From 02/19/2025 to 02/28/2025
- 04:37 PM Bug #13077 (Closed): Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case
- 12:06 PM Bug #13077 (Resolved): Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case
- 04:36 PM Bug #12945 (Closed): Profile - check issues below
- 12:10 PM Bug #12945 (Resolved): Profile - check issues below
- 04:33 PM Bug #13056 (Closed): Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma
- 12:07 PM Bug #13056 (Resolved): Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma
- 04:28 PM Bug #13054 (Closed): Register your Account Page - check issues below
- 11:06 AM Bug #13054 (Resolved): Register your Account Page - check issues below
- 04:26 PM Bug #13078 (Closed): Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials"
- 11:54 AM Bug #13078 (Resolved): Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials"
- 10:17 AM Bug #13078 (Closed): Login - If invalid credentials entered then error message displaying is wrong "login failed". Please correct message to "Invalid Credentials"
- !clipboard-202502281016-iriwb.png!
- 12:07 PM Bug #13076 (Resolved): Dashboard - Current Bill - Please show usage value with text Usage on your current bill 2024-10-09. Check mobile app
- 07:54 PM Bug #12991 (Reopened ): Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column
- 01:20 PM Bug #12991 (Resolved): Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column
- 07:54 PM Bug #13059 (Closed): Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ?
- 01:16 PM Bug #13059 (Resolved): Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ?
- 11:42 AM Bug #13059 (Closed): Dashboard - My recent Activity - why showing network error text ?
- !clipboard-202502271141-phnib.png!
- 06:20 PM Bug #12998 (Reopened ): Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below
- !clipboard-202502271820-oaerm.png!
- 01:20 PM Bug #12998 (Resolved): Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below
- 06:17 PM Bug #12945 (Reopened ): Profile - check issues below
- 03:41 PM Bug #12945 (Resolved): Profile - check issues below
- 11:51 AM Bug #12945 (Reopened ): Profile - check issues below
- !clipboard-202502271150-dceru.png!
- 06:13 PM Bug #12969 (Closed): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
- 03:45 PM Bug #12969 (Resolved): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
- 06:12 PM Bug #13077 (Closed): Guest Access - Guest email & Confirm Guest email - not matter email in caps or small letter but it is displaying error of not matching..please consider this case
- !clipboard-202502271811-ox4ks.png!
- 06:10 PM Bug #12941 (Closed): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
- 03:45 PM Bug #12941 (Resolved): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
- 05:57 PM Bug #13076 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Bill - Please show usage value with text Usage on your current bill 2024-10-09. Check mobile app
- !clipboard-202502271756-ggmdk.png!
- 04:03 PM Bug #12906 (Closed): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
- 03:46 PM Bug #12906 (Resolved): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
- 04:02 PM Bug #12931 (Feedback): Consumption - Water Usage Chart - As per figma pagination and search missing
- 01:36 PM Bug #13005 (Closed): Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page.
- 12:08 PM Bug #12960 (Closed): Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop
- 12:06 PM Bug #12958 (Closed): Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage
- 12:05 PM Bug #12921 (Closed): Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup
- 12:04 PM Bug #12905 (Closed): Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once.
- 12:03 PM Bug #12929 (Closed): Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below
- 12:02 PM Bug #12927 (Closed): Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here
- 12:00 PM Bug #12901 (Closed): Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again"
- 11:58 AM Bug #12898 (Closed): Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below
- 11:57 AM Bug #12880 (Closed): My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping
- 11:56 AM Bug #12897 (Closed): Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password
- 11:54 AM Bug #12896 (Closed): Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma
- 11:54 AM Bug #12879 (Closed): Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill".
- 11:53 AM Bug #12903 (Closed): Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app.
- 11:53 AM Bug #12877 (Closed): My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42
- 11:52 AM Bug #12876 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills.
- 11:52 AM Bug #12874 (Closed): No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page
- 11:42 AM Bug #12911 (Closed): My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description
- 11:41 AM Bug #12932 (Closed): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
- 11:37 AM Bug #12961 (Closed): Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app.
