



From 02/22/2025 to 03/03/2025


06:05 PM Bug #12859 (Resolved): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
Ritik Rasenia
06:05 PM Bug #12231 (Resolved): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
Ritik Rasenia
03:54 PM Bug #12231 (Reopened ): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
priyanka Sharma
10:41 AM Bug #12231 (Resolved): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
Ritik Rasenia
03:56 PM Bug #12776 (Closed): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
priyanka Sharma
10:42 AM Bug #12776 (Resolved): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
Ritik Rasenia
03:55 PM Bug #12229 (Closed): Counsellor profile approved email - need to change text . please copy the below content & paste in your code.
priyanka Sharma
03:09 PM Bug #12790 (Closed): Counsellor Booking Slots List - Check how counsellor slots list increased for the same slot again and again. check video. There are 4 slots but it shows multiple repeated same again .
priyanka Sharma
03:08 PM Bug #12793 (Closed): Booking Slots List Not Refreshing Correctly When Counsellor Views or Selects a Different another date slot
priyanka Sharma
03:02 PM Bug #12234 (Closed): If user cannot book appointment of today's date then Counsellor should not able to select today's date in availability
priyanka Sharma
03:01 PM Bug #13097 (Closed): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
priyanka Sharma
10:35 AM Bug #13097 (Resolved): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
Ritik Rasenia
10:41 AM Bug #12226 (Resolved): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
Ritik Rasenia
10:40 AM Bug #12797 (Resolved): Counsellor --> login --> Profile --> Edit profile --> contact number field should be 6-11 Numeric digits along with Date of birth should not be in future
Ritik Rasenia
10:38 AM Bug #12842 (Resolved): When a counselor marks their availability as "Leave," the record should be removed from the availability list immediately. However, the record only disappears after refreshing the page
Ritik Rasenia
10:36 AM Bug #13091 (Resolved): Counsellor when book appointment on behalf of client - then pending appointments currently showing on dashboard under recent appointment activity. we can show same on Appointment list. Discuss with dharmveer sir once
Ritik Rasenia
10:35 AM Bug #13095 (Resolved): Availability list - After marking as leave button name should replace to "Marked As Leave"
Ritik Rasenia
10:34 AM Bug #12839 (Feedback): Counselor Can't Edit Booked Slots in Availability List. Already booked slots should not able to edit
done in local not deployed
Ritik Rasenia


