



From 06/27/2022 to 07/06/2022


07:57 PM Bug #2925 (Resolved): create inbound of pