





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13321 Bug Resolved Normal Special offer - Book Appointment - do not select any contact method and click on Submit - An unexpected error comes..check screenshot..make required validation for select contact method Ritik Rasenia 03/21/2025 03:32 PM Actions
13318 Bug New High Payment list - Counsellor list - On Payment list page it shows 1 count for family type but when i view the booking details it shows all bookings with type "family". We have to differentiate here on the basis of client id not booking type Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 05:27 PM Actions
13240 Bug New Normal Admin --> if Clint pays the amount then then Pay Now button should not arrive on the Reschedule mail Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 12:41 PM Actions
13230 Bug New Low Waiting List - Book any appointment - It is not asking for appointment type and by default takes Individual type for all bookings. Discuss with sir once Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 06:20 PM Actions
13220 Bug New Normal Dashbaord - cumulative data should show overall app data. And also show date filters admin can filter data if select year with from & to fields Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 10:42 AM Actions
13193 QUERY Resolved Normal Please check with karan account - Total spending amount was incorrect. For 2 appointments it was 100 but when i book 3rd appointment with coupon applied of $ should be 140 spending but it shows 130. check why Goverdhan verma 03/13/2025 11:44 AM Actions
13191 Bug Resolved Normal My Booking - Calendar View Not Displaying All Appointments as in List View Goverdhan verma 03/21/2025 03:21 PM Actions
13133 Bug New High No appointment should able to delete. Currently booking whose status has been not updated after approved to completed and booking link expired user can able to delete them. Goverdhan verma 03/03/2025 02:19 PM Actions
13062 QUERY New Low Admin --> Dashboard --> Coupon --> Add Coupon --> The coupon Amount can't exceed the Total amount Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 06:28 PM Actions
12867 Bug New Low Suggestion: Admin --> without completing the counselor profile Admin should not have an option for approval but currently admin is able to approve counselor while the counselor has not filled Counsellor Professional Details. Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 06:28 PM Actions
12859 Bug Resolved Normal My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it Ritik Rasenia 03/21/2025 03:21 PM Actions
12839 Bug Resolved High Counselor Can't Edit Booked Slots in Availability List. Already booked slots should not able to edit Ritik Rasenia 03/20/2025 02:45 PM Actions
12786 Bug Resolved Normal Client --> Login --> Assessment Form --> phone Number field should be 6-11 digits and without country selection, Applicant is able to save the form while Mohit Rana 03/21/2025 03:24 PM Actions
12235 Bug New Normal The time format in the client portal is in 12-hour format, while in the counselor portal, it is in 24-hour format. Please standardize the time format across the application, ensuring that only one format is used everywhere. Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 10:49 AM Actions
12007 Bug New Normal When Counsellor reschedule the appointment > Check Reschedule mail of client > Remove A from currency and message should be in bold letters. Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 05:14 PM Actions
12006 Bug New Normal Rescheduled mail (Client) > Logo of the app is not displayed. Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 05:13 PM Actions
12005 Bug New Normal When Admin Reschedule the appointment, Total count should display as 1 because the same appointment is rescheduled. Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 05:08 PM Actions
12004 Bug New High Admin Login > Reschedule Appointment >Tax Invoice should be displayed with updated date. Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 05:15 PM Actions
12003 Bug New Normal When Admin reschedule the appointment, Why Tick clients is displaying. What is the use of this? Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 04:54 PM Actions
11997 Bug New High Counsellor login > Mark As Leave > Not able to submit the comment when counsellor changes his availability Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 03:39 PM Actions
11990 Bug New Low Sign Up Counsellor > Check the text is going outside of the border. Mohit Rana 12/18/2024 01:10 PM Actions
11654 Bug New Urgent Client uses 1 special offer for multiple times. Mohit Rana 11/28/2024 06:13 PM Actions
11653 Bug New High Client Login > Dashboard > Total Spend amount was 40 euro after discount but displaying 210. please check Mohit Rana 11/28/2024 06:06 PM Actions
11651 Bug New High Remove Discount from name. Mohit Rana 11/28/2024 04:37 PM Actions
11650 Bug New High Counsellor Login > Notes are repeating on each click on submit button. Mohit Rana 11/28/2024 04:35 PM Actions
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