



From 05/26/2022 to 06/04/2022


06:32 PM Bug #2533 (Resolved): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Pop up immigration form> check issues below
satyam vishwakarma
01:52 PM Bug #2533 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Pop up immigration form> check issues below
when i view the immigration form in selected users, details is not displayed an...
Shubham J
06:30 PM Bug #2534 (Resolved): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Fill immigration form> check issues below
satyam vishwakarma
02:41 PM Bug #2534 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Fill immigration form> check issues below
after submitting the immigration form, i selected another user. it shows this and blocking me when i click on the but... Shubham J
06:30 PM Bug #2536 (Resolved): Create arrival notification for pleasure vessel> select Saint Lucia as arrival country> after filling immigration form> check issue below.
satyam vishwakarma
03:03 PM Bug #2536 (Closed): Create arrival notification for pleasure vessel> select Saint Lucia as arrival country> after filling immigration form> check issue below.
I can't go forward and backward after filling the immigration form when i click on next and back button.
Shubham J
03:24 PM Bug #2537 (Closed): Delete the crew from the crew list without selecting any member> spelling mistake.
Shubham J
02:59 PM Bug #2453 (Resolved): Create new cruise ship arrival notifictaion > Taking too much time at the time of submitting notification. Only 1 crew & one passenger added in it.
satyam vishwakarma
02:59 PM Bug #2456 (Resolved): Creat Vessel> Dimension header form > Perpendicular spelling issue . Please correct to "Perpendicullars" to "Perpendicular"
satyam vishwakarma
02:58 PM Bug #2443 (Resolved): We can provide tool tip for the icons on all pages i.e. Dashboard, Arrival notifications, vessels , crews list etc....
satyam vishwakarma
02:52 PM Bug #2535 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> click cancel > Remove the black boundary.
Shubham J
02:46 PM Bug #2424 (Resolved): Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page
satyam vishwakarma
02:45 PM Bug #2428 (Resolved): Cruise dashboard > Arrival notification > view details > Master name missing
satyam vishwakarma
02:45 PM Bug #2461 (Resolved): View cruise/pleasure arrival notification > tabs should be clickable in case of view details..
satyam vishwakarma
02:43 PM Bug #2396 (Resolved): Create New Vessel > Cruise vessel > General form > Draugh field - Designed spelling is wrong
satyam vishwakarma
01:31 PM Bug #2532 (Feedback): Arrival notification> select Saint Lucia as arrival country >create notification for pleasure vessel>individuals tab> purpose of visit in pop up immigration form> check issue below.
Shubham J
12:46 PM Bug #2505 (Reopened ): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
Shubham J


04:41 PM Bug #2473 (In Progress): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews > Individual list appearing but we have to keep same format as in Pleasure Vessel
satyam vishwakarma
04:20 PM Bug #2481 (Closed): Cruise vessel dahshbaord -Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > latest one should shown at top
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2481 (Resolved): Cruise vessel dahshbaord -Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > latest one should shown at top
satyam vishwakarma
04:20 PM Bug #2474 (Closed): Getting this error at the time of create arrival notification - only sometimes
priyanka Sharma
04:19 PM Bug #2485 (Closed): Create outbound - appearing errors on Review tab . Data not binded under Cruise IN port
priyanka Sharma
12:15 PM Bug #2485 (Resolved): Create outbound - appearing errors on Review tab . Data not binded under Cruise IN port
satyam vishwakarma
04:18 PM Bug #2488 (Closed): Crews/Individuals > Duplicate users should not shown .
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2488 (Resolved): Crews/Individuals > Duplicate users should not shown .
satyam vishwakarma
04:17 PM Bug #2438 (Closed): RCS - cruise arrival notificationfrom Registries/En-route > Inbound form not able to open
priyanka Sharma
04:17 PM Bug #2443 (Reopened ): We can provide tool tip for the icons on all pages i.e. Dashboard, Arrival notifications, vessels , crews list etc....
Still missing on Crews lsit, Weapons list, departure notifications page priyanka Sharma
04:14 PM Bug #2430 (Closed): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Crews list not appearing on 4th step under Crew Tab
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Bug #2374 (Closed): Individuals List > check blank pagination . Not able to see records of pages after 30
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2374 (Resolved): Individuals List > check blank pagination . Not able to see records of pages after 30
satyam vishwakarma
03:40 PM Bug #2527 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notifications List > Once vessel inbounded from RCS side then on sailclear system user should not able to edit, copy, delete of any arrival notification
And show under Completed notifications as work in pleasure notification...
priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM Bug #2482 (Feedback): Edit any cruise arrival notification & check voyage tab - some fields data not appeared at first time, if we edit same notification on 2nd time then it will show to you
sometimes it takes a little time to bind the fields. satyam vishwakarma
03:02 PM Bug #2493 (In Progress): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews & 5th step - Passenger> Mass delete option should be there . As we can't delete user one by one
satyam vishwakarma
12:55 PM Bug #2410 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival notification > At Summary step some of the fields about the arrival notification not appearing. Check below
need to discuss with Neeraj sir. Fields are displayed as per client requirement. satyam vishwakarma
12:33 PM Bug #2487 (Closed): Crews list > There should be total no of counts of individuals . You can show Crews/passenger/Master count separately
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2487 (Resolved): Crews list > There should be total no of counts of individuals . You can show Crews/passenger/Master count separately
satyam vishwakarma
12:33 PM Bug #2510 (Closed): Create cruise arrival notification > Crews & passenger > If i edit the crew, passenger, master form then Travel document type field seems blank & if i change their rank crew to master then without adding their document id it gets saved.
priyanka Sharma
12:29 PM Bug #2501 (Resolved): Pleasure Arrival Notifications List > Inbound created & trying to print the details but no data appearing in the print popup
rajat gupta
12:28 PM Bug #2468 (Closed): Displaying the deleted crew and passengers members in the departure notification.
