From 03/02/2025 to 03/11/2025
- 07:50 PM Bug #13189 (Closed): Counsellor has cancelled the booking appointment and now appointment is not showing under My booking list. Only showing on dashboard under Recent appointment
- 07:40 PM Bug #13293 (Closed): My Booking list - List view - counsellor not able to see booking type. Client has booked appointment for family type but counsellor unable to see
- !clipboard-202503111936-pstfx.png!
- 03:25 PM Bug #13290 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - I work with field --already asked on sign up form then why asking again same on My professional details page
- !clipboard-202503111521-o9uam.png!
- 03:24 PM Bug #12226 (Resolved): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
- 02:34 PM Bug #12789 (Resolved): After updating appointment status no success message appeared. I am updating status from approve to Complete but no message displaying like Status Updated and status should be "Completed" after updating instead of complete
- 02:20 PM Bug #12771 (Resolved): Sign up as a Counsellor & Client - No Validation for 'Agreeing' Checkbox – Users Can Register Without Consent
- 02:19 PM Bug #13191 (In Progress): My Booking - Calendar View Not Displaying All Appointments as in List View
- 02:18 PM Bug #13269 (Resolved): Add Bank account- check this ..after getting this error all fields gets reset
- 02:17 PM Bug #13244 (Resolved): pay Now button should be hidden or grey out after successfully pay the amount by admin
- 02:13 PM Bug #12859 (Resolved): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
- 02:12 PM Bug #13087 (Resolved): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
- 12:39 PM Bug #13199 (In Progress): On dashboard it shows 3 counts of booking but on my Booking page it shows 1 ..only recent one. Need to show all past appointments with all status
- 12:16 PM Bug #13221 (In Progress): Counsellor profile details page - Payment details - Appointment Amount should change to Per Appointment Amount
- 12:13 PM Bug #13234 (In Progress): Book appointment for any client - 0 slot available but text appeared is "Available"...please show No availability here
- 12:07 PM Bug #13200 (In Progress): Payment history page - counsellor name field should not shown to counsellor. This field will show only to admin.
- 11:55 AM Bug #13219 (In Progress): New counsellor profile created - Adding availability - no option showing to add in today's date. Today is 6th march
- 11:52 AM Bug #13226 (In Progress): My Booking List -Appointment status is cancelled but in Add more column it shows booking slot is still active. And cancel status change to "Cancelled"
- 11:14 AM Bug #13196 (In Progress): All Past Booking /Recent Appointment- Booking status need to update . Approve to "Approved", Complete to Completed, same as cancelled
- 11:08 AM Bug #13242 (In Progress): Latest booking should arrive at the top
- 11:39 AM Bug #13269 (Closed): Add Bank account- check this ..after getting this error all fields gets reset
- !clipboard-202503101138-huaa8.png!
- 10:28 AM Bug #13190 (Resolved): Incorrect Status Display in My Booking List for Cancelled , approved or completed Bookings
- 10:09 AM Bug #13186 (Feedback): Edit profile - do not update anything and click on update button - check page crashes
- 08:20 PM Bug #13183 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - without agreeing terms & condition user should not able to register. Male validation over it
- 08:18 PM Bug #13188 (Closed): My Booking List - calendar view Button - keep "c" in caps like Calendar View
- 08:18 PM Bug #13195 (Closed): After updating the booking status to Complete, the message should be "Booking marked as completed" instead of "Booking is completed."
- 08:16 PM Bug #12797 (Closed): Counsellor --> login --> Profile --> Edit profile --> contact number field should be 6-11 Numeric digits along with Date of birth should not be in future
- 03:26 PM Bug #13244 (Closed): pay Now button should be hidden or grey out after successfully pay the amount by admin
pay Now button should be hidden or grey out after successfully pay the amount by admin
!clipboard-20250307152...- 02:46 PM Bug #13242 (Closed): Latest booking should arrive at the top
- Issue Description:
Latest booking should arrive at the top
See attached screenshot:
!clipboard-202503071445... - 11:37 AM Bug #13234 (Closed): Book appointment for any client - 0 slot available but text appeared is "Available"...please show No availability here
- !clipboard-202503071136-yjcki.png!
- 11:08 AM Bug #13226 (Closed): My Booking List -Appointment status is cancelled but in Add more column it shows booking slot is still active. And cancel status change to "Cancelled"
- !clipboard-202503071106-udv4m.png!
- 10:48 AM Bug #13221 (Closed): Counsellor profile details page - Payment details - Appointment Amount should change to Per Appointment Amount
- !clipboard-202503071047-hpbxp.png!
- 07:27 PM Bug #13198 (Closed): Dashboard - make changes as per below
- 10:57 AM Bug #13198 (Resolved): Dashboard - make changes as per below
- 06:21 PM Bug #13219 (Closed): New counsellor profile created - Adding availability - no option showing to add in today's date. Today is 6th march
- !clipboard-202503061820-yy5ri.png!
- 09:53 AM Bug #13195 (Resolved): After updating the booking status to Complete, the message should be "Booking marked as completed" instead of "Booking is completed."
