



From 03/20/2025 to 03/29/2025


03:32 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13321 (Resolved): Special offer - Book Appointment - do not select any contact method and click on Submit - An unexpected error comes..check screenshot..make required validation for select contact method
Ritik Rasenia
03:24 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12786 (Resolved): Client --> Login --> Assessment Form --> phone Number field should be 6-11 digits and without country selection, Applicant is able to save the form while
Ritik Rasenia
03:23 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #8330 (Resolved): Assessment form > Sorting button is overlapped over text.
Ritik Rasenia
03:21 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13191 (Resolved): My Booking - Calendar View Not Displaying All Appointments as in List View
Ritik Rasenia
03:21 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12859 (Resolved): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
Ritik Rasenia


04:40 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12845 (Closed): My Booking List - List view - Add more column - Booking slot is still active . what does it mean?
This column is currently removed from the list
Mohd Irfan
02:45 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12845 (Resolved): My Booking List - List view - Add more column - Booking slot is still active . what does it mean?
Ritik Rasenia
02:45 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12839 (Resolved): Counselor Can't Edit Booked Slots in Availability List. Already booked slots should not able to edit
Ritik Rasenia
02:43 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13315 (Closed): Leave Message Not Displayed on Availability Leave List Page
priyanka Sharma
02:29 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13315 (Resolved): Leave Message Not Displayed on Availability Leave List Page
Ritik Rasenia
02:43 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13319 (Closed): When client reschedule booking message entered by client is not displaying to counsellor . Should shown message with the booking details.
priyanka Sharma
02:29 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13319 (Resolved): When client reschedule booking message entered by client is not displaying to counsellor . Should shown message with the booking details.
Ritik Rasenia
02:34 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12778 (Closed): After making payment by client - it says "You have canceled the transaction" .check video attached
priyanka Sharma
02:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13098 (Closed): Counsellor book appointment on the behalf of client- it shows 0 slots but when clicked on the slot is shows 1 slot. che
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, this issue has been fixed that's why I marked this issue closed Mohd Irfan
02:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13190 (Closed): Incorrect Status Display in My Booking List for Cancelled , approved or completed Bookings
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, this issue has been fixed that's why I marked this issue closed Mohd Irfan
02:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13226 (Closed): My Booking List -Appointment status is cancelled but in Add more column it shows booking slot is still active. And cancel status change to "Cancelled"
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, this issue has been fixed that's why I marked this issue closed Mohd Irfan
02:12 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12835 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Availability --> End date should arrive as per the counsellor's selection
This issue has been verified
Mohd Irfan
01:42 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12858 (Closed): When a booking is cancelled by the user OR Counsellor marked as leave himself, then the corresponding time slot on the Counselor Availability Details page is still shown as "Booked" (in red color).
Mohd Irfan
01:24 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13199 (Closed): On dashboard it shows 3 counts of booking but on my Booking page it shows 1 ..only recent one. Need to show all past appointments with all status
As per our discussion with Priyanka mam, she told me marked this issue was fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:19 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13196 (Closed): All Past Booking /Recent Appointment- Booking status need to update . Approve to "Approved", Complete to Completed, same as cancelled
Mohd Irfan
12:57 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13074 (Closed): Counsellor --> 5 slots are showing available but in booking time is not showing that time
Mohd Irfan
12:51 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13087 (Closed): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
Mohd Irfan
12:22 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12859 (Reopened ): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
Not Fixed!
Currently still dummy images are showing
Mohd Irfan
12:13 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12789 (Closed): After updating appointment status no success message appeared. I am updating status from approve to Complete but no message displaying like Status Updated and status should be "Completed" after updating instead of complete
Mohd Irfan
11:53 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12236 (Closed): Counsellor Login > Deactivated client should not display in the client list.
Mohd Irfan
11:43 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12226 (Closed): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:36 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13200 (Closed): Payment history page - counsellor name field should not shown to counsellor. This field will show only to admin.
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:33 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13234 (Closed): Book appointment for any client - 0 slot available but text appeared is "Available"...please show No availability here
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, she told you mark this issue close
Mohd Irfan
11:25 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13320 (Closed): Availability List - Please show Availability Date on list page. Replace start date to "Availability Date"
Mohd Irfan
10:23 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13219 (Closed): New counsellor profile created - Adding availability - no option showing to add in today's date. Today is 6th march
Currently counselor is able to add today's availability
Mohd Irfan
10:20 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13221 (Closed): Counsellor profile details page - Payment details - Appointment Amount should change to Per Appointment Amount
Mohd Irfan
10:08 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13242 (Closed): Latest booking should arrive at the top
Mohd Irfan
10:00 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13290 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - I work with field --already asked on sign up form then why asking again same on My professional details page
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has been fixed
Right now the selected values is arriving in...
Mohd Irfan

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