing Usage To Last Bill" added the value from filter as discussed 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13162: Login - Need to change label name -- Email / Username ..change this everywhere in validation message & label name also changes are done as suggested and removed email(all) validation as discussed 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13159: Bill & Payments page - Pay amount dropdown - why showing 73.26 amount as there is no due amount associated with this account number. changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13157: Compare page - Comparing Usage To Last Bill ..remove this text i have not removed, but i have added the filter/dropdown value in the text ( so its dynamic) 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13156: Guest email & Confirm Guest email - placeholder text Keep "e" caps of enter guest email. It should be Enter guest email changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13147: unable to login with username...only taking email addres changes are done as suggested 0.75 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Design Bug #13148: Register user from mobile app and after login check Profile page - Username field appears blank. changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13161: If there is no data with any account number then we can show NA text or (-) hyphen text there. Please remove " Proprietor Address changes are done as suggested ( added hyphen for both ) 0.25 Actions
03/05/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13166: Forgot password page - need to provide some space from the top..check registration & login page changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
02/28/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12945: Profile - check issues below changes are done as suggested 0.75 Actions
02/28/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13056: Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma changes are done as suggested 1.25 Actions
02/28/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13076: Dashboard - Current Bill - Please show usage value with text Usage on your current bill 2024-10-09. Check mobile app changes are done as suggested 0.75 Actions
02/28/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13077: Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case added the case , with additionally accept only lower case input in email. 0.75 Actions
02/28/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13078: Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials" changes are done as suggested 0.75 Actions
02/28/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #13054: Register your Account Page - check issues below changes are done as suggested 2.25 Actions
02/27/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12991: Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column What about transaction date? It still same 1.00 Actions
02/27/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12998: Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below Still 2nd point not fixed. ANd in first point Column name - Total Amount Due ( $ PER 1000's GALS )..not displaying in csv file 1.00 Actions
02/27/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12945: Profile - check issues below Still same. Please mark as resolved after changes deployed on server. 1.00 Actions
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12906: Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once changes are required to be done at mobile end , web is correct 0.25 Actions
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12941: Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours." changes are done as suggested 0.75 Actions
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12969: Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails 0.02 Actions
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12945: Profile - check issues below changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12991: Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
02/27/2025 Anshuman Wankhede Development Bug #12998: Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below changes are done as suggested 0.25 Actions
(26-50/76) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV