



From 05/23/2024 to 06/01/2024


08:18 PM Bug #9871 (Closed): Android --> Login with supervisor --> check in --> Request screen --> In the Worker Request screen, if the worker requests to go inside then showing the static name David and message does not show the proper
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
08:15 PM Bug #9860 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Messages --> Chat list Chat Time is showing incorrect
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
08:14 PM Bug #9819 (Reopened ): Android --> Login with worker --> check in --> Home --> Break --> If a worker takes 4-5 break time then time is not showing correctly and also fluctuates different time
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
08:12 PM Bug #9912 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Message --> Open chat --> Check 2 Issues below
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
08:11 PM Bug #9926 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Break --> check 2 issue below
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
08:09 PM Bug #9942 (Closed): Android -->Home --> Check in --> Home --> Need to change end time 7 to shift end in 9 hours
Issue Description:
Need to change end time 7 to shift end in 9 hours
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
07:28 PM Bug #9928 (Feedback): Android --> Login --> Dashboard --> Home --> "Hours worked Today's" time is not arriving on the worker's home screen Need to make a dynamic
FIXED! Mohd Irfan
06:23 PM Bug #9939 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home --> After completing time 9:30 hours then worker should be check-out ( Auto-check-out)
Issue description:
After completing time 9:30 hours then worker should be check-out ( Auto-check-out)
Mohd Irfan
10:37 AM Bug #9924 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Home screen --> goes out of the site --> App is getting crashes when worker/supervisor is out of the site/boundary
Fixed! Mohd Irfan


06:31 PM Bug #9926 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Break --> check 2 issue below
Nasim Ansari
06:30 PM Bug #9924 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Home screen --> goes out of the site --> App is getting crashes when worker/supervisor is out of the site/boundary
Nasim Ansari
06:29 PM Bug #9819 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> check in --> Home --> Break --> If a worker takes 4-5 break time then time is not showing correctly and also fluctuates different time
Nasim Ansari
06:23 PM Bug #9928 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Dashboard --> Home --> "Hours worked Today's" time is not arriving on the worker's home screen Need to make a dynamic
Nasim Ansari
05:57 PM Bug #9912 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Message --> Open chat --> Check 2 Issues below
Nasim Ansari
05:52 PM Bug #9871 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> check in --> Request screen --> In the Worker Request screen, if the worker requests to go inside then showing the static name David and message does not show the proper
Nasim Ansari
05:51 PM Bug #9860 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Messages --> Chat list Chat Time is showing incorrect
Nasim Ansari


04:08 PM Bug #9928 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Dashboard --> Home --> "Hours worked Today's" time is not arriving on the worker's home screen Need to make a dynamic
Issue Description:
"Hours worked Today's" time is not arriving on the worker's home screen Need to make a dynamic ...
Mohd Irfan
01:11 PM Bug #9926 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Break --> check 2 issue below
Issue Description:
1. Break Time should be shown on the GPS attendance Screen
2. Break toggle button is not work...
Mohd Irfan
12:23 PM Bug #9924 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Home screen --> goes out of the site --> App is getting crashes when worker/supervisor is out of the site/boundary
Issue Description:
App is getting crashes when worker/supervisor is out of the site/boundry
See attached screen...
Mohd Irfan
10:58 AM Bug #9918 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Home Screen --> Message --> For today message show Today with time, if the message was yesterday then show Yesterday with the time, if the message is before yesterday then show the date with the time
Issue Description:
For today message show Today with time, if the message was yesterday then show Yesterday with t...
Mohd Irfan


