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Hours: 22.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
07/06/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2687: Copy cruise arrival notifiaction > if i add new individual then covid tab got skipped & directly went to Additional tab...while covid detail for new individuals is mandatory 1.00 Actions
07/05/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2373: Create Arrival /Departure Notification > Vessel category - cruise ship > I am able to go to next page without selecting Port fields 1.00 Actions
06/29/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2377: Date format should be same on sailclear & RCS system Not done on RCS on some places 1.00 Actions
06/29/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2444: Cruise/Pleasure Arrival notifications - Print popup - Crew & Passenger - middle name missing & First name & last name separated by comma 1.00 Actions
06/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2538: Departure notification>create notification> selected plessure vessel category> showing cruise vessels also in vessels field. Still showing cruise vessel in Pleasure category 1.00 Actions
06/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2510: Create cruise arrival notification > Crews & passenger > If i edit the crew, passenger, master form then Travel document type field seems blank & if i change their rank crew to master then without adding their document id it gets saved. 1.00 Actions
06/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2505: Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below Still not able to delete the weapon if already used during create arrival notification ....if it will not delete then remove delete icon otherwise show popup text "We can't delete this as it is already used in arrival notification" 1.00 Actions
06/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2552: Crews list > export pdf > check issues below List Of Individual - replace to "List Of Individuals" & space still not showing between first name , last name.... 1.00 Actions
06/14/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2552: Crews list > export pdf > check issues below Not fixed yet 1.00 Actions
06/14/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2579: Date format is not displaying correct at some places Still not fixed on print page....please check print for all pages 1.00 Actions
06/14/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2583: Departure notification for cruise vessel - Make validation for Intended Departure Date field & Brief particular of voyage field appearing blank validation message not showing..only red border line appearing to textbox 1.00 Actions
06/09/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2594: Cruise / Commercial Departure Notifications - Copy, Print , delete not working . Not able to copy, print & delete 1.00 Actions
06/02/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2424: Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page 1.00 Actions
06/02/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2453: Create new cruise ship arrival notifictaion > Taking too much time at the time of submitting notification. Only 1 crew & one passenger added in it. 1.00 Actions
06/02/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2415: List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded 1.00 Actions
06/01/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2456: Creat Vessel> Dimension header form > Perpendicular spelling issue . Please correct to "Perpendicullars" to "Perpendicular" 1.00 Actions
05/31/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2423: Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord > Check issues below 1.00 Actions
05/31/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2428: Cruise dashboard > Arrival notification > view details > Master name missing 1.00 Actions
05/31/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2441: Pleasure Dashbaord > Pleasure Departure Notification List > loader running if there is no departure notification 1.00 Actions
05/30/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2396: Create New Vessel > Cruise vessel > General form > Draugh field - Designed spelling is wrong 1.00 Actions
05/30/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2404: Cruise Arrival Notification create > Uplaod documents page > Spelling of "Martime delaration" is wrong. Please correct to "Maritime declaration" 1.00 Actions
05/30/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2377: Date format should be same on sailclear & RCS system 1.00 Actions

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