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2468 (Resolved): Displaying the deleted crew and passengers members in the departure notification.
satyam vishwakarma
12:20 PM Bug #2447 (Closed): Weapons list > Upload from excel > i have attached valid format file but its not get uplaoded
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2447 (Resolved): Weapons list > Upload from excel > i have attached valid format file but its not get uplaoded
satyam vishwakarma
12:20 PM Bug #2509 (Closed): Weapons list > If we upload same excel again with new entries addon in it then the duplicate weapons should not add again.
Means only new entries which ared added on excel sheet again should shown on sheet...should not add existing weapon
priyanka Sharma
12:17 PM Bug #2470 (Feedback): Add new Cruise type Vessel > Page gets scrolled to top on click of Ownership & Associated Parties, Dimension Header Tab etc... if above form already opened
satyam vishwakarma
12:16 PM Bug #2470: Add new Cruise type Vessel > Page gets scrolled to top on click of Ownership & Associated Parties, Dimension Header Tab etc... if above form already opened
it can not be change. satyam vishwakarma
12:08 PM Bug #2470: Add new Cruise type Vessel > Page gets scrolled to top on click of Ownership & Associated Parties, Dimension Header Tab etc... if above form already opened
it can not be change. satyam vishwakarma
12:14 PM Bug #2480 (Closed): Create Pleasure vessel arrival notification - check issues of weapon tab (3rd step)
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Bug #2508 (Closed): Crews list - on uploading excel it shows me error again "Document type and Document Id already exist"
We can uplaod same file again but can't show duplicate users on crews list.
priyanka Sharma
12:07 PM Bug #2505 (Resolved): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
rajat gupta
11:16 AM Bug #2505 (Closed): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
Icons of action column Getting changed on weapons list...if we use any weapon dur...
Shubham J
11:56 AM Bug #2472 (Closed): Arrival notification> Create Notification> select pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> deleted users list also displayed in the list.
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2472 (Resolved): Arrival notification> Create Notification> select pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> deleted users list also displayed in the list.
satyam vishwakarma
11:28 AM Bug #2465 (Closed): Weapons page > Export to pdf & excel button should not come if no data present there
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2465 (Resolved): Weapons page > Export to pdf & excel button should not come if no data present there
satyam vishwakarma
11:26 AM Bug #2434 (Closed): Create/Edit Pleasue Vessels > Weapon tab > No option to go back from there
priyanka Sharma
11:26 AM Bug #2467 (Closed): Breadcrumb path > This should not be clickable. It is navigating me to dashboard page on click on it. Check this issue on all pages
priyanka Sharma
09:56 AM Bug #2467 (Resolved): Breadcrumb path > This should not be clickable. It is navigating me to dashboard page on click on it. Check this issue on all pages
satyam vishwakarma
11:05 AM Bug #2496 (In Progress): Edit Cruise arrival notification > 1st step Vessel details > general form ?Call sign value dispalying "null"
satyam vishwakarma


06:26 PM Bug #2501 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival Notifications List > Inbound created & trying to print the details but no data appearing in the print popup
priyanka Sharma
05:25 PM Bug #2467 (In Progress): Breadcrumb path > This should not be clickable. It is navigating me to dashboard page on click on it. Check this issue on all pages
rajat gupta
05:24 PM Bug #2460 (Reopened ): RCS - View or create inbound of Cruise arrival notification - File uplaoded on sailclear not showing under RCS. Check notification id 38240
Its not opened now - appeared blank tab
priyanka Sharma
04:19 PM Bug #2460 (Resolved): RCS - View or create inbound of Cruise arrival notification - File uplaoded on sailclear not showing under RCS. Check notification id 38240
satyam vishwakarma
05:10 PM Bug #2374 (In Progress): Individuals List > check blank pagination . Not able to see records of pages after 30
satyam vishwakarma
05:10 PM Bug #2449 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound of cruise vessel > these all tabs of pleasure vessels should not come. Please make sure all fields & tab of cruise arrival notification should shown same on RCS system
priyanka Sharma
05:10 PM Bug #2484 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound form >Uplaod & Crew tab > crews & passengers list not showing
priyanka Sharma
10:51 AM Bug #2484 (Resolved): RCS - Create inbound form >Uplaod & Crew tab > crews & passengers list not showing
satyam vishwakarma
05:10 PM Bug #2462 (Closed): RCS - Inbound> Search by notification id> Not able to create inbound for any country. Getting error on Review Tab
priyanka Sharma
04:39 PM Bug #2496 (Closed): Edit Cruise arrival notification > 1st step Vessel details > general form ?Call sign value dispalying "null"
priyanka Sharma
04:26 PM Bug #2461 (Reopened ): View cruise/pleasure arrival notification > tabs should be clickable in case of view details..
Not resolved priyanka Sharma
04:24 PM Bug #2479 (Feedback): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Only One master allowed . Make validation if there are more than one master
after discussion with neeraj sir the resolution is to leave now for the client end revert satyam vishwakarma
04:22 PM Bug #2480 (Resolved): Create Pleasure vessel arrival notification - check issues of weapon tab (3rd step)
satyam vishwakarma
04:20 PM Bug #2468 (In Progress): Displaying the deleted crew and passengers members in the departure notification.
satyam vishwakarma
04:15 PM Bug #2487 (In Progress): Crews list > There should be total no of counts of individuals . You can show Crews/passenger/Master count separately
satyam vishwakarma
12:01 PM Bug #2487 (Closed): Crews list > There should be total no of counts of individuals . You can show Crews/passenger/Master count separately
As large no of users list displaying here so difficult to count them. priyanka Sharma
04:02 PM Bug #2488 (In Progress): Crews/Individuals > Duplicate users should not shown .
satyam vishwakarma
01:01 PM Bug #2488 (Closed): Crews/Individuals > Duplicate users should not shown .
In excel sheet - i have enter one record & uploaded excel on crews list page > file gets uplaoded & list showing prop... priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM Bug #2472 (In Progress): Arrival notification> Create Notification> select pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> deleted users list also displayed in the list.
satyam vishwakarma
03:45 PM Bug #2494 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Crews & Passenger tab > Click on view icon >view crew details popup > Date of birth & Isssue displaying wrong in popup. Check uploaded excel sheet.
priyanka Sharma
03:43 PM Bug #2447 (In Progress): Weapons list > Upload from excel > i have attached valid format file but its not get uplaoded
satyam vishwakarma
03:43 PM Bug #2465 (In Progress): Weapons page > Export to pdf & excel button should not come if no data present there
satyam vishwakarma
03:37 PM Bug #2493 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews & 5th step - Passenger> Mass delete option should be there . As we can't delete user one by one
priyanka Sharma
03:33 PM Bug #2424 (Reopened ): Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page
Crews list not appearing now priyanka Sharma
03:29 PM Bug #2464 (Closed): Pleasure/Departure notification > "Required" spelling incorrect
priyanka Sharma
01:25 PM Bug #2419 (Closed): Crews list >If i am uploading Crews or Passenger excel file it shows error of Duplicate file found while i have not uploaded any file yet
priyanka Sharma
01:18 PM Bug #2453 (Reopened ): Create new cruise ship arrival notifictaion > Taking too much time at the time of submitting notification. Only 1 crew & one passenger added in it.
priyanka Sharma
01:17 PM Bug #2471 (Closed): Create cruise arrival notification > Not able to go on next page until any master added . Please show validation message "Master is required" before going to next step
priyanka Sharma
01:08 PM Bug #2475 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Not able to go Next - Master already added on Crews list page but still can't go ahead
priyanka Sharma
12:43 PM Bug #2483 (Closed): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Select Vessel field appeared blank on sailclear system
priyanka Sharma
12:27 PM Bug #2416 (Closed): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Cruise Vessels > Export to pdf & Export to excel. Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM Bug #2466 (Closed): Sequence of Pleasure & Cruise list should be same on all pages.
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM Bug #2469 (Closed): Make changes as per screenshot attached below
priyanka Sharma
11:51 AM Bug #2476 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > click on view icon > got crash on view details
priyanka Sharma
11:46 AM Bug #2478 (Reopened ): Cruise Arrival Notification> taking time in submitting the arrival notification.
priyanka Sharma
11:30 AM Bug #2481 (In Progress): Cruise vessel dahshbaord -Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > latest one should shown at top
satyam vishwakarma
11:27 AM Bug #2415 (Reopened ): List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded
Export to excel not working for Pleasure vessels & In cruise taking time while exporting priyanka Sharma
10:48 AM Bug #2474 (Resolved): Getting this error at the time of create arrival notification - only sometimes
satyam vishwakarma
10:44 AM Bug #2486 (Closed): Arrival notifications > Pleasure Arrival Notification List > change the tooltip name of Copy icon . It is copy not view & make sure handcursor should made on all links
priyanka Sharma


08:49 PM Bug #2419 (Resolved): Crews list >If i am uploading Crews or Passenger excel file it shows error of Duplicate file found while i have not uploaded any file yet
satyam vishwakarma
08:46 PM Bug #2486 (Resolved): Arrival notifications > Pleasure Arrival Notification List > change the tooltip name of Copy icon . It is copy not view & make sure handcursor should made on all links
satyam vishwakarma
08:16 PM Bug #2486 (In Progress): Arrival notifications > Pleasure Arrival Notification List > change the tooltip name of Copy icon . It is copy not view & make sure handcursor should made on all links
satyam vishwakarma
07:07 PM Bug #2486 (Closed): Arrival notifications > Pleasure Arrival Notification List > change the tooltip name of Copy icon . It is copy not view & make sure handcursor should made on all links
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2471 (Resolved): Create cruise arrival notification > Not able to go on next page until any master added . Please show validation message "Master is required" before going to next step
satyam vishwakarma
08:38 PM Bug #2471 (In Progress): Create cruise arrival notification > Not able to go on next page until any master added . Please show validation message "Master is required" before going to next step
satyam vishwakarma
02:26 PM Bug #2471 (Closed): Create cruise arrival notification > Not able to go on next page until any master added . Please show validation message "Master is required" before going to next step
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2469 (Resolved): Make changes as per screenshot attached below
satyam vishwakarma
01:28 PM Bug #2469 (In Progress): Make changes as per screenshot attached below
satyam vishwakarma
11:43 AM Bug #2469 (Closed): Make changes as per screenshot attached below
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2478 (Resolved): Cruise Arrival Notification> taking time in submitting the arrival notification.
satyam vishwakarma
07:37 PM Bug #2478 (In Progress): Cruise Arrival Notification> taking time in submitting the arrival notification.
satyam vishwakarma
03:44 PM Bug #2478 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival Notification> taking time in submitting the arrival notification.
Taking time after submitting the arrival notification.
Shubham J
08:46 PM Bug #2483 (Resolved): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Select Vessel field appeared blank on sailclear system
satyam vishwakarma
08:15 PM Bug #2483 (In Progress): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Select Vessel field appeared blank on sailclear system
satyam vishwakarma
06:02 PM Bug #2483 (Closed): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Select Vessel field appeared blank on sailclear system
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2475 (Resolved): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Not able to go Next - Master already added on Crews list page but still can't go ahead
satyam vishwakarma
08:40 PM Bug #2475 (In Progress): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Not able to go Next - Master already added on Crews list page but still can't go ahead
satyam vishwakarma
03:20 PM Bug #2475 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Not able to go Next - Master already added on Crews list page but still can't go ahead
On Passenger tab i am cliclking on next tab :
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2477 (Resolved): Arrival notification> crew tab> Add New individuals> middle name is not displaying.
satyam vishwakarma
04:52 PM Bug #2477 (In Progress): Arrival notification> crew tab> Add New individuals> middle name is not displaying.
satyam vishwakarma
03:39 PM Bug #2477 (Closed): Arrival notification> crew tab> Add New individuals> middle name is not displaying.
