





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12168 Bug Resolved High Admin --> Wasco form --> New Connection Request --> Edit --> Non-return valve not installed -->if admin selects and updates with "Non-return valve not installed" after saving the selected value get disappears Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 06:41 PM Actions
12166 Bug New High Admin --> Wasco Form --> New connection Request --> Edit --> if admin selects yes then one more field should be there the field name "If Yes, Name of Developer", but in the edit case admin panel there is no input field Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 06:12 PM Actions
12164 Bug New Normal Admin --> Wasco form --> New Connection Request --> Edit --> Email or Mobile Fields should be separate because the admin is able to update with an invalid value Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 05:41 PM Actions
12163 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Wasco form --> New Connection Request --> The "status of the Applicant" field should be checkbox or radio button but in the admin panel it is showing an input field needs to correct them Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 05:47 PM Actions
12153 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Dashboard -- > Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier --> Update -->success messages are arriving wrong need to correct the success message after the update "Change of Occupier/Proprietor" Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:18 PM Actions
12150 Bug New High Admin --> Dashboard -- > Wasco Form --> For All Wasco Form -->Correct the success message for the delete case, once the admin clicks the delete button it does not show the deleted if the admin try 2nd time then the success messages came Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 03:51 PM Actions
12147 Bug New High Admin --> Dashboard -- > Wasco Form --> For All Wasco Form --> After updating the official Use Only from the admin side then it should show with all data in the view case Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 03:46 PM Actions
12144 Bug Resolved High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier -->Edit --> Proprietor Details -->Need to add an Existing Bill Code field Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:17 PM Actions
12143 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier --> Edit/update --> Need to correct the heading of the form in the edit case Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:22 PM Actions
12142 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Change Of Occupier --> Check issue below Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 03:22 PM Actions
12141 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Service Connection --> Edit --> Update --> Put validation message for "Nearest Water Meter Tag OR Serial Number" inside the form Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:51 PM Actions
12139 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Service Connection --> provided value is not showing on the generated pdf file Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 01:43 PM Actions
12138 Bug Resolved High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form -->Application For Service Connection --> Admin is not able to update the "After Construction Or Existing Building Will Be Used For" Hotel Radio button Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:23 PM Actions
12134 Bug Resolved High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form --> Edit -->Update --> Check issue below Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:59 PM Actions
12130 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form --> Generate PDF --> Text content is overlapping on the date field Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 12:42 PM Actions
12129 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form -->No need to show both "officer signature" & "officer date" in view of the application Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 01:47 PM Actions
12128 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form -->text content should not be break should be in single-line Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 05:57 PM Actions
12127 Bug Resolved High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Wasco Form --> Customer Masterfile change form --> View --> Check issue below Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:55 PM Actions
12118 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Edit --> update --> After an update from the admin the "NIC/ID/DL#" value disappears Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 11:10 AM Actions
12117 Bug Resolved High admin --> Wasco Form -->CUSTOMER MASTERFILE CHANGE FORM --> I am not able to update the "CUSTOMER MASTERFILE CHANGE FORM and not getting any validation against field Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 10:50 AM Actions
12116 Bug New Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Edit --> Update --> Download pdf --> designing issue after generate the pdf from admin Abhimanyu jha 12/24/2024 04:29 PM Actions
12114 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Need to correct the success message after updating the form, instead of deleting it, you should show updated Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 11:38 AM Actions
12112 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Generated Pdf --> "REVERT TO PROPRIETOR" should be on same page instead of 2 page Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 11:41 AM Actions
12111 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Generate Pdf --> Text content is overlapping Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:39 PM Actions
12106 Bug Resolved Normal admin --> Wasco Form --> Application for change of occupier --> Text content is overlapping Abhimanyu jha 12/26/2024 04:42 PM Actions
(1-25/34) Per page: 25, 50

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