



From 02/19/2025 to 02/28/2025


04:37 PM Bug #13077 (Closed): Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case
priyanka Sharma
12:06 PM Bug #13077 (Resolved): Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case
Anshuman Wankhede
04:36 PM Bug #12945 (Closed): Profile - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
12:10 PM Bug #12945 (Resolved): Profile - check issues below
Anshuman Wankhede
04:33 PM Bug #13056 (Closed): Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma
priyanka Sharma
12:07 PM Bug #13056 (Resolved): Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma
Anshuman Wankhede
04:28 PM Bug #13054 (Closed): Register your Account Page - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:06 AM Bug #13054 (Resolved): Register your Account Page - check issues below
Anshuman Wankhede
04:26 PM Bug #13078 (Closed): Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials"
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM Bug #13078 (Resolved): Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials"
Anshuman Wankhede
10:17 AM Bug #13078 (Closed): Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials"
priyanka Sharma
12:07 PM Bug #13076 (Resolved): Dashboard - Current Bill - Please show usage value with text Usage on your current bill 2024-10-09. Check mobile app
Anshuman Wankhede


07:54 PM Bug #12991 (Reopened ): Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column
priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM Bug #12991 (Resolved): Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column
Anshuman Wankhede
07:54 PM Bug #13059 (Closed): Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ?
priyanka Sharma
01:16 PM Bug #13059 (Resolved): Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ?
Anshuman Wankhede
11:42 AM Bug #13059 (Closed): Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ?
priyanka Sharma
06:20 PM Bug #12998 (Reopened ): Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM Bug #12998 (Resolved): Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below
Anshuman Wankhede
06:17 PM Bug #12945 (Reopened ): Profile - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
03:41 PM Bug #12945 (Resolved): Profile - check issues below
Anshuman Wankhede
11:51 AM Bug #12945 (Reopened ): Profile - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
06:13 PM Bug #12969 (Closed): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
priyanka Sharma
03:45 PM Bug #12969 (Resolved): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
Anshuman Wankhede
06:12 PM Bug #13077 (Closed): Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case
priyanka Sharma
06:10 PM Bug #12941 (Closed): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
priyanka Sharma
03:45 PM Bug #12941 (Resolved): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
Anshuman Wankhede
05:57 PM Bug #13076 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Bill - Please show usage value with text Usage on your current bill 2024-10-09. Check mobile app
priyanka Sharma
04:03 PM Bug #12906 (Closed): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
priyanka Sharma
03:46 PM Bug #12906 (Resolved): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
Anshuman Wankhede
04:02 PM Bug #12931 (Feedback): Consumption - Water Usage Chart - As per figma pagination and search missing
priyanka Sharma
01:36 PM Bug #13005 (Closed): Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page.
priyanka Sharma
12:08 PM Bug #12960 (Closed): Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop
priyanka Sharma
12:06 PM Bug #12958 (Closed): Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Bug #12921 (Closed): Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup
priyanka Sharma
12:04 PM Bug #12905 (Closed): Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once.
priyanka Sharma
12:03 PM Bug #12929 (Closed): Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below
priyanka Sharma
12:02 PM Bug #12927 (Closed): Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here
priyanka Sharma
12:00 PM Bug #12901 (Closed): Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again"
priyanka Sharma
11:58 AM Bug #12898 (Closed): Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below
priyanka Sharma
11:57 AM Bug #12880 (Closed): My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping
priyanka Sharma
11:56 AM Bug #12897 (Closed): Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM Bug #12896 (Closed): Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM Bug #12879 (Closed): Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill".
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Bug #12903 (Closed): Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app.
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Bug #12877 (Closed): My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42
priyanka Sharma
11:52 AM Bug #12876 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills.
priyanka Sharma
11:52 AM Bug #12874 (Closed): No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page
priyanka Sharma
11:42 AM Bug #12911 (Closed): My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description
priyanka Sharma
11:41 AM Bug #12932 (Closed): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
priyanka Sharma
11:37 AM Bug #12961 (Closed): Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app.
priyanka Sharma
11:27 AM Bug #13006 (Closed): Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM Bug #13056 (Closed): Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma
priyanka Sharma
11:22 AM Bug #13054 (Closed): Register your Account Page - check issues below
1. If do not fill anything and click On Register Button it should show validation...
priyanka Sharma