06:35 PM Bug #13079 (Resolved): Sign up as counsellor form - if not entered anything in the fields & clicked on Sign Up button then error message displaying is Something field missing. Check message below in description
Ritik Rasenia
11:29 AM Bug #13079 (Closed): Sign up as counsellor form - if not entered anything in the fields & clicked on Sign Up button then error message displaying is Something field missing. Check message below in description
Pleas show error messages for each field below the fields Name is requ...
priyanka Sharma
04:51 PM Bug #12234 (Resolved): If user cannot book appointment of today's date then Counsellor should not able to select today's date in availability
The process is changed, the counsellor and admin is fill the availability today and also booked an appointment on beh... Ritik Rasenia
04:46 PM Bug #13074 (Resolved): Counsellor --> 5 slots are showing available but in booking time is not showing that time
please check fresah data i was fixed Ritik Rasenia
04:25 PM Bug #12793 (Resolved): Booking Slots List Not Refreshing Correctly When Counsellor Views or Selects a Different another date slot
Ritik Rasenia
04:17 PM Bug #12836 (Closed): Counsellor profile completion page - Bio field - Please upload your Bio. text should change to "Please enter your bio"
priyanka Sharma
04:12 PM Bug #12836 (Reopened ): Counsellor profile completion page - Bio field - Please upload your Bio. text should change to "Please enter your bio"
priyanka Sharma
04:16 PM Bug #13097 (In Progress): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
done on local but not deployed
Ritik Rasenia
03:33 PM Bug #13097 (Closed): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
priyanka Sharma
04:15 PM Bug #12842 (Reopened ): When a counselor marks their availability as "Leave," the record should be removed from the availability list immediately. However, the record only disappears after refreshing the page
priyanka Sharma
04:14 PM Bug #12789 (Reopened ): After updating appointment status no success message appeared. I am updating status from approve to Complete but no message displaying like Status Updated and status should be "Completed" after updating instead of complete
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Bug #13083 (Closed): After sign up counsellor received email to complete profile - Here "Counsellor" spelling is incorrect. Please correct counselor to "counsellor"
priyanka Sharma
12:44 PM Bug #13083 (Resolved): After sign up counsellor received email to complete profile - Here "Counsellor" spelling is incorrect. Please correct counselor to "counsellor"
Ritik Rasenia
11:52 AM Bug #13083 (Closed): After sign up counsellor received email to complete profile - Here "Counsellor" spelling is incorrect. Please correct counselor to "counsellor"
priyanka Sharma
04:11 PM Bug #12226 (Reopened ): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM Bug #12226 (Resolved): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
Ritik Rasenia
11:58 AM Bug #12226 (In Progress): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
Ritik Rasenia
11:32 AM Bug #12226 (Resolved): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
done Ritik Rasenia
03:45 PM Bug #13091 (In Progress): Counsellor when book appointment on behalf of client - then pending appointments currently showing on dashboard under recent appointment activity. we can show same on Appointment list. Discuss with dharmveer sir once
on local done but not deployed Ritik Rasenia
02:28 PM Bug #13091 (Closed): Counsellor when book appointment on behalf of client - then pending appointments currently showing on dashboard under recent appointment activity. we can show same on Appointment list. Discuss with dharmveer sir once
priyanka Sharma
03:41 PM Bug #12787 (Closed): Counsellor & Client both - Bookings which has status approved should say "Approved" instead of Approve. Check everywhere
priyanka Sharma
03:37 PM Bug #13098 (Closed): Counsellor book appointment on the behalf of client- it shows 0 slots but when clicked on the slot is shows 1 slot. che
priyanka Sharma
03:35 PM Bug #12840 (Closed): Clients - Book appointment for any client - This dropdown should not come if counsellor specialty is only for family.
priyanka Sharma
03:33 PM Bug #13095 (In Progress): Availability list - After marking as leave button name should replace to "Marked As Leave"
Ritik Rasenia
03:09 PM Bug #13095 (Closed): Availability list - After marking as leave button name should replace to "Marked As Leave"
priyanka Sharma
03:30 PM Bug #12824 (Closed): Once an admin blocks a counsellor, the system should immediately log the counsellor out of the system instead of showing blank data. The counsellor should be informed that their account has been blocked.
priyanka Sharma
03:28 PM Bug #12792 (Closed): Incorrect 'Available Today' Message Displayed on Counsellor’s Slot List When No Availability is Added for Today (19th Feb)
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM Bug #13087 (Resolved): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
Ritik Rasenia
02:37 PM Bug #13087 (In Progress): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
Ritik Rasenia
12:39 PM Bug #13087: Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
priyanka Sharma
12:38 PM Bug #13087 (Closed): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
priyanka Sharma
03:20 PM Bug #12236 (Resolved): Counsellor Login > Deactivated client should not display in the client list.
Ritik Rasenia
02:31 PM Bug #12771 (Reopened ): Sign up as a Counsellor & Client - No Validation for 'Agreeing' Checkbox – Users Can Register Without Consent
priyanka Sharma
02:21 PM Bug #12798 (Closed): Slot Deletion and Multiple Booking Issues When Counsellor Books Appointments on Behalf of Client
priyanka Sharma
12:25 PM Bug #12839 (Reopened ): Counselor Can't Edit Booked Slots in Availability List. Already booked slots should not able to edit
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Bug #12776 (Reopened ): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
priyanka Sharma
12:11 PM Bug #12231 (Reopened ): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
priyanka Sharma
12:04 PM Bug #12227 (Closed): After completing profile of Counsellor success message appeared is wrong "Thank for all required documents submit. Your profile under Review process!! ". please correct with below text
priyanka Sharma
11:59 AM Bug #12224 (Closed): After logging in, the 'Complete Your Profile' page appeared. When I clicked on the Sakoon logo, a blank screen was displayed. It should not be clicked until i complete the profile.
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Bug #12225 (Closed): Counsellor complete profile - Are you a dropdown - spelling "Psychiatris" is incorrect. Please confirm is it "Psychiatrist" or "Psychiatry"
priyanka Sharma
11:47 AM Bug #12223 (Closed): After counsellor registration success message appeared is "Thank you register with us! You received an email for complete profile! For any query please connect with us at Ph: ....". Replace this with below provided text
priyanka Sharma
11:47 AM Bug #11616 (Closed): Register new counsellor > After entering details, click on submit > displaying error.
priyanka Sharma
11:34 AM Bug #12222 (Closed): Sign up form - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM Bug #12837 (Closed): Counsellor check own Availability details - Contact on - & Phone...remove & from here. Only Phone text should come
priyanka Sharma
11:20 AM Bug #12834 (Closed): My Booking - Calendar View - check any 1 booking showing 21DD Booking...what is DD here?
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM Bug #12782 (Closed): Counsellor Able to Add Availability for Past Time Slots on Today's Date.
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM Bug #12812 (Closed): "Messed Content Displayed in Counsellor Bio When Viewing Own Profile"
priyanka Sharma
11:17 AM Bug #12859 (Reopened ): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
priyanka Sharma
11:04 AM Bug #12861 (Closed): Calendar view - Keep "C" capital for calendar View button. Check screenshot
priyanka Sharma
11:01 AM Bug #13066 (Closed): Dasboard - Cumulative /Today - Total Appointment should be "Total Appointments"
priyanka Sharma
10:59 AM Bug #13068 (Closed): Under Profile - Dashboard & Profile link again showing . Why? Check Screenshot
priyanka Sharma


05:37 PM Bug #12795 (Closed): Counsellor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Recent Appointment --> View all --> The reset button should also be included in the filter options.
Mohd Irfan
02:31 PM Bug #12795 (Resolved): Counsellor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Recent Appointment --> View all --> The reset button should also be included in the filter options.
Ritik Rasenia
05:30 PM Bug #12799 (Closed): Counsellor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Profile Edit --> professional Details section --> Please mention the file format and which type of document counselor can update because in the profile counsellor is able to update pdf file.
only validation implement for image field,
Mohd Irfan
05:01 PM Bug #13074 (Closed): Counsellor --> 5 slots are showing available but in booking time is not showing that time
Issue Description:
5 slots are showing available but in booking time is not showing that time
See attached scr...
Mohd Irfan
04:36 PM Bug #12782 (Resolved): Counsellor Able to Add Availability for Past Time Slots on Today's Date.
Ritik Rasenia
04:00 PM Bug #13068 (Resolved): Under Profile - Dashboard & Profile link again showing . Why? Check Screenshot
Ritik Rasenia
03:20 PM Bug #13068 (Closed): Under Profile - Dashboard & Profile link again showing . Why? Check Screenshot
priyanka Sharma
03:55 PM Bug #12790 (Resolved): Counsellor Booking Slots List - Check how counsellor slots list increased for the same slot again and again. check video. There are 4 slots but it shows multiple repeated same again .
Ritik Rasenia
03:22 PM Bug #12789 (Resolved): After updating appointment status no success message appeared. I am updating status from approve to Complete but no message displaying like Status Updated and status should be "Completed" after updating instead of complete
Ritik Rasenia
03:17 PM Bug #13066 (Resolved): Dasboard - Cumulative /Today - Total Appointment should be "Total Appointments"
Ritik Rasenia
03:12 PM Bug #13066 (Closed): Dasboard - Cumulative /Today - Total Appointment should be "Total Appointments"
priyanka Sharma
12:27 PM Bug #12798 (Resolved): Slot Deletion and Multiple Booking Issues When Counsellor Books Appointments on Behalf of Client
Ritik Rasenia
11:04 AM Bug #12824 (Resolved): Once an admin blocks a counsellor, the system should immediately log the counsellor out of the system instead of showing blank data. The counsellor should be informed that their account has been blocked.
Ritik Rasenia
10:39 AM Bug #12859 (Resolved): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
Ritik Rasenia