Middle name of the individual is not displaying after adding an individual in the arrival notification.
steps:- Ar...
Shubham J
08:46 PM Bug #2476 (Resolved): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > click on view icon > got crash on view details
satyam vishwakarma
06:06 PM Bug #2476 (In Progress): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > click on view icon > got crash on view details
satyam vishwakarma
03:28 PM Bug #2476 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > click on view icon > got crash on view details
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2466 (Resolved): Sequence of Pleasure & Cruise list should be same on all pages.
satyam vishwakarma
04:36 PM Bug #2466 (In Progress): Sequence of Pleasure & Cruise list should be same on all pages.
satyam vishwakarma
11:25 AM Bug #2466 (Closed): Sequence of Pleasure & Cruise list should be same on all pages.
Vessels list - At top - List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels
Bottom - List Of Pleasure vessels
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2438 (Resolved): RCS - cruise arrival notificationfrom Registries/En-route > Inbound form not able to open
satyam vishwakarma
01:20 PM Bug #2438 (In Progress): RCS - cruise arrival notificationfrom Registries/En-route > Inbound form not able to open
satyam vishwakarma
08:46 PM Bug #2464 (Resolved): Pleasure/Departure notification > "Required" spelling incorrect
satyam vishwakarma
01:30 PM Bug #2464 (In Progress): Pleasure/Departure notification > "Required" spelling incorrect
satyam vishwakarma
11:00 AM Bug #2464 (Closed): Pleasure/Departure notification > "Required" spelling incorrect
priyanka Sharma
08:46 PM Bug #2462 (Resolved): RCS - Inbound> Search by notification id> Not able to create inbound for any country. Getting error on Review Tab
satyam vishwakarma
04:35 PM Bug #2462 (In Progress): RCS - Inbound> Search by notification id> Not able to create inbound for any country. Getting error on Review Tab
satyam vishwakarma
08:46 PM Bug #2449 (Resolved): RCS - Create inbound of cruise vessel > these all tabs of pleasure vessels should not come. Please make sure all fields & tab of cruise arrival notification should shown same on RCS system
satyam vishwakarma
01:38 PM Bug #2449 (In Progress): RCS - Create inbound of cruise vessel > these all tabs of pleasure vessels should not come. Please make sure all fields & tab of cruise arrival notification should shown same on RCS system
satyam vishwakarma
08:46 PM Bug #2461 (Resolved): View cruise/pleasure arrival notification > tabs should be clickable in case of view details..
satyam vishwakarma
08:46 PM Bug #2415 (Resolved): List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded
satyam vishwakarma
08:39 PM Bug #2415 (In Progress): List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded
satyam vishwakarma
08:46 PM Bug #2416 (Resolved): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Cruise Vessels > Export to pdf & Export to excel. Check issues below
satyam vishwakarma
08:39 PM Bug #2416 (In Progress): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Cruise Vessels > Export to pdf & Export to excel. Check issues below
satyam vishwakarma
06:19 PM Bug #2485 (Closed): Create outbound - appearing errors on Review tab . Data not binded under Cruise IN port
priyanka Sharma
06:07 PM Bug #2484 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound form >Uplaod & Crew tab > crews & passengers list not showing
Sailclear -
RCS - no users list showing
priyanka Sharma
05:59 PM Bug #2482 (Feedback): Edit any cruise arrival notification & check voyage tab - some fields data not appeared at first time, if we edit same notification on 2nd time then it will show to you
priyanka Sharma
05:48 PM Bug #2481 (Closed): Cruise vessel dahshbaord -Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > latest one should shown at top
priyanka Sharma
05:44 PM Bug #2480 (Closed): Create Pleasure vessel arrival notification - check issues of weapon tab (3rd step)
1. This page appearing only 1st time, if i create 2nd arrival notification then it will not come -
priyanka Sharma
05:09 PM Bug #2479 (Feedback): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Only One master allowed . Make validation if there are more than one master
In excel file if there are two masters then we can fetch two entries from there but on moving forward we have to rest... priyanka Sharma
03:30 PM Bug #2463 (Closed): Please confirm American Samoa Country port name - Is it Samoa or Samosa?
priyanka Sharma
02:55 PM Bug #2410 (New): Cruise Arrival notification > At Summary step some of the fields about the arrival notification not appearing. Check below
Needs to show Arrival country, Destination country , Previous country fields. For rest fields you can discuss with Ne... priyanka Sharma
02:51 PM Bug #2474 (Closed): Getting this error at the time of create arrival notification - only sometimes
priyanka Sharma
02:45 PM Bug #2473 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews > Individual list appearing but we have to keep same format as in Pleasure Vessel
Like in Pleasure Vessel we can see the individuals list all time & we can add any crew or passenger anytime
priyanka Sharma
02:37 PM Bug #2472 (Closed): Arrival notification> Create Notification> select pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> deleted users list also displayed in the list.
Deleted users are also displayed in the individual list.
steps:- click Arrival notification> Create Notification> ...
Shubham J
01:06 PM Bug #2470 (Feedback): Add new Cruise type Vessel > Page gets scrolled to top on click of Ownership & Associated Parties, Dimension Header Tab etc... if above form already opened
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Bug #2429 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Not able to delete cruise Arrival notification
priyanka Sharma
12:12 PM Bug #2446 (Closed): Weapons > upload from excel > on click of template it seems blanks screen
priyanka Sharma
12:10 PM Bug #2456 (Reopened ): Creat Vessel> Dimension header form > Perpendicular spelling issue . Please correct to "Perpendicullars" to "Perpendicular"
Not fixed on Create Vessel page . And Change it to "Perpendiculars" priyanka Sharma
11:35 AM Bug #2468 (Closed): Displaying the deleted crew and passengers members in the departure notification.
