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Hours: 17.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
06/10/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6745: Reset password email - text is very small. unable to read Discussed with Dharamveer sir & it is okay 1.00 Actions
06/10/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6753: Enter comment placeholder text >"enter comment here" after entering text placeholder text should not shown 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6742: My post > video link not showing Post not created now on adding video link or image.....nor showing any error message 2.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6745: Reset password email - text is very small. unable to read still same 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6746: Password reset request email > here is written click on link below but its not clickable we have to copy paste the link. Crash on click on link 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6749: Applicant login page > validation message wrong if not enter anything in username & password field. It should be "Email id & Password required" And if any one field not filled then "Email required" or "Password required" No validation message appeared now. If you don't want to show any message then disable the login button until fill email & password 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6751: No post yet - do this text in center not fixed yet 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6751: No post yet - do this text in center not aligned in centrally properly 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6752: After updating post why it asking choose post image comment updated successfully should not come . It should be Post updated successfully 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6752: After updating post why it asking choose post image comment updated successfully should not come . It should be Post updated successfully 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6736: After deleting post message is wrong comment deleted. It should be Post deleted still same . please check again 1.00 Actions
06/09/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6737: Post already liked ...spelling wrong "alreday" still wrong. It should be "already" 1.00 Actions
06/08/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6701: My All post > No option viewing to inactive or delete the post . Please provide facilty Still inactivate post option missing . Only delete is showing 1.00 Actions
06/08/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6690: View Blog detail popup > Title field > half text is missing & in description <p> <ol> tag showing Now scroll is not added 1.00 Actions
06/08/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6650: Online voting page > Countdown time > minutes spelling wrong still spelling same & why showing NAN 1.00 Actions
06/07/2023 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #6668: Forgot Password email : text is very small ..unable to read Still same . Please check screenshot and change the email subject name Forgot password to "Reset Password" 1.00 Actions

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