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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12513 Bug Resolved Normal Manage Members - Selected board filter resets after choosing a board Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 11:56 AM Actions
12508 Bug Resolved Normal Add election > No of post field > Change validation error message > Please select a value that is no less than 1 to "Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1." Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 12:08 PM Actions
12507 Bug Resolved High Edit any election > select position which is not selected already & don't enter no of post count & submit ...will throw error Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 12:14 PM Actions
12506 Bug Resolved Normal Edit Election - delete position option not available Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 12:19 PM Actions
12505 Bug Resolved Normal After updating election details change message election added successfully to " Election updated successfully" Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 12:20 PM Actions
12504 Bug Resolved High Manage Elections list > Today is 29 jan & election goin to starts on 6feb & result date is 27feb...and nominees add & end date is today but i am unable to add nominees. why> Please show Add Button instead of View Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 04:16 PM Actions
12484 Bug Resolved Normal Check how manifesto file uploaded text hide or overlap on View Button Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 03:09 PM Actions
12483 Bug Resolved Normal Add Election - Make validation for all fields & display error messages as per below instructions. Implement same on edit election Mohit Rana 01/28/2025 04:49 PM Actions
12481 Bug Resolved Normal I have edited election date & timing & it announces result without casting any votes. please make validation same as during add election Mohit Rana 01/28/2025 04:53 PM Actions
12462 Bug Resolved Normal Force no field is mandatory but no error message appeared if not entered & due to this unable to save member. Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 03:17 PM Actions
12458 Bug Resolved High Manage statistics > Add new > Add Long text and save > website crashes. Mohit Rana 01/23/2025 10:43 PM Actions
12457 Bug Resolved Normal Add/Schedule Election > Election start date field - change text bold to normal. Election start & due time - can we select time from the clock or dropdown..currently i have to manually add the time Mohit Rana 01/24/2025 01:53 PM Actions
12454 Bug Resolved Normal Dropdown Icons Alignment Issue on Add & Update Member Form Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 03:39 PM Actions
12451 Bug Resolved Normal Add member > Posted On date - date not aligned in the center Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 12:35 PM Actions
12450 Bug Resolved Normal Election result date cannot be before the election start date. Please make validation when adding result user should able to select only date after the start date Mohit Rana 01/27/2025 10:35 AM Actions
12446 Bug Resolved Normal Missing Reset Button in Filtered Modules (Manage Elections type, Department, Rank, Boards, etc.) Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 12:53 PM Actions
12445 Bug Resolved Normal Election Type Status Not Displayed in PDF & CSV download . Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 01:07 PM Actions
12444 Bug Resolved Normal Display Election Name While Adding Nominee (e.g., Add Nominee For Lok Sabha Elections) for Clarity Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 01:07 PM Actions
12443 Bug Resolved Normal Manifesto File Name with Long Characters Not Displaying Correctly Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 03:08 PM Actions
12442 Bug Resolved Normal Add Election - change text of Election start date field to "Election Date" Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 01:12 PM Actions
12439 Bug Resolved Normal Dashboard > Latest Added Election: Deleted elections are also appearing here. Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 01:24 PM Actions
12437 Bug Resolved High Election should not be deleted once its result is declared Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 02:46 PM Actions
12434 Bug Resolved Normal Manage Wanted Persons > Search inactive users from filter > navigates to manage missing person page. Also change the text to No Records Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 02:47 PM Actions
12431 Bug Resolved Normal Once the election start time has begun, the admin should not be able to add more nominees. Mohit Rana 01/31/2025 03:49 PM Actions
12430 Bug Resolved Normal After typing name if i select the user than typed text should remove from the field. Here pri i have typed and priyanka user is selected but pri text still appeared on the field Mohit Rana 01/22/2025 06:07 PM Actions
(1-25/79) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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