Deleted the passengers and crew from the crew list and creating the departure notification, deleted crew and passenge... Shubham J
11:31 AM Bug #2467 (Closed): Breadcrumb path > This should not be clickable. It is navigating me to dashboard page on click on it. Check this issue on all pages
If i visit on any page then link of that page should not clickable. Only dashboard link should be clickable which is ... priyanka Sharma
11:02 AM Bug #2465 (Closed): Weapons page > Export to pdf & excel button should not come if no data present there
priyanka Sharma


08:41 PM Bug #2458 (Feedback): Create Cruise arrival notification > Upload Tab>If uploaded crews or passenger file deleted from there then the list should not shown on next Crew tab
tomorrow will discuss with neeraj sir satyam vishwakarma
03:59 PM Bug #2458 (Feedback): Create Cruise arrival notification > Upload Tab>If uploaded crews or passenger file deleted from there then the list should not shown on next Crew tab priyanka Sharma
08:41 PM Bug #2420 (Feedback): At the time of creating arrival notification for cruise ship if passenger/Crews uploaded file removed then it should not shown on 4th, 5th tab of Crews & Passengers
tomorrow will discuss with neeraj sir satyam vishwakarma
07:40 PM Bug #2463 (Feedback): Please confirm American Samoa Country port name - Is it Samoa or Samosa?
it is samosa.. satyam vishwakarma
06:09 PM Bug #2463 (Closed): Please confirm American Samoa Country port name - Is it Samoa or Samosa?
priyanka Sharma
07:40 PM Bug #2461 (In Progress): View cruise/pleasure arrival notification > tabs should be clickable in case of view details..
satyam vishwakarma
05:20 PM Bug #2461 (Closed): View cruise/pleasure arrival notification > tabs should be clickable in case of view details..
priyanka Sharma
07:33 PM Bug #2430 (Resolved): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Crews list not appearing on 4th step under Crew Tab
satyam vishwakarma
07:33 PM Bug #2429 (Resolved): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Not able to delete cruise Arrival notification
satyam vishwakarma
12:18 PM Bug #2429 (In Progress): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Not able to delete cruise Arrival notification
satyam vishwakarma
07:33 PM Bug #2434 (Resolved): Create/Edit Pleasue Vessels > Weapon tab > No option to go back from there
satyam vishwakarma
06:26 PM Bug #2434 (In Progress): Create/Edit Pleasue Vessels > Weapon tab > No option to go back from there
satyam vishwakarma
07:33 PM Bug #2424 (Resolved): Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page
satyam vishwakarma
03:25 PM Bug #2424 (In Progress): Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page
satyam vishwakarma
07:32 PM Bug #2452 (Resolved): Departure notifications > I created cruse/commercial Departure notifications >it is not showing on Dashboard.
satyam vishwakarma
10:25 AM Bug #2452 (In Progress): Departure notifications > I created cruse/commercial Departure notifications >it is not showing on Dashboard.
satyam vishwakarma
07:32 PM Bug #2451 (Resolved): Departure notification > Not asking vessel category & in vessel dropdown showing value of mixed vessels pleasure & cruise both
satyam vishwakarma
10:26 AM Bug #2451 (In Progress): Departure notification > Not asking vessel category & in vessel dropdown showing value of mixed vessels pleasure & cruise both
satyam vishwakarma
07:32 PM Bug #2453 (Resolved): Create new cruise ship arrival notifictaion > Taking too much time at the time of submitting notification. Only 1 crew & one passenger added in it.
satyam vishwakarma
04:28 PM Bug #2453 (In Progress): Create new cruise ship arrival notifictaion > Taking too much time at the time of submitting notification. Only 1 crew & one passenger added in it.
satyam vishwakarma
12:11 PM Bug #2453 (Closed): Create new cruise ship arrival notifictaion > Taking too much time at the time of submitting notification. Only 1 crew & one passenger added in it.
priyanka Sharma
07:32 PM Bug #2456 (Resolved): Creat Vessel> Dimension header form > Perpendicular spelling issue . Please correct to "Perpendicullars" to "Perpendicular"
satyam vishwakarma
04:28 PM Bug #2456 (In Progress): Creat Vessel> Dimension header form > Perpendicular spelling issue . Please correct to "Perpendicullars" to "Perpendicular"
satyam vishwakarma
03:42 PM Bug #2456 (Closed): Creat Vessel> Dimension header form > Perpendicular spelling issue . Please correct to "Perpendicullars" to "Perpendicular"
priyanka Sharma
07:32 PM Bug #2443 (Resolved): We can provide tool tip for the icons on all pages i.e. Dashboard, Arrival notifications, vessels , crews list etc....
satyam vishwakarma
12:02 PM Bug #2443 (In Progress): We can provide tool tip for the icons on all pages i.e. Dashboard, Arrival notifications, vessels , crews list etc....
satyam vishwakarma
07:32 PM Bug #2446 (Resolved): Weapons > upload from excel > on click of template it seems blanks screen
satyam vishwakarma
04:18 PM Bug #2446 (In Progress): Weapons > upload from excel > on click of template it seems blanks screen
satyam vishwakarma
05:24 PM Bug #2462 (Closed): RCS - Inbound> Search by notification id> Not able to create inbound for any country. Getting error on Review Tab
Create Inbound for Cruise arrival notification > On Review tab it shows Error in Vessel Form . Check notification id ... priyanka Sharma
04:59 PM Bug #2457: Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents> If there is error during uploading file then it should not shown that file name with Crew & passenger list field
file will show however it's crew & passenger list or not cos file can be any type of. satyam vishwakarma
04:58 PM Bug #2457 (Feedback): Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents> If there is error during uploading file then it should not shown that file name with Crew & passenger list field
satyam vishwakarma
03:53 PM Bug #2457 (Feedback): Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents> If there is error during uploading file then it should not shown that file name with Crew & passenger list field
priyanka Sharma
04:44 PM Bug #2460 (Closed): RCS - View or create inbound of Cruise arrival notification - File uplaoded on sailclear not showing under RCS. Check notification id 38240
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM Bug #2401 (Closed): Vessels List > List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > View vessel details under Action column > some fields appearing of pleasure vessel
priyanka Sharma
04:19 PM Bug #2426 (Closed): Edit cruise notification list > Edit the vessel category dropdown >Change Cruise to pleaseure vessel > Select vessel dropdown will not reset as per vessel category
priyanka Sharma
04:18 PM Bug #2421 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action column > data not appearing
priyanka Sharma
04:17 PM Bug #2438 (New): RCS - cruise arrival notificationfrom Registries/En-route > Inbound form not able to open
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM Bug #2423 (Reopened ): Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord > Check issues below
1.There should be Title "Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord" on Top