- 11:27 AM Bug #13006 (Closed): Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year
- 11:23 AM Bug #13056 (Closed): Register you account - field name should be Username & Email Address. Please remove placeholder name Meter. Check figma
- !clipboard-202502271123-dh0as.png!
- 11:22 AM Bug #13054 (Closed): Register your Account Page - check issues below
- !clipboard-202502271120-3jt9l.png!
1. If do not fill anything and click On Register Button it should show validation...
- 07:12 PM Bug #12903 (Resolved): Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app.
- 07:10 PM Bug #12876 (Resolved): Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills.
- 06:50 PM Bug #12879 (Resolved): Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill".
- 06:47 PM Bug #12880 (Resolved): My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping
- 06:43 PM Bug #12877 (Resolved): My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42
- 06:41 PM Bug #12896 (Resolved): Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma
- 06:40 PM Bug #12897 (Resolved): Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password
- 06:39 PM Bug #12901 (Resolved): Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again"
- 06:28 PM Bug #12898 (Resolved): Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below
- 06:19 PM Bug #12905 (Resolved): Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once.
- 06:01 PM Bug #12906 (In Progress): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
- 06:00 PM Bug #12911 (Resolved): My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description
- 05:36 PM Bug #12927 (Resolved): Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here
- 04:49 PM Bug #12929 (Resolved): Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below
- 04:41 PM Bug #12921 (Resolved): Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup
- 04:24 PM Bug #13005 (Resolved): Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page.
- 01:29 PM Bug #13005 (Closed): Compare page - Your Previous Bill & Last Year same Period Buttons missing as displaying in dashboard page.
- !clipboard-202502261328-lx4vh.png!
- 04:20 PM Bug #13006 (Resolved): Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year
- 01:32 PM Bug #13006 (Closed): Transaction page - NOTE: Information is current as of May 08, 2023 - 7:00 am ... Please correct it to today's date & current year
- !clipboard-202502261331-r2ux0.png!
- 03:53 PM Bug #12941 (In Progress): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
- 03:29 PM Bug #12874 (Resolved): No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page
- please notify project manager for double dashboard links in sidebar
- 03:18 PM Bug #12960 (Resolved): Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop
- 02:45 PM Bug #12945 (Resolved): Profile - check issues below
- 12:44 PM Bug #12998 (Reopened ): Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below
- !clipboard-202502261235-5lcpr.png!
1. Columns name should be same in the pdf & c... - 12:32 PM Bug #12958 (Resolved): Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage
- 12:28 PM Bug #12961 (Resolved): Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app.
- 12:25 PM Bug #12969 (In Progress): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
- 12:20 PM Bug #12991 (Reopened ): Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column
- !clipboard-202502261218-jqjne.png!
- 12:08 PM QUERY #12986 (New): As per figma on Transaction page Transaction date & Amount Due columns are missing in both mobile app & web
- !clipboard-202502261207-ijkzz.png!
- 11:19 AM Bug #12931 (Resolved): Consumption - Water Usage Chart - As per figma pagination and search missing
- 11:17 AM Bug #12932 (Resolved): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
- please check the text of web figma,
- 06:16 PM Bug #12969 (Closed): Guest user account created but unable to login in the web app. Trying with valid crdentails
- !clipboard-202502251815-ugr0n.png!
- 05:39 PM Bug #12961 (Closed): Guess Access - Guest Access Management - text different in web & mobile. Please correct as per figma & mobile app.
- In web -
In mobile & figma -
- 05:33 PM Bug #12960 (Closed): Getting Invalid request error while deleting account and loader does not stop
- !clipboard-202502251733-dwtpd.png!
- 05:22 PM Bug #12958 (Closed): Comparing Usage To Last Bill - If comparing by amount then text should be "Amount on your current bill" instead of Usage on your current bill. And Keep "U" capital of Usage
- !clipboard-202502251721-tqqxw.png!
- 04:23 PM Bug #12945 (Closed): Profile - check issues below
- !clipboard-202502251617-6e7vj.png!
