



From 03/30/2024 to 04/08/2024


10:29 AM Bug #9575 (Feedback): Login with supervisor --> Home --> Worker Request --> As per the Figma, Need to add a filter option Worker Request screen
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9525 (Resolved): Home Screen --> Login with Worker/supervisor --> Profile -->Setting --> Language Preference --> Swedish --> Check issue below
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9524 (Resolved): Login --> Home Screen --> My Profile --> My Workforce --> if login with the worker ID then the "Supervisor" name should be shown instead of the Total workers in the workforce
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9527 (Resolved): Home Screen --> Login with Supervisor --> Profile --> Setting --> After changing the Language to Swedish then supervisor & worker text should be changed to Swedish but it is not happening
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9526 (Resolved): Login --> Home Screen --> My profile --> Setting --> Chang password --> correct the validation message against the Old password field ( Old password is required instead of New password is Required)
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9528 (Resolved): Login --> My Profile --> Setting --> Select Language preference. --> after changing the language preference it should be updated also the Language preferences dropdown list
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9495 (Resolved): Welcome Screen --> Request for credentials --> Phone Number --> The phone number field should be in numeric
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9523 (Resolved): Login --> Home Screen -->My Profile --> Bank Account Details --> Check issue below
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9494 (Resolved): Welcome Screen --> Request for credentials --> Company name --> Need to show "Select Company" instead of By default company shown
Shivangi Bhargava
10:28 AM Bug #9500 (Resolved): Home screen --> Profile --> Change password ---> Submit button -->
Shivangi Bhargava


05:14 PM Bug #9579 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Task --> Assign task to --> Assign --> undo --> The undo option should arrive in the top, After 5 second undo option should get hide
Issue Description:
The undo option should arrive in the top, After 5 second undo option should get hide
see at...
Mohd Irfan
05:06 PM Bug #9578 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home screen --> Assigned Task --> Last 2 task view details button --> The last task is unable to view details, the create task button is clicking instead of viewing details
Issue description:
The last task is unable to view details, the create task button is clicking instead of viewing ...
Mohd Irfan
04:42 PM Bug #9577 (Closed): Login with supervisor --> Home --> Needs to be made dynamic inside Workers view details
Issue Description:
Worker tab --> Needs to be made dynamic Workes view details
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
04:36 PM Bug #9576 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Worker Request --> After Approve/Reject Worker Request then worker request list should be updated
Issue Description:
After Approve/Reject Worker Request then worker request list should be updated
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
04:27 PM Bug #9575 (Feedback): Login with supervisor --> Home --> Worker Request --> As per the Figma, Need to add a filter option Worker Request screen
Issue Description:
worker Request --> As per the Figma, Need to add a filter option Worker Request screen
See ...
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM Bug #9574 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Profile --> the original profile picture is showing differently on the top
Issue Description:
First Login with worker --> logout --> Login with supervisor --> The original profile picture i...
Mohd Irfan
04:07 PM Bug #9573 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home Screen --> Tasks --> Tasks List --> Not Asssigned/ Assigned --> Need to add pagination on the task screen, I am unable to see more than 10 tasks on this screen
Issue Description:
Need to add pagination on the task screen, I am unable to see more than 10 tasks on this screen...
Mohd Irfan

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