- 09:48 AM Bug #13189 (Resolved): Counsellor has cancelled the booking appointment and now appointment is not showing under My booking list. Only showing on dashboard under Recent appointment
- 09:47 AM Bug #13183 (Resolved): Sign up as a counsellor - without agreeing terms & condition user should not able to register. Male validation over it
- 09:38 AM Bug #13188 (Resolved): My Booking List - calendar view Button - keep "c" in caps like Calendar View
- 05:54 PM Bug #13200 (Closed): Payment history page - counsellor name field should not shown to counsellor. This field will show only to admin.
- !clipboard-202503051753-yyjcc.png!
- 05:51 PM Bug #13199 (Closed): On dashboard it shows 3 counts of booking but on my Booking page it shows 1 ..only recent one. Need to show all past appointments with all status
- !clipboard-202503051750-wxubk.png!
- 05:48 PM Bug #13198 (Closed): Dashboard - make changes as per below
- !clipboard-202503051746-kofrh.png!
Summary counsellor - "C" caps - Counsellor
... - 03:03 PM Bug #13196 (Closed): All Past Booking /Recent Appointment- Booking status need to update . Approve to "Approved", Complete to Completed, same as cancelled
- !clipboard-202503051502-wpld8.png!
- 02:52 PM Bug #13195 (Closed): After updating the booking status to Complete, the message should be "Booking marked as completed" instead of "Booking is completed."
- !clipboard-202503051451-ux0nr.png!
- 12:38 PM Bug #13095 (Closed): Availability list - After marking as leave button name should replace to "Marked As Leave"
- 12:37 PM Bug #12842 (Closed): When a counselor marks their availability as "Leave," the record should be removed from the availability list immediately. However, the record only disappears after refreshing the page
- 12:28 PM Bug #13091 (Closed): Counsellor when book appointment on behalf of client - then pending appointments currently showing on dashboard under recent appointment activity. we can show same on Appointment list. Discuss with dharmveer sir once
- 12:28 PM Bug #13191 (Resolved): My Booking - Calendar View Not Displaying All Appointments as in List View
- Calendar View should display all appointments (Approved, Cancelled, Rescheduled, Pending) as shown in the List View.
... - 12:20 PM Bug #13190 (Closed): Incorrect Status Display in My Booking List for Cancelled , approved or completed Bookings
- !clipboard-202503051219-sx4g8.png!
In the My Booking List, when a booking is can... - 12:06 PM Bug #13189 (Closed): Counsellor has cancelled the booking appointment and now appointment is not showing under My booking list. Only showing on dashboard under Recent appointment
- !clipboard-202503051205-urhl2.png!
- 12:02 PM Bug #13188 (Closed): My Booking List - calendar view Button - keep "c" in caps like Calendar View
- !clipboard-202503051201-ub4mp.png!
- 11:48 AM Bug #13087 (Reopened ): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
- !clipboard-202503051148-v7byo.png!
- 11:46 AM Bug #12859 (Reopened ): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
- !clipboard-202503051144-c0c60.png!
- 11:21 AM Bug #13186 (Feedback): Edit profile - do not update anything and click on update button - check page crashes
- !clipboard-202503051121-pnx3w.
- 11:18 AM Bug #12231 (Closed): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
- 11:12 AM Bug #12226 (Reopened ): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
- 11:02 AM Bug #13183 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - without agreeing terms & condition user should not able to register. Male validation over it
- !clipboard-202503051101-czujk.png!
- 11:01 AM Bug #13079 (Closed): Sign up as counsellor form - if not entered anything in the fields & clicked on Sign Up button then error message displaying is Something field missing. Check message below in description
- 06:05 PM Bug #12859 (Resolved): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
- 06:05 PM Bug #12231 (Resolved): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
- 03:54 PM Bug #12231 (Reopened ): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
- !clipboard-202503031553-67htu.png!
- 10:41 AM Bug #12231 (Resolved): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
- 03:56 PM Bug #12776 (Closed): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
- 10:42 AM Bug #12776 (Resolved): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
- 03:55 PM Bug #12229 (Closed): Counsellor profile approved email - need to change text . please copy the below content & paste in your code.
- 03:09 PM Bug #12790 (Closed): Counsellor Booking Slots List - Check how counsellor slots list increased for the same slot again and again. check video. There are 4 slots but it shows multiple repeated same again .
- 03:08 PM Bug #12793 (Closed): Booking Slots List Not Refreshing Correctly When Counsellor Views or Selects a Different another date slot
- 03:02 PM Bug #12234 (Closed): If user cannot book appointment of today's date then Counsellor should not able to select today's date in availability
- 03:01 PM Bug #13097 (Closed): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
- 10:35 AM Bug #13097 (Resolved): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
- 10:41 AM Bug #12226 (Resolved): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
- 10:40 AM Bug #12797 (Resolved): Counsellor --> login --> Profile --> Edit profile --> contact number field should be 6-11 Numeric digits along with Date of birth should not be in future
- 10:38 AM Bug #12842 (Resolved): When a counselor marks their availability as "Leave," the record should be removed from the availability list immediately. However, the record only disappears after refreshing the page
- 10:36 AM Bug #13091 (Resolved): Counsellor when book appointment on behalf of client - then pending appointments currently showing on dashboard under recent appointment activity. we can show same on Appointment list. Discuss with dharmveer sir once
- 10:35 AM Bug #13095 (Resolved): Availability list - After marking as leave button name should replace to "Marked As Leave"
- 10:34 AM Bug #12839 (Feedback): Counselor Can't Edit Booked Slots in Availability List. Already booked slots should not able to edit
- done in local not deployed
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