04:46 PM Bug #9514 (Closed): Home Screen --> Login with Supervisor --> Profile --> Setting --> Language prefenrece--> After changing the Language to Swedish then supervisor & worker text should be changed to Swedish but it is not happening, if I click on the worker tab then the super
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
02:45 PM Bug #9514 (Resolved): Home Screen --> Login with Supervisor --> Profile --> Setting --> Language prefenrece--> After changing the Language to Swedish then supervisor & worker text should be changed to Swedish but it is not happening, if I click on the worker tab then the super
Nasim Ansari
04:40 PM Bug #9572 (Closed): Login with worker --> Task List --> View --> start date and due date both are showing in the task list
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
02:59 PM Bug #9572 (Resolved): Login with worker --> Task List --> View --> start date and due date both are showing in the task list
Nasim Ansari
04:37 PM Bug #9591 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Check in --> Task --> The date format should be changed As per the Figma
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
02:59 PM Bug #9591 (Resolved): Login with Supervisor --> Check in --> Task --> The date format should be changed As per the Figma
Nasim Ansari
02:54 PM Bug #9591: Login with Supervisor --> Check in --> Task --> The date format should be changed As per the Figma
Mohd Irfan wrote:
> Issue Description:
> The date format should be changed As per the Figma (the same Format sh...
Nasim Ansari
04:33 PM Bug #9837: Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> Request to go outside --> the supervisor only clicked the View Details button without approval why "close Request" button showing on worker's screen
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
04:29 PM Bug #9837 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> Request to go outside --> the supervisor only clicked the View Details button without approval why "close Request" button showing on worker's screen
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:35 PM Bug #9837 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> Request to go outside --> the supervisor only clicked the View Details button without approval why "close Request" button showing on worker's screen
Nasim Ansari
04:29 PM Bug #9846 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Go out side Request --> If Supervisor reject go-out side Request then why "close Request" button is arriving instead of send Request.
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
02:53 PM Bug #9846 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Go out side Request --> If Supervisor reject go-out side Request then why "close Request" button is arriving instead of send Request.
Nasim Ansari
03:00 PM Bug #9570 (Resolved): Login with Supervisor --> Home screen --> worker Request --> After all request accept / Reject --> why unknow error toaster is arrive on worker request screen
Nasim Ansari
02:25 PM Bug #9912 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Message --> Open chat --> Check 2 Issues below
Issue Description:
1. Need to increase the font size inside the message input field
2. Send key should be inacti...
Mohd Irfan


