



From 11/30/2024 to 12/09/2024


06:19 PM Bug #11770 (Feedback): When I log out and navigate to the news feed, if I am in the middle of reading and tap on the home icon, the screen refreshes and takes me to the top on iOS. However, on Android, it does not refresh and stays at the same position
sulendra k
01:21 PM Bug #11770 (Feedback): When I log out and navigate to the news feed, if I am in the middle of reading and tap on the home icon, the screen refreshes and takes me to the top on iOS. However, on Android, it does not refresh and stays at the same position
It should be same as in ios. check this issue for all links like calendar, information priyanka Sharma
06:19 PM Bug #11774 (Feedback): Teamlista screen > Group/Team name is not in center. please align properly
sulendra k
03:09 PM Bug #11774 (Closed): Teamlista screen > Group/Team name is not in center. please align properly
priyanka Sharma
06:19 PM Bug #11777 (Feedback): In the Calendar, I created events for December 25th and 26th, but they are not highlighted on the calendar and only appear in the Event list. check ss below
sulendra k
04:01 PM Bug #11777 (Feedback): In the Calendar, I created events for December 25th and 26th, but they are not highlighted on the calendar and only appear in the Event list. check ss below
priyanka Sharma
06:11 PM Bug #11440 (Resolved): Teamleader should not able to send self message.
sulendra k
06:11 PM Bug #11437 (Resolved): Full Name should be displayed when admin creates new team.
sulendra k
06:05 PM Bug #11779 (Resolved): Folj ditt team > after tap on Folj button it should replace to Foljer as in ios. It remains button name "folj"
sulendra k
04:34 PM Bug #11779 (Closed): Folj ditt team > after tap on Folj button it should replace to Foljer as in ios. It remains button name "folj"
priyanka Sharma
05:52 PM Bug #11785 (Resolved): Edit sponsor > remove Sponsor name field > check with chirag and do same
sulendra k
05:37 PM Bug #11785 (Resolved): Edit sponsor > remove Sponsor name field > check with chirag and do same
priyanka Sharma
05:42 PM Bug #11786 (Resolved): I have sent message from admin to all users but its not showing under Sent tab. why?
priyanka Sharma
01:36 PM Bug #11771 (Feedback): Logout from the app > news feed > read less icon missing . In ios it is present but in android it is not. check any news in which read more is present
priyanka Sharma

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