2. Individuls count appearing wrongi.e. 54 while on clic...
priyanka Sharma
12:49 PM Bug #2413 (Closed): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels >Some of columns appearing blank always as they are not the part of cruise vessels so instead of them we can show cruise vessel column's there
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM Bug #2422 (Closed): Dashboard - Pleasure Vessels dashboard > Cruise notification list also viewing under pleasure vessel dashboard
priyanka Sharma
12:03 PM Bug #2448 (Feedback): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Column name should be Vessel name instead of Agent Name
discuss with neeraj sir which field needed to put here satyam vishwakarma
11:57 AM Bug #2428 (Reopened ): Cruise dashboard > Arrival notification > view details > Master name missing
Make validation for Master field required. Either you have to create manually master or upload master from excel file... priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM Bug #2437 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival Notification List > remove text "Submitted Notifications" from there . You can shop at top
priyanka Sharma
11:18 AM Bug #2441 (Reopened ): Pleasure Dashbaord > Pleasure Departure Notification List > loader running if there is no departure notification
Not fixed
priyanka Sharma
11:10 AM Bug #2399 (Closed): Edit Arrival Notification List/ Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List - Tabs link should clickable and should be of blue color
priyanka Sharma
11:08 AM Bug #2418 (Closed): Crews List > Individual List > Export & Pdf Button should not be clickable if there is no data
priyanka Sharma
11:07 AM Bug #2417 (Closed): Individual List > Uplaod from Excel Button >Do not upload anything > Click on download template > check below how page appearing
priyanka Sharma
11:06 AM Bug #2427 (Closed): Create Arrival Notfication > Check Position spelling
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM Bug #2445 (Closed): Weapons list > Uplaod from Excel Button > Click on Cancel> navigate you on Individual list
priyanka Sharma


07:16 PM Bug #2413 (Resolved): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels >Some of columns appearing blank always as they are not the part of cruise vessels so instead of them we can show cruise vessel column's there
satyam vishwakarma
04:46 PM Bug #2413 (In Progress): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels >Some of columns appearing blank always as they are not the part of cruise vessels so instead of them we can show cruise vessel column's there
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2422 (Resolved): Dashboard - Pleasure Vessels dashboard > Cruise notification list also viewing under pleasure vessel dashboard
satyam vishwakarma
04:46 PM Bug #2422 (In Progress): Dashboard - Pleasure Vessels dashboard > Cruise notification list also viewing under pleasure vessel dashboard
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2421 (Resolved): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action column > data not appearing
satyam vishwakarma
04:46 PM Bug #2421 (In Progress): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action column > data not appearing
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2418 (Resolved): Crews List > Individual List > Export & Pdf Button should not be clickable if there is no data
satyam vishwakarma
04:54 PM Bug #2418 (In Progress): Crews List > Individual List > Export & Pdf Button should not be clickable if there is no data
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2401 (Resolved): Vessels List > List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > View vessel details under Action column > some fields appearing of pleasure vessel
satyam vishwakarma
04:48 PM Bug #2401 (In Progress): Vessels List > List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > View vessel details under Action column > some fields appearing of pleasure vessel
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2399 (Resolved): Edit Arrival Notification List/ Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List - Tabs link should clickable and should be of blue color
satyam vishwakarma
04:46 PM Bug #2399 (In Progress): Edit Arrival Notification List/ Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List - Tabs link should clickable and should be of blue color
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2441 (Resolved): Pleasure Dashbaord > Pleasure Departure Notification List > loader running if there is no departure notification
satyam vishwakarma
06:13 PM Bug #2441 (In Progress): Pleasure Dashbaord > Pleasure Departure Notification List > loader running if there is no departure notification
satyam vishwakarma
03:39 PM Bug #2441 (Closed): Pleasure Dashbaord > Pleasure Departure Notification List > loader running if there is no departure notification
priyanka Sharma
07:16 PM Bug #2437 (Resolved): Pleasure Arrival Notification List > remove text "Submitted Notifications" from there . You can shop at top
satyam vishwakarma
06:48 PM Bug #2437 (In Progress): Pleasure Arrival Notification List > remove text "Submitted Notifications" from there . You can shop at top
satyam vishwakarma
02:40 PM Bug #2437 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival Notification List > remove text "Submitted Notifications" from there . You can shop at top
priyanka Sharma
07:16 PM Bug #2445 (Resolved): Weapons list > Uplaod from Excel Button > Click on Cancel> navigate you on Individual list
satyam vishwakarma
05:37 PM Bug #2445 (In Progress): Weapons list > Uplaod from Excel Button > Click on Cancel> navigate you on Individual list
satyam vishwakarma
05:26 PM Bug #2445 (Closed): Weapons list > Uplaod from Excel Button > Click on Cancel> navigate you on Individual list
It should remain on Weapons page
priyanka Sharma
07:16 PM Bug #2428 (Resolved): Cruise dashboard > Arrival notification > view details > Master name missing
satyam vishwakarma
05:30 PM Bug #2428 (In Progress): Cruise dashboard > Arrival notification > view details > Master name missing
satyam vishwakarma
12:37 PM Bug #2428 (Closed): Cruise dashboard > Arrival notification > view details > Master name missing
priyanka Sharma
07:16 PM Bug #2426 (Resolved): Edit cruise notification list > Edit the vessel category dropdown >Change Cruise to pleaseure vessel > Select vessel dropdown will not reset as per vessel category
satyam vishwakarma
04:46 PM Bug #2426 (In Progress): Edit cruise notification list > Edit the vessel category dropdown >Change Cruise to pleaseure vessel > Select vessel dropdown will not reset as per vessel category
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2423 (Resolved): Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord > Check issues below
satyam vishwakarma
04:46 PM Bug #2423 (In Progress): Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord > Check issues below
satyam vishwakarma
07:16 PM Bug #2427 (Resolved): Create Arrival Notfication > Check Position spelling
satyam vishwakarma
05:00 PM Bug #2427 (In Progress): Create Arrival Notfication > Check Position spelling
satyam vishwakarma
12:28 PM Bug #2427 (Closed): Create Arrival Notfication > Check Position spelling
priyanka Sharma
07:15 PM Bug #2430 (In Progress): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Crews list not appearing on 4th step under Crew Tab
satyam vishwakarma
12:57 PM Bug #2430 (Closed): Edit Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Crews list not appearing on 4th step under Crew Tab
At the time of creating new arrival notification i have uplaoded excel of 5 crews members. Now i am editing the same ... priyanka Sharma
07:02 PM Bug #2438 (Feedback): RCS - cruise arrival notificationfrom Registries/En-route > Inbound form not able to open
it's working. I have checked.
