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months from Apply Clear

QUERY #1008: Schedule 5-->Point no-14-->Percentage Ownership-->Won't this field allow numeric value.
Bug #1013: Submit-->done with payment-->Delete button should not appear on the screen lfsc as well as admin panel. (2). Design issue
Bug #1014: Admin panel-->schedule 3-->Point no-4(b) and point no-6-->As soon as admin hovers the cursor over the document then this document link gets disappears
Bug #1015: MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->Complete information should display at admin end.
Bug #1016: Admin end-->Schedule 5--->Design issue
Bug #1050: Insurance Manager-->admin panel-->license request-->pre license-->Form count at admin end should be same as on license panel.
Bug #1051: Admin panel, lfsc panel-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->delete button, action button, row+ should not display at admin end as well as lfsc panel after payment.(2).>address value do not reflect at admin end.
Bug #1052: Admin panel-->Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->schedule 4-->the same document that attached at license panel should reflect at admin end.
Bug #1053: Admin panel-->Insurance Manager--go with schedule 4, 5-->Put comment-->click on "SAVE COMMENT"-->as user clicks on the save comment button the why does this "AAAAA 1 AAAA2 AAAA3 AAAAA 1 AAAA2 AAAA3AAAAA 1 AAAA2 AAAA3AAAAA 1 AAAA2 AAAA3" saved by default.
Bug #1054: Admin panel-->Insurance Manager-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point 8, 9, 10, 12, 19-->the same document that attached at license panel should reflect at admin end.
Bug #1055: Admin panel-->insurance manger-->Insurance manager-->Why do these two tab summarized, additional document displayed at admin end, and no information appears for the same.
Bug #1060: Admin panel-->license request-->domestic-->local-->Schedule 2-->Point no.6-->value along with table does not reflects at admin end against the same form i.e., schedule 2
Bug #1062: admin panel-->Domestic-->local-->MLCO/MLCO/CO-->complete text should display at admin end, Date format should be same at both the panel
Bug #1063: Admin panel-->domestic-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point 8, 9, 10, 12, 19-->the same document that attached at license panel should reflect at admin end (right now different document at both the panel)
Bug #1064: Admin panel-->domestic-->local-->SUMMARIZED DOCUMENTS & ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS-->there is no documents displayed in the respective tab.
Modification/ Enhancements #4741: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus3 --> As per the client feedback Change “Natural Person or Corporate Entity” column name to “Type of Person”. Responses under this column should be in a drop down box – where the two response options are “Natural Person” an
Modification/ Enhancements #4742: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus5 --> As per the client feedback Change “externalinsurers” to “external insurers
Modification/ Enhancements #4743: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus 5b --> As per the client feedback No text box needed here
Modification/ Enhancements #4744: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus6 --> As per the client feedback Response to this question should be multiple choice (i.e. the respondent can only choose one response) instead of multi-select (where the respondent chooses more than one response)
Modification/ Enhancements #4745: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus7,8 and 9--> As per the client feedback "Replace text box answer option with a “File Upload” answer option"
Modification/ Enhancements #4746: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus12--> As per the client feedback Change “Resume” to “Upload CV”Change response under the “Position/Role” column to a dropdown box. The response options should be “Director”, “Officer”, “Manager” and “Administrator”
Modification/ Enhancements #4747: Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus17 --> As per the client feedback change "Under take" to "Undertake"
Modification/ Enhancements #4748: Insurance --> Schedule 1 --> Qus18 --> Change “there after” to “thereafter” and add a “?” at the end of the question. Change answer option from an “Add Row” answer option to a text box field with a calendar.
Modification/ Enhancements #4752: Insurance --> Schedule 2 --> Qus5 --> Response to this question should be multiple choice (i.e. the respondent can only choose one response) instead of multi-select (where the respondent chooses more than one response)
Modification/ Enhancements #4753: Insurance --> schedule 2 --> Qus7 --> Change “Resume” to “Upload CV” Change “Name of Company” to “Name”
Modification/ Enhancements #4754: insurance --> schedule 2 --> Qus18 --> Change “there after” to “thereafter” and add a “?” at the end of the question. Change answer option from an “Add Row” answer option to a text box field with a calendar. The text box field name should be “Date of fir
Modification/ Enhancements #4757: Insurance --> Schedule -->MLRO/CO --> Qus13--> Change “number of shares” to “Number of Shares” and Change “percentage of shareholdings” to “Percentage of Shareholdings”
Modification/ Enhancements #4759: Insurance --> For consistency, ensure that the same structure is used for questions which request addresses. That is, “Address1”; “Address2”; “City”; “State”; “Country” and “Zip Code”.
Bug #4894: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus2 and 4 --> After saving provided value getting disappear
Bug #4895: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus 12 --> After saving Selected value getting reset to Domestic.
Bug #4896: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus18 --> This point is not implemented as per the client requirement.
Bug #4897: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local --->After saving form applicant is unable to view pdf file, for reference see below screenshot.
Bug #4898: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus18 --> Applicant is unable to add row ( button is not clickable ).
Bug #4899: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus3--> Number of shares --> After saving why .00 is showing here no need to show .00 after number
Bug #4900: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus19 --> Name of applicant input field after saving only 45 character is appearing instead of max character.
Bug #4901: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus.12 --> after saving the values on the table, Qus.3 name field is the same coming on Qus.12 table name field
Bug #4902: Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus19 --> After saving date format getting changed
Bug #4915: Demo Server --> Insurance --> International Insurance --> Class 'B' Insurer's Association License -->Schedule 2 --> Qus13 --> After saving provided value getting disappear on address field
Bug #4917: Demo Server --> Insurance --> International Insurance --> Class 'B' Insurer's Association License -->Schedule 2 --> Qus18 -->Edit --> submit --> Edit --> in edit case "Date of annual account" should not reset instead of selected date
Bug #4918: Demo Server --> Insurance --> International Insurance --> Class 'B' Insurer's Association License -->Schedule 2 --> After saving form applicant is unable to view pdf file, for reference see below screenshot.
Bug #4929: Demo Server --> Insurance --> International Insurance --> Class 'B' Insurer's Association License -->Schedule 2 -->Qus15 --> If applicant select No Yes No then Radio button should be reset.
Bug #4930: Demo server --> insurance --> Local --> MLRO/MLCO --> After saving form applicant is unable to view pdf file on the entire form.
Bug #4931: Demo server --> insurance --> Schedule 1 and schedule 2 --> Both text field should be in same line
Bug #4932: Demo server --> Insurance -->Fill the form and save-->Edit-->delete all rows and save--> Even after save deleted rows did not deleted.
Bug #5204: Insurance --> International Insurance --> International Insurance --> When the applicant clicks on the profile icon than username is not showing here form first name value is shown instead of the username.
Created with Raphaël 2.3.0

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