05:29 PM Bug #9871 (Closed): Android --> Login with supervisor --> check in --> Request screen --> In the Worker Request screen, if the worker requests to go inside then showing the static name David and message does not show the proper
Issue Description:
In the Worker Request screen, if the worker requests to go inside then showing the static name...
Mohd Irfan
04:21 PM Bug #9869 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home --> profile --> Setting ---> Google / Facebook --> if Facebook & google account is already connected then the button should change to connected and after connected then worker/supervisor should have the option to di
Issue Description:
if Facebook & google account is already connected then the button should change to connected an...
Mohd Irfan
02:24 PM Bug #9864 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Check in -->Home --> Time --> working hours History --> If Hours History page has no record then "Total working hours and Total hours worked should be zero instead of static data
Issue Description:
If Hours History page has no record then "Total working hours and Total hours worked should be ...
Mohd Irfan
02:14 PM Bug #9863 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> home screen --> Message --> If worker's click on the message button multiple times then the loader is continuously running
Issue Description:
If worker's click on the message button multiple times then the loader is continuously running ...
Mohd Irfan
02:06 PM Bug #9862 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home --> Report --> Task --> General Record --> The filter button is not working properly, and after selecting filter if there is no record found then why filter option is getting disappear
Issue Description:
The filter button is not working properly, and after selecting filter if there is no record fou...
Mohd Irfan
01:55 PM Bug #9861 (Closed): Android --> Login without workforce ---> Without workforce assigned, if a worker login then gets an unknown error message instead of "workforce not assigned message"
Issue Description:
Without workforce assigned, if a worker login then gets an unknown error message instead of "wo...
Mohd Irfan
01:52 PM Bug #9815 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker/supervisor --> Home --> checkout/check in --> App is getting crashes when the worker/supervisor is not inside the site and clicks on the check-in and check-out button.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:42 PM Bug #9808 (Reopened ): Android --> Login --> Home --> Time --> Back button is not working properly on some screens like inside "working hours History" & "Timesheet"
Mohd Irfan
01:41 PM Bug #9808: Android --> Login --> Home --> Time --> Back button is not working properly on some screens like inside "working hours History" & "Timesheet"
Not fixed!
Please check with the screen Record!
Mohd Irfan
01:32 PM Bug #9799 (Closed): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Home screen --> worker Request --> The app is getting crashes when I scroll the worker Request screen
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:31 PM Bug #9809 (Reopened ): Android --> Login supervisor/worker without workforce --> Home screen --> Minimize --> assign workforce --> again open minimize app --> Check issue below
Not fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:29 PM Bug #9824 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker/supervisor --> check in --> After check-in worker does not go to the home screen and if clicks on back button then application gets closes
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:29 PM Bug #9822: Need to contact developer-->
Not fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:29 PM Bug #9822 (Reopened ): Need to contact developer-->
Not fixed!
Mohd Irfan
01:23 PM Bug #9779 (Reopened ): Android --> Login with worker --> If workforce is not assigned to worker --> if the workforce is not assigned to any worker and the worker login with the app then how will the worker login to the app there is no option for out
Not fixed! please discuss with this point with the developer and Manoj sir Mohd Irfan
01:17 PM Bug #9608 (Closed): Home --> Login with worker --> App getting crashes when I have login in without workforce assigned Worker
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:12 PM Bug #9836 (Reopened ): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> break request --> Why this "Check in" screen is showing when workers click on break-in and break-out
Not fixed please update the request on the same screen, please check with the IOS application Mohd Irfan
01:03 PM Bug #9844 (Closed): Android -> Login with supervisor --> Home screen --> Worker Request --> Need to remove this filter option on worker Request screen
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:59 PM Bug #9853 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> check in -->Home --> create general Report --> Check 2 issues below
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:56 PM Bug #9510 (Closed): Welcome Screen --> Show password icon --> The show password icon is not working properly, if click on the show icon password 2-3 times then it is working, need to fix this issue
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:54 PM Bug #9794 (Closed): Android --> Login with Supervisor --> check in --> Home screen --> Worker Request --> The supervisor is not able to accept the "go outside" Request
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:52 PM Bug #9794: Android --> Login with Supervisor --> check in --> Home screen --> Worker Request --> The supervisor is not able to accept the "go outside" Request
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:53 PM Bug #9782 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Task List --> Pending --> why close the task and start the task is showing one screen there should be an option for creating task report
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:53 PM Bug #9782: Android --> Login --> Task List --> Pending --> why close the task and start the task is showing one screen there should be an option for creating task report
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:51 PM Bug #9793 (Closed): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Home --> Workers Request -->
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:39 PM Bug #9796 (Closed): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Home --> Time sheet --> App is getting crashes when the supervisor filters data with check-in and again check with checkout
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:35 PM Bug #9800 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Home --> Reports --> filter button getting disappears when I switch the tab between submitted and draft
Mohd Irfan
12:26 PM Bug #9812 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Home --> Notification icon --> Back button is not working, need to fix the issue
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:26 PM Bug #9816 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Home --> Task List --> inprogress task --> Create Task --> App is getting crashes when the worker uploads an image through the camera
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:11 PM Bug #9823 (Closed): Login with worker --> After check-in, check-out option should be visible instead of check-in
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:05 PM Bug #9837 (Reopened ): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> Request to go outside --> the supervisor only clicked the View Details button without approval why "close Request" button showing on worker's screen
Talk with the backend developer, On My end this issue is not fixed that's why I am reopen Mohd Irfan
12:02 PM Bug #9838 (Closed): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home Screen --> Notification icon --> Designing issue on the notification screen
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:01 PM Bug #9839 (Reopened ): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home screen --> Time sheet -->Go-outside time is not showing on the timesheet screen while I have received notifications for go-out and inside
Mohd Irfan
11:57 AM Bug #9849 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Unable to find location --> App is getting crashes when I am login with this id
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
11:49 AM Bug #9846 (Reopened ): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Go out side Request --> If Supervisor reject go-out side Request then why "close Request" button is arriving instead of send Request.
Not fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:45 AM Bug #9848 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Home --> check in --> Check 2 issues below
Fxied! Mohd Irfan
11:42 AM Bug #9851 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Task List --> view --> create task report --> submit
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
11:40 AM Bug #9852 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> check in --> Home --> Request to go out side --> Approve --> Request close --> No need to Reason when a worker "close Request"
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
11:29 AM Bug #9856 (Reopened ): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> home --> Message --> Open Chat --> Back 2 times --> Chat is overlapping on the Home screen
Not fixed! See the attached screen Record! Mohd Irfan
11:26 AM Bug #9860 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Messages --> Chat list Chat Time is showing incorrect
Issue Description:
Chat list Chat Time is showing incorrect
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
11:21 AM Bug #9857 (Closed): Android -->Login --> Check in --> Home Screen --> Click on Notification --> Break Request --> Notification count --> Check 2 issues below
Mohd Irfan