04:34 PM Bug #12776 (Resolved): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
Ritik Rasenia
04:27 PM Bug #12231 (Resolved): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
Ritik Rasenia
04:21 PM Bug #12229 (Resolved): Counsellor profile approved email - need to change text . please copy the below content & paste in your code.
Ritik Rasenia
04:15 PM Bug #12227 (Resolved): After completing profile of Counsellor success message appeared is wrong "Thank for all required documents submit. Your profile under Review process!! ". please correct with below text
Ritik Rasenia
03:17 PM Bug #12225 (Resolved): Counsellor complete profile - Are you a dropdown - spelling "Psychiatris" is incorrect. Please confirm is it "Psychiatrist" or "Psychiatry"
Ritik Rasenia
03:09 PM Bug #12224 (Resolved): After logging in, the 'Complete Your Profile' page appeared. When I clicked on the Sakoon logo, a blank screen was displayed. It should not be clicked until i complete the profile.
Ritik Rasenia
03:08 PM Bug #12222 (Resolved): Sign up form - check issues below
Ritik Rasenia
01:21 PM Bug #11616 (Resolved): Register new counsellor > After entering details, click on submit > displaying error.
Ritik Rasenia


05:36 PM Bug #12223 (Resolved): After counsellor registration success message appeared is "Thank you register with us! You received an email for complete profile! For any query please connect with us at Ph: ....". Replace this with below provided text
Ritik Rasenia


12:39 PM Bug #11581 (Closed): Counsellor Login > View Profile > Date of birth dispalying in negative value.
Fixed :
Mohd Irfan
12:33 PM Bug #11594 (Closed): Counsellor Login > Dashboard > Click View all on recent appointment > Outline is missing.
Mohd Irfan
12:32 PM Bug #12190 (Closed): Approved mail of the counsellor > Change the text to Approved and increase the size of the text.
Mohd Irfan
12:29 PM Bug #12801 (Closed): Counselor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Profile --> Add account --> After deleted the added account I am getting white screen with some success code instead of redirect add account/profile page.
Mohd Irfan
12:15 PM Bug #12794 (Closed): Counselor --> Login --> Dashboard -->Change the icons for all items marked in red on the left side menu list.
Mohd Irfan
12:09 PM Bug #12802 (Closed): Counsellor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Payment --> Payment History --> Why another counselor's payment history is arriving when the counselor filter data with a date picker
Fixed !
Mohd Irfan
12:01 PM Bug #12797 (Reopened ): Counsellor --> login --> Profile --> Edit profile --> contact number field should be 6-11 Numeric digits along with Date of birth should not be in future
Mohd Irfan
12:01 PM Bug #12797: Counsellor --> login --> Profile --> Edit profile --> contact number field should be 6-11 Numeric digits along with Date of birth should not be in future
Not Fixed!
unable to update mobile number getting "The contact no field format is invalid"
Mohd Irfan
11:30 AM Bug #12805 (Closed): Counsellor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Availability --> Add --> change the success messages
Mohd Irfan
11:23 AM Bug #12866 (Closed): Sign up a Counsellor --> I have Registered with (gender) other, but on the profile details page shows "Female"
Mohd Irfan

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