1. My account management - My Account Profile - whole text should be Blue
2. Sec... - 03:58 PM Bug #12941 (Closed): Getting so much errors if session expired . It logged me out while i am using application. It should not expire if i am already working on it. Please increase the session timeout to at least 2 hours."
- !clipboard-202502251558-uunda.png!
- 02:53 PM Bug #12932 (Closed): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
- !clipboard-202502251452-bilaz.png!
- 02:51 PM Bug #12931 (Feedback): Consumption - Water Usage Chart - As per figma pagination and search missing
- !clipboard-202502251450-ktqwz.png!
- 02:41 PM Bug #12929 (Closed): Consumption - Water Usage Table > need to change column names as per figma. check ss below
- !clipboard-202502251438-nnd5p.png!
1. Bill Date Meter Reading Date ---> Billing ... - 02:25 PM Bug #12927 (Closed): Consumption page - Water Usage Chart - remove K ..value already in 1000 gallons . Discussed with Shruti need to show k here
- !clipboard-202502251424-kyek0.png!
- 12:50 PM Bug #12921 (Closed): Consumption - Subscribe Button is not working and should have proper space between the icon & text subscribe. Check figma and on click it should open popup
- !clipboard-202502251249-uf57m.png!
- 12:10 PM Bug #12911 (Closed): My Recent Account Activity - Column name should be "Payment Mode" instead of Description
- !clipboard-202502251210-nloqt.png!
- 11:54 AM Bug #12906 (Closed): Water usage chart > Why mismatch in count in mobile & web ? Discuss with chirag once
- !clipboard-202502251151-3vuyg.png!
- 11:51 AM Bug #12905 (Closed): Dashboard > My Consumption > Water usage chart > check issues below. Discuss with sir once.
- !clipboard-202502251144-7aegq.png!
1. 0.00 should replace to "0" only
2. if value is 0.36 then it should consider 0... - 11:34 AM Bug #12903 (Closed): Register Now link is missing on web portal as per figma and mobile app.
- !clipboard-202502251129-ijzdc.png!
- 11:23 AM Bug #12901 (Closed): Reset Password - If verification code is invalid then error message displaying is Request failed with status code 500...Please correct message to "Invalid verification code. Please check and try again"
- !clipboard-202502251121-nj27c.png!
- 11:03 AM Bug #12898 (Closed): Forgot password - If security question and answer does not match or email address is invalid then error message displaying is Something went wrong. please correct as per below
- !clipboard-202502251125-phdiv.png!
Error message should be -
The security question and answer do not match. Please ... - 10:47 AM Bug #12897 (Closed): Login page - Forgot password - Question mark "?" missing after Forgot Password
- !clipboard-202502251046-yulqx.png!
- 10:45 AM Bug #12896 (Closed): Login - Remember me checkbox missing at per figma
- !clipboard-202502251045-8psqc.png!
- 05:55 PM Bug #12880 (Closed): My Consumption - Water usage chart - month name order issue should be first jan, feb , march etc... instead of Dec , nov, oct from left side. FOllow figma for more details and count overlapping
- !clipboard-202502241752-zrofb.png!
Check figma design -
- 05:49 PM Bug #12879 (Closed): Dashboard - Title My Recent usage should replace to "Current Bill".
- !clipboard-202502241748-azrct.png!
- 05:39 PM Bug #12877 (Closed): My Recent Usages - remove space between currency and amount $ 24.42.. It should be $24.42
- !clipboard-202502241738-4m5ud.png!
- 05:19 PM Bug #12876 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Balance section - View My Current Bills Button -- Replace text "Bills" to Bill. As we are viewing one bill only not bills.
- !clipboard-202502241716-j0nby.png!
- 05:11 PM Bug #12874 (Closed): No option to go back to dashboard page . Dashboard link is missing in the side menu and on click of Logo it should also navigates to Dashboard page
- !clipboard-202502241710-qwxfu.png!
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