



From 08/21/2022 to 08/30/2022


12:31 PM Bug #3989 (In Progress): create inbound > search from notification> health tab> Check issue below.
satyam vishwakarma


06:31 PM Bug #3989 (Closed): create inbound > search from notification> health tab> Check issue below.
create inbound > search from notification> health tab> Date should get disabled after clicking No radio button. But i... Shubham J
10:25 AM Bug #3869 (Closed): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
Shubham J


03:00 PM Bug #3411 (Closed): Dashboard> Scroll down to pleasure notification> Displaying wrong details.> check issue below.
Shubham J
01:32 PM Bug #2942 (Resolved): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
now popup will open with correct details satyam vishwakarma
01:23 PM Bug #2580 (Feedback): Sometimes header dropdown links not clickable. Loader ends but not able to open the page . Check attached video link
training server was too slow perhaps this problem was occuring just because of that.
now check this issue on live s...
satyam vishwakarma
12:53 PM Bug #2545 (Feedback): RCS - If immigration or health form enabled then it should not work for old notifications...only work for new notifications
as per discussion with neeraj sir now this functionality cannot change. later when it will required to have change t... satyam vishwakarma
12:48 PM Bug #3417 (Resolved): create inbound of pleasure when immigration is on> Review tab > Check issues below.
satyam vishwakarma
12:25 PM Bug #3487 (Feedback): Dashboard> Pleasure Notification tab> Check issues below.
it is working fine kindly check at live site
on training site code is not published.
satyam vishwakarma
12:23 PM Bug #3602 (Feedback): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
when health is on then it will show health section satyam vishwakarma
11:09 AM Bug #3051 (Resolved): Create outbound by departure notification id> Review tab> check issues below.
satyam vishwakarma


04:12 PM Bug #3717 (Closed): Dashboard > Change the inbound button in Health Questionnaire
Shubham J
12:44 PM Bug #3717 (Resolved): Dashboard > Change the inbound button in Health Questionnaire
rajat gupta
04:05 PM Bug #3628 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure > search notification id > Displaying cruise field in pleasure vessel.
Shubham J
12:44 PM Bug #3628 (Resolved): Create inbound of pleasure > search notification id > Displaying cruise field in pleasure vessel.
rajat gupta
03:55 PM Bug #3554 (Closed): Create Pleasure inbound > Details displaying wrong and empty.
Shubham J
02:28 PM Bug #3333 (Closed): Pleasure inbound> search by notification id> Review tab> Fields displaying wrong details.
Shubham J
01:07 PM Bug #3602 (Reopened ): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
Shubham J
12:44 PM Bug #3602 (Resolved): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
rajat gupta
12:57 PM Bug #3417 (Reopened ): create inbound of pleasure when immigration is on> Review tab > Check issues below.
Shubham J
12:46 PM Bug #3689 (Resolved): After creating cruise inbound , search again Notification id in inbound tab > click details > fields appearing blank.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3869 (Resolved): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3788 (Resolved): create inbound from rcs> No rotation reference number is displayed.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3721 (Resolved): after creating inbound of pleasure > click review health> fields appearing blank.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3787 (Resolved): After click on save, Change the text Succssfully to Successfully.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3786 (Resolved): Weapons > Add a weapon through RCS > Fields appear blank.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3750 (Resolved): Inbound/outbound > If i edit/add crews in individual tab and submit the form in review tab > can't create inbound.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3682 (Resolved): Create inbound of pleasure > Go to inport and click on details > check issue below.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM Bug #3678 (Resolved): I have deleted pleasure arrival notification from sailclear but it is displaying in RCS dashboard. (Reference Video Attached).
rajat gupta


07:43 PM Bug #3566 (Feedback): Warning button is not displayed when searching the cruise id on inbound tab.
it's working fine,
it was not working because warning was not created for that record
satyam vishwakarma
07:30 PM Bug #3565 (Feedback): Create inbound of cruise> search by notification id> Check issues below.
please note down the issue (note which port is note showing on the selected country)
data missing and mismatch
satyam vishwakarma
06:30 PM Bug #3602 (In Progress): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
health form details will show when health is active satyam vishwakarma
05:52 PM Bug #3869 (In Progress): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
now only digits are allowed satyam vishwakarma
04:58 PM Bug #3869 (Closed): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
1. able to fill only alphabets in Latitude and longitude fields.
2. after sa...
Shubham J
05:48 PM Bug #3866 (Feedback): Outbound > next country details displaying wrong.
please note this issue in notebook.
wrong database entry or mismatch
satyam vishwakarma
01:39 PM Bug #3866 (Feedback): Outbound > next country details displaying wrong.
Shubham J
01:39 PM Bug #3841 (Feedback): Query Tab > Query weapon tab > search weapon > click export to pdf> No Pdf is created.
satyam vishwakarma


12:24 PM Bug #3841 (Feedback): Query Tab > Query weapon tab > search weapon > click export to pdf> No Pdf is created. Shubham J
12:13 PM Bug #3541 (Closed): After creating inbound, search again with same notification id > Vessel type and Next country details displaying blank.
Shubham J


06:52 PM Bug #3812 (Feedback): Create pleasure inbound by Notification id > Newly created inbound should be shown on the last on In-port tab.
table shows data in descending order as per last discussion satyam vishwakarma
03:49 PM Bug #3812 (Feedback): Create pleasure inbound by Notification id > Newly created inbound should be shown on the last on In-port tab.
Shubham J
04:58 PM Bug #3786 (In Progress): Weapons > Add a weapon through RCS > Fields appear blank.
satyam vishwakarma
11:38 AM Bug #3786 (Closed): Weapons > Add a weapon through RCS > Fields appear blank.
If i doesn't mark the check box of sealed on board, after saving it should disp...
Shubham J
04:31 PM Bug #3787 (In Progress): After click on save, Change the text Succssfully to Successfully.
satyam vishwakarma
11:46 AM Bug #3787 (Closed): After click on save, Change the text Succssfully to Successfully.
Shubham J
04:26 PM Bug #3788 (In Progress): create inbound from rcs> No rotation reference number is displayed.
satyam vishwakarma
11:51 AM Bug #3788 (Closed): create inbound from rcs> No rotation reference number is displayed.
Shubham J

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