06:08 PM Bug #9837 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> Request to go outside --> the supervisor only clicked the View Details button without approval why "close Request" button showing on worker's screen
Nasim Ansari
06:07 PM Bug #9846 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Go out side Request --> If Supervisor reject go-out side Request then why "close Request" button is arriving instead of send Request.
Nasim Ansari
06:05 PM Bug #9848 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Home --> check in --> Check 2 issues below
Nasim Ansari
06:04 PM Bug #9851 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Task List --> view --> create task report --> submit
Nasim Ansari
06:04 PM Bug #9853 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> check in -->Home --> create general Report --> Check 2 issues below
Nasim Ansari
03:03 PM Bug #9857 (Resolved): Android -->Login --> Check in --> Home Screen --> Click on Notification --> Break Request --> Notification count --> Check 2 issues below
Nasim Ansari
12:04 PM Bug #9857 (Closed): Android -->Login --> Check in --> Home Screen --> Click on Notification --> Break Request --> Notification count --> Check 2 issues below
Issue Description:
1. Notification count is not showing on GPS attendance screen while Notification count is showi...
Mohd Irfan
02:44 PM Bug #9779 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> If workforce is not assigned to worker --> if the workforce is not assigned to any worker and the worker login with the app then how will the worker login to the app there is no option for out
Nasim Ansari
01:30 PM Bug #9822 (Resolved): Need to contact developer-->
Nasim Ansari
01:30 PM Bug #9823 (Resolved): Login with worker --> After check-in, check-out option should be visible instead of check-in
Nasim Ansari
01:29 PM Bug #9824 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker/supervisor --> check in --> After check-in worker does not go to the home screen and if clicks on back button then application gets closes
Nasim Ansari
01:28 PM Bug #9836 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home screen --> break request --> Why this "Check in" screen is showing when workers click on break-in and break-out
Nasim Ansari
01:25 PM Bug #9838 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> check in --> Home Screen --> Notification icon --> Designing issue on the notification screen
Nasim Ansari
01:25 PM Bug #9839 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home screen --> Time sheet -->Go-outside time is not showing on the timesheet screen while I have received notifications for go-out and inside
Nasim Ansari
01:24 PM Bug #9844 (Resolved): Android -> Login with supervisor --> Home screen --> Worker Request --> Need to remove this filter option on worker Request screen
Nasim Ansari
01:06 PM Bug #9849 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Unable to find location --> App is getting crashes when I am login with this id
Nasim Ansari
01:05 PM Bug #9852 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> check in --> Home --> Request to go out side --> Approve --> Request close --> No need to Reason when a worker "close Request"
Nasim Ansari
12:51 PM Bug #9856 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> home --> Message --> Open Chat --> Back 2 times --> Chat is overlapping on the Home screen
Nasim Ansari
11:51 AM Bug #9856 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> home --> Message --> Open Chat --> Back 2 times --> Chat is overlapping on the Home screen
Issue Description:
Chat is overlapping on the Home screen
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


01:32 PM Bug #9853 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> check in -->Home --> create general Report --> Check 2 issues below
Issue Description:
1. Submitted General Report is not showing on Reports section ( you can check screenshot for ...
Mohd Irfan
01:11 PM Bug #9852 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> check in --> Home --> Request to go out side --> Approve --> Request close --> No need to Reason when a worker "close Request"
Issue Description:
No need to Reason when a worker "close Request"
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:42 PM Bug #9851 (Closed): Android --> Login with worker --> Check in --> Home --> Task List --> view --> create task report --> submit
Issue Description:
All submitted Reports are displaying on the Draft, While I Have submitted the report so all rep...
Mohd Irfan
12:12 PM Bug #9849 (Closed): Android --> Login --> Unable to find location --> App is getting crashes when I am login with this id
Issue Description:
App is getting crashes when I log login with this id
See atta...
Mohd Irfan

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