



From 01/22/2022 to 01/31/2022


12:09 PM Bug #941 (Resolved): why does the system throw a message (Please fill out this field) against the "First Name*" on clicking register even after the "Country*"(Leave it Blank) field is mandatory?
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #940 (Resolved): Registration page-->Mailing Address-->State/Parish/Province/Region*-->This input field does not allow "space" (Like: If user wants to enter Uttar Pradesh, then how will user be put name with space)
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #997 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out all form and submit-->After submitting the application the delete button should not appear for the forms.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #976 (Resolved): Admin panel-->License request-->pre license-->click on application-->verify and approve-->If the admin approves the application, then this verify & approve button should not appear
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #974 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "MLRO/MLCO/CO"-->(1) Complete information should display in these fields(Every field) (2) Heading should be on top or right side to the field at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #972 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form " OWNERSHIP INFORMATION"-->put Maturity Date-->save & submit-->click on edit-->save and submit-->Date is getting disappear and then put date-->save & validate-->submit-->payment-->date is getting disappear.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #971 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "RELATIONSHIP WITH COMPANY" and "REPUTATION & CHARACTER" and "OWNERSHIP INFORMATION"-->(1). Heading should be on top or right side of field. (2). Complete information should reflect at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #970 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "EDUCATION DETAILS"--> 1. need to put heading against the correct field (2). Complete value should reflect at admin end
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #969 (Resolved): ADMIN-->Login with credit unions-->go with form "PREVIOUS RESEIDENCE DETAILS"-->1. Formatting and design issue. (2) need to correct spelling of "RESEIDENCE" in form name
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #966 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "DECLARATION"-->Design and formatting issue
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #967 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "DECLARATION CONTACT INFORMATION"-->Design and formatting issue (2). complete value does not reflects at admin end
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #959 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->go with point "Application Fee attached"-->Attached form gets disappear after payment.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #961 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "APPLICATION DETAILS"-->put comment and SAVE-->go with lfsc panel-->view the comment of admin-->there is the time gap between admin panel and lfsc panel
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #960 (Resolved): After payment-->admin panel-->form "APPLICATION DETAILS"/ MEMBERS OF APPLICANT-->point number 3-->complete information from lfsc panel should reflect at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #952 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Education Details"-->Enter invalid email address in point no 35, 36, 37-->Applicant is able to save & validate the form with invalid address.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #958 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out form-->submit-->payment-->admin panel-->license request-->pre-license-->select application-->Form sequence at admin end should be same as license panel.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #956 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out all the forms-->submit-->go for view only-->go with form " Application Details"-->applicant is able to edit in some forms and points even after submit
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #955 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with "MLRO/MLCO/CO"-->(1). Name should be alphanumeric. (2). Former name should not mandatory, As applicant save & validate the form then click on EDIT button then one extra row gets active in point number-17
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #953 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Ownership Information"-->Point no-49, 50, 52-->Number and percentage input field should be numeric
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #949 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Contact Information"-->(1). Name should be alphanumeric (2). Applicant is able to save & validate the form with "Invalid email address"
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #950 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Particulars"-->Go with Point No-24-->Select "NO"-->If user selects "No" then point no-25 and point no-26 should hide
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #948 (Resolved): Login with credit-->Declaration form-->(1). Middle should not mandatory (2). Title should be alphanumeric (3). Character length for Title field should be 100 as per client requirement
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #947 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Members Of Applicant" -->fill out all the information-->save & validate-->go with edit button-->(1) as soon as user saves the information the date gets disappear...(2).need to remove attachment from the Occupation
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #945 (Resolved): Login-->go with from "Details Of A/C Receivables"-->input fields allowing unlimited characters.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #944 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->point no-3-->(1). As per client requirement P.O. Box*, City*, State* and Zip code should be "ALPHANUMERIC" (2). Middle name should not mandatory.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #943 (Resolved): Registration page-->fill out all information-->don't click on captcha-->click on register-->Applicant is able to register the form without clicking on "CAPTCHA"
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Bug #942 (Resolved): Register page-->fill out all mandatory information-->Go with "Password*"-->put password-->Go with "Confirm Password*"-->leave "Confirm Password*" field blank-->Click on register-->System should throws Invalid message against confirm password input field
Himanshu Singh
12:08 PM Bug #964 (Resolved): Form "PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS"-->provided information is not reflecting at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:08 PM Bug #954 (Resolved): login with credit unions-->go with form Provisional Directors"-->Resume-->upload resume-->save and validate-->edit-->again save & validate-->click on edit or view-->Attached document gets disappear as applicant update the form in 2nd time(In case of edit)
Himanshu Singh
12:08 PM Bug #946 (Resolved): Login-->go with form "Members Of Applicant"-->add multiple row-->then delete any row-->After deleting rows the sequencing of rows is incorrect.
Himanshu Singh

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