07:12 PM Bug #12903 (Resolved): Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app.
Anshuman Wankhede
07:10 PM Bug #12876 (Resolved): Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills.
Anshuman Wankhede
06:50 PM Bug #12879 (Resolved): Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill".
Anshuman Wankhede
06:47 PM Bug #12880 (Resolved): My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping
Anshuman Wankhede
06:43 PM Bug #12877 (Resolved): My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42
Anshuman Wankhede
06:41 PM Bug #12896 (Resolved): Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma
Anshuman Wankhede
06:40 PM Bug #12897 (Resolved): Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password
Anshuman Wankhede
06:39 PM Bug #12901 (Resolved): Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again"
Anshuman Wankhede
06:28 PM Bug #12898 (Resolved): Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below
Anshuman Wankhede
06:19 PM Bug #12905 (Resolved): Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once.
Anshuman Wankhede
06:01 PM Bug #12906 (In Progress): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
Anshuman Wankhede
06:00 PM Bug #12911 (Resolved): My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description
Anshuman Wankhede
05:36 PM Bug #12927 (Resolved): Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here
Anshuman Wankhede
04:49 PM Bug #12929 (Resolved): Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below
Anshuman Wankhede
04:41 PM Bug #12921 (Resolved): Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup
Anshuman Wankhede
04:24 PM Bug #13005 (Resolved): Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page.
Anshuman Wankhede
01:29 PM Bug #13005 (Closed): Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page.
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM Bug #13006 (Resolved): Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year
Anshuman Wankhede
01:32 PM Bug #13006 (Closed): Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Bug #12941 (In Progress): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
Anshuman Wankhede
03:29 PM Bug #12874 (Resolved): No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page
please notify project manager for double dashboard links in sidebar Anshuman Wankhede
03:18 PM Bug #12960 (Resolved): Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop
Anshuman Wankhede
02:45 PM Bug #12945 (Resolved): Profile - check issues below
Anshuman Wankhede
12:44 PM Bug #12998 (Reopened ): Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below
1. Columns name should be same in the pdf & c...
priyanka Sharma
12:32 PM Bug #12958 (Resolved): Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage
Anshuman Wankhede
12:28 PM Bug #12961 (Resolved): Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app.
Anshuman Wankhede
12:25 PM Bug #12969 (In Progress): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
Anshuman Wankhede
12:20 PM Bug #12991 (Reopened ): Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column
priyanka Sharma
12:08 PM QUERY #12986 (New): As per figma on Transaction page Transaction date & Amount Due columns are missing in both mobile app & web
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM Bug #12931 (Resolved): Consumption - Water Usage Chart - As per figma pagination and search missing
Anshuman Wankhede
11:17 AM Bug #12932 (Resolved): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
please check the text of web figma,
Anshuman Wankhede


06:16 PM Bug #12969 (Closed): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
priyanka Sharma
05:39 PM Bug #12961 (Closed): Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app.
In web -
In mobile & figma -
priyanka Sharma
05:33 PM Bug #12960 (Closed): Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop
priyanka Sharma
05:22 PM Bug #12958 (Closed): Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage
priyanka Sharma
04:23 PM Bug #12945 (Closed): Profile - check issues below
1. My account management - My Account Profile - whole text should be Blue
2. Sec...
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM Bug #12941 (Closed): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
priyanka Sharma
02:53 PM Bug #12932 (Closed): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
priyanka Sharma
02:51 PM Bug #12931 (Feedback): Consumption - Water Usage Chart - As per figma pagination and search missing
priyanka Sharma
02:41 PM Bug #12929 (Closed): Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below
1. Bill Date Meter Reading Date ---> Billing ...
priyanka Sharma
02:25 PM Bug #12927 (Closed): Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here
priyanka Sharma
12:50 PM Bug #12921 (Closed): Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup
priyanka Sharma
12:10 PM Bug #12911 (Closed): My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM Bug #12906 (Closed): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
priyanka Sharma
11:51 AM Bug #12905 (Closed): Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once.
1. 0.00 should replace to "0" only
2. if value is 0.36 then it should consider 0...
priyanka Sharma
11:34 AM Bug #12903 (Closed): Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app.
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM Bug #12901 (Closed): Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again"
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM Bug #12898 (Closed): Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below
Error message should be -
The security question and answer do not match. Please ...
priyanka Sharma
10:47 AM Bug #12897 (Closed): Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password
priyanka Sharma
10:45 AM Bug #12896 (Closed): Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma
priyanka Sharma


05:55 PM Bug #12880 (Closed): My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping
Check figma design -
priyanka Sharma
05:49 PM Bug #12879 (Closed): Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill".
priyanka Sharma
05:39 PM Bug #12877 (Closed): My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42
priyanka Sharma
05:19 PM Bug #12876 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills.
priyanka Sharma
05:11 PM Bug #12874 (Closed): No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page
priyanka Sharma

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