please wait for a while until it loads, it may take a little time to bind
satyam vishwakarma
02:49 PM Bug #2438 (Closed): RCS - cruise arrival notificationfrom Registries/En-route > Inbound form not able to open
Blank screen appear on click on inbound -
priyanka Sharma
06:43 PM Bug #2452 (Closed): Departure notifications > I created cruse/commercial Departure notifications >it is not showing on Dashboard.
Pravin J
06:39 PM Bug #2440 (Feedback): Cruise/commercial type arrival notification > Upload documents tab (3rd) > Under General Document Section i ahve uploaded one image but on edit its not viewing
kindly read guidelines given on the right side of the page satyam vishwakarma
03:32 PM Bug #2440 (Feedback): Cruise/commercial type arrival notification > Upload documents tab (3rd) > Under General Document Section i ahve uploaded one image but on edit its not viewing
priyanka Sharma
06:35 PM Bug #2451 (Closed): Departure notification > Not asking vessel category & in vessel dropdown showing value of mixed vessels pleasure & cruise both
priyanka Sharma
06:29 PM Bug #2449 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound of cruise vessel > these all tabs of pleasure vessels should not come. Please make sure all fields & tab of cruise arrival notification should shown same on RCS system
Only fields appearing during create arrival notification for cruise vessels should shown on RCS system while creating... priyanka Sharma
06:16 PM Bug #2448 (Feedback): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Column name should be Vessel name instead of Agent Name
priyanka Sharma
05:36 PM Bug #2447 (Closed): Weapons list > Upload from excel > i have attached valid format file but its not get uplaoded
priyanka Sharma
05:31 PM Bug #2446 (Closed): Weapons > upload from excel > on click of template it seems blanks screen
priyanka Sharma
04:56 PM Bug #2417 (Resolved): Individual List > Uplaod from Excel Button >Do not upload anything > Click on download template > check below how page appearing
satyam vishwakarma
04:55 PM Bug #2417 (In Progress): Individual List > Uplaod from Excel Button >Do not upload anything > Click on download template > check below how page appearing
satyam vishwakarma
04:42 PM Bug #2444 (Closed): Cruise/Pleasure Arrival notifications - Print popup - Crew & Passenger - middle name missing & First name & last name separated by comma
Check Bablu,dev
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM Bug #2443 (Closed): We can provide tool tip for the icons on all pages i.e. Dashboard, Arrival notifications, vessels , crews list etc....
On hover you can show name of the icon
priyanka Sharma
02:15 PM Bug #2405 (Closed): Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents Confirmation fields - there are 6 fileds but on last step while reviewing only 4 fields showing.
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2405 (Resolved): Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents Confirmation fields - there are 6 fileds but on last step while reviewing only 4 fields showing.
satyam vishwakarma
02:15 PM Bug #2398 (Closed): Edit Arrival Notification > If vessel type is cruise then some of the fields appearing blank & the tabs at top also changed
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2398 (Resolved): Edit Arrival Notification > If vessel type is cruise then some of the fields appearing blank & the tabs at top also changed
satyam vishwakarma
02:14 PM Bug #2396 (Reopened ): Create New Vessel > Cruise vessel > General form > Draugh field - Designed spelling is wrong
Not fixed yet priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2396 (Resolved): Create New Vessel > Cruise vessel > General form > Draugh field - Designed spelling is wrong
satyam vishwakarma
02:14 PM Bug #2411 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action Column > details not viewing. I have waited atleast 5 minutes.
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2411 (Resolved): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action Column > details not viewing. I have waited atleast 5 minutes.
satyam vishwakarma
01:28 PM Bug #2436 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Action Column > check issues below
1. Handcursor not made on all links except delete icon'
2. Print option not working as it works for pleasure notifi...
priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM Bug #2435 (Closed): Taking too much time to submit pleasure arrival notification
priyanka Sharma
01:18 PM Bug #2434 (Closed): Create/Edit Pleasue Vessels > Weapon tab > No option to go back from there
priyanka Sharma
12:50 PM Bug #2429 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Not able to delete cruise Arrival notification
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM Bug #2412 (Closed): Vessel list page > After updating cruise vessel no data appearing on the page
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2412 (Resolved): Vessel list page > After updating cruise vessel no data appearing on the page
satyam vishwakarma
12:48 PM Bug #2404 (Reopened ): Cruise Arrival Notification create > Uplaod documents page > Spelling of "Martime delaration" is wrong. Please correct to "Maritime declaration"
Still not fixed on some places.
