



From 12/21/2021 to 12/30/2021


07:30 PM Bug #933 (New): License type-->Select any sector-->marked area button should be clickable.
License type-->Select any sector-->marked area button should be clickable.
NOTE: This is for all 9 sectors
arti saraswat


06:13 PM Bug #876 (Resolved): Web user-->All field is should be mandatory with Red asterisk * mark except Middle name input field (Right now user is able to save information with blank entry)
sunil gupta
04:19 PM Bug #872 (Resolved): License type-->Trust & company managers-->Background tab-->provide value-->click on save information button-->Why does the validation message does not appear after clicking on the "save information" button?
sunil gupta
11:48 AM Bug #870 (Resolved): On clicking "save Information" button for incomplete entry, the validation message appears on the wrong input field.
sunil gupta


07:03 PM Bug #875 (Resolved): Web user-->On clicking "save Information" button for incomplete entry, the validation message appears on the wrong input field.
sunil gupta
07:01 PM Bug #873 (Resolved): License type-->Trust & company managers-->Background tab-->provide value in mandatory field only and leave "Date Licensed/Registered" as BLANK-->Save information-->Why does default Date "01-01-1970" appears in "REGISTERED ON" Column
sunil gupta
06:51 PM Bug #877 (Resolved): Admin is not able to remove that date, here user can only update the date.
NA sunil gupta
06:51 PM Bug #874 (Resolved): The middle name does not display in the "CONTACT NAME" column.
sunil gupta
04:39 PM Bug #878 (Resolved): Relationship-->Add relationship-->Comment-->This input fields unlimited characters.
sunil gupta

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