



From 08/16/2022 to 08/25/2022


12:49 PM Bug #3532 (Resolved): Crew List> Download the format > Create new list and upload the new excel file > can't upload the excel file (excel file attached)
rajat gupta
12:48 PM Bug #3700 (Resolved): Create arrival notification(when immigration is on) > next button is not working in Health and Covid tab.
rajat gupta
12:47 PM Bug #3839 (Resolved): create new arrival of pleasure > click print button > stops at loading .
rajat gupta


11:43 AM Bug #3839 (Resolved): create new arrival of pleasure > click print button > stops at loading . Shubham J


03:09 PM Bug #3725 (New): Pleasure Departure notification > Review tab > Fields appearing blank in review tab
Shubham J
11:37 AM Bug #3536 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival > Print Button
Shubham J
11:03 AM Bug #3536 (Resolved): Pleasure Arrival > Print Button
satyam vishwakarma
11:33 AM Bug #3556 (Closed): Create arrival for pleasure > edit > Document tab > Size of the document display 0.
Shubham J
11:03 AM Bug #3556 (Resolved): Create arrival for pleasure > edit > Document tab > Size of the document display 0.
satyam vishwakarma
11:26 AM Bug #3618 (Closed): Cruise Arrival / Departure notification > Add crews from the list > remove the added crews > if user remove the crews, it should show in the available list. (Video Attached).
Shubham J
11:03 AM Bug #3618 (Resolved): Cruise Arrival / Departure notification > Add crews from the list > remove the added crews > if user remove the crews, it should show in the available list. (Video Attached).
satyam vishwakarma
11:23 AM Bug #3673 (Closed): Vessel list > create new pleasure/cruise vessel > after saving....displaying 2 times.
Shubham J
11:03 AM Bug #3614 (Resolved): Vessel List > List of Cruise vessel > Export to Pdf > Displaying fields of Pleasure vessel.
satyam vishwakarma


06:16 PM Bug #3707 (New): Vessel List > Mass Delete button is not working.
select all vessels and click on mass delete.......vessel gets un-selected by default. Shubham J
04:18 PM Bug #3700 (Resolved): Create arrival notification(when immigration is on) > next button is not working in Health and Covid tab.
Shubham J
04:14 PM Bug #3684 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival Notification> Arrival country, Previous Country , Destination Country fields are not displayed in Summary tab.
just ports are shown as per client requirement
to show country please discuss with neeraj sir
satyam vishwakarma
12:44 PM Bug #3684 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival Notification> Arrival country, Previous Country , Destination Country fields are not displayed in Summary tab.
Shubham J
04:08 PM Bug #3614 (In Progress): Vessel List > List of Cruise vessel > Export to Pdf > Displaying fields of Pleasure vessel.
satyam vishwakarma
03:39 PM Bug #3556 (In Progress): Create arrival for pleasure > edit > Document tab > Size of the document display 0.
removed this section satyam vishwakarma
03:31 PM Bug #3673 (Resolved): Vessel list > create new pleasure/cruise vessel > after saving....displaying 2 times.
satyam vishwakarma
01:10 PM Bug #2547 (Resolved): After deleting any individual count should updated & users should shown deleted from the screen
satyam vishwakarma
01:04 PM Bug #2668 (Feedback): Crews list > On uploading excel its not getting uplaoded & after some time showing 1000 records..please work on this issue on urgent basis. Syncing not working properly
it takes time to sync individual when quantity is high satyam vishwakarma
12:09 PM Bug #3536 (In Progress): Pleasure Arrival > Print Button
satyam vishwakarma

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