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2404 (Resolved): Cruise Arrival Notification create > Uplaod documents page > Spelling of "Martime delaration" is wrong. Please correct to "Maritime declaration"
satyam vishwakarma
12:46 PM Bug #2377 (Reopened ): Date format should be same on sailclear & RCS system
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2377 (Resolved): Date format should be same on sailclear & RCS system
satyam vishwakarma
12:11 PM Bug #2414 (Closed): List of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Fields not getting updated
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2414 (Resolved): List of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Fields not getting updated
satyam vishwakarma
12:09 PM Bug #2402 (Closed): Copyright at footer should be of current year i.e. 2022
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Bug #2402 (Resolved): Copyright at footer should be of current year i.e. 2022
satyam vishwakarma
12:07 PM Bug #2370 (Closed): Create new Vessel - after saving anything it shows No data found & it will not show data until refresh the page
priyanka Sharma
10:17 AM Bug #2370 (Resolved): Create new Vessel - after saving anything it shows No data found & it will not show data until refresh the page
satyam vishwakarma
12:06 PM Bug #2369 (Closed): Vessels List > Add new Vessel Vessel category - Cruise ship > Only general Information form getting saved. Other forms like Ownership & Associated Parties , vessel remark, characterstics..etc not getting saved
priyanka Sharma
10:17 AM Bug #2369 (Resolved): Vessels List > Add new Vessel Vessel category - Cruise ship > Only general Information form getting saved. Other forms like Ownership & Associated Parties , vessel remark, characterstics..etc not getting saved
satyam vishwakarma


06:27 PM Bug #2426 (Closed): Edit cruise notification list > Edit the vessel category dropdown >Change Cruise to pleaseure vessel > Select vessel dropdown will not reset as per vessel category
It is showing listing of cruise veseels instead of pleasure vessels
Please do not allow to edit vessel category field
priyanka Sharma
05:41 PM Bug #2424 (Closed): Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page
You can check there are individuals under crews list -

And when i go to creat...
priyanka Sharma
05:25 PM Bug #2423 (Closed): Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord > Check issues below
1. There should be Title "Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord" on Top
2. Vessels count appearing 3 while there is only one pl...
priyanka Sharma
04:58 PM Bug #2422 (Closed): Dashboard - Pleasure Vessels dashboard > Cruise notification list also viewing under pleasure vessel dashboard
Only pleasure notification should shown there
priyanka Sharma
04:41 PM Bug #2421 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action column > data not appearing
Url :-
priyanka Sharma
04:32 PM Bug #2420 (Feedback): At the time of creating arrival notification for cruise ship if passenger/Crews uploaded file removed then it should not shown on 4th, 5th tab of Crews & Passengers
Create Arrival notification for Cruise ship
At uplaod tab uplaod any file of crews or pasengers
On next tab it wil...
priyanka Sharma
03:43 PM Bug #2419 (Closed): Crews list >If i am uploading Crews or Passenger excel file it shows error of Duplicate file found while i have not uploaded any file yet
priyanka Sharma
03:08 PM Bug #2418 (Closed): Crews List > Individual List > Export & Pdf Button should not be clickable if there is no data
It is downloading blank files priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM Bug #2417 (Closed): Individual List > Uplaod from Excel Button >Do not upload anything > Click on download template > check below how page appearing
URL :-
priyanka Sharma
02:52 PM Bug #2416 (Closed): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Cruise Vessels > Export to pdf & Export to excel. Check issues below
Check pdf file view -
Check excel file -
priyanka Sharma
02:49 PM Bug #2410 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival notification > At Summary step some of the fields about the arrival notification not appearing. Check below
fields are showing as per client requirement, no need to change. satyam vishwakarma
12:48 PM Bug #2410 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival notification > At Summary step some of the fields about the arrival notification not appearing. Check below
Arrival country, Destination country , Previous country...etc all are missing .
Please make sure the fields which ...
priyanka Sharma
02:46 PM Bug #2415 (Closed): List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded

In pdf -
priyanka Sharma
02:36 PM Bug #2414 (Closed): List of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Fields not getting updated
Add new Cruise Vessesl
Then edit Name & Owner Name field
After updating check the fields - it will not update .
priyanka Sharma
02:30 PM Bug #2413 (Closed): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels >Some of columns appearing blank always as they are not the part of cruise vessels so instead of them we can show cruise vessel column's there
Registration Number, Year build, home port fields appearing blank always. As there are no such type fields in case of... priyanka Sharma
01:31 PM Bug #2412 (Closed): Vessel list page > After updating cruise vessel no data appearing on the page
Add new Cruise vessel> Edit the vessel > & then check check vessel list page - no data will appear until i refresh th... priyanka Sharma
01:11 PM Bug #2411 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action Column > details not viewing. I have waited atleast 5 minutes.
priyanka Sharma
11:59 AM Bug #2405 (Closed): Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents Confirmation fields - there are 6 fileds but on last step while reviewing only 4 fields showing.
Please check below screenshots:

Please ...
priyanka Sharma
11:36 AM Bug #2404 (Closed): Cruise Arrival Notification create > Uplaod documents page > Spelling of "Martime delaration" is wrong. Please correct to "Maritime declaration"
URL - https://sailclear2022-training.cclec....
priyanka Sharma
11:09 AM Bug #2402 (Closed): Copyright at footer should be of current year i.e. 2022
priyanka Sharma
10:54 AM Bug #2401 (Closed): Vessels List > List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > View vessel details under Action column > some fields appearing of pleasure vessel
Only fields of Cruise vessel should shown . And Show all fields of Cruise vessels which i have filled during add like... priyanka Sharma


05:44 PM Bug #2399 (Closed): Edit Arrival Notification List/ Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List - Tabs link should clickable and should be of blue color
On edit of Cruise notification list/Arrival notification list the tabs link at top should be clickable & should be of... priyanka Sharma
05:09 PM Bug #2398 (Closed): Edit Arrival Notification > If vessel type is cruise then some of the fields appearing blank & the tabs at top also changed
Cruise notification also showing under plea...
priyanka Sharma
04:04 PM Bug #2396 (Closed): Create New Vessel > Cruise vessel > General form > Draugh field - Designed spelling is wrong
URL :-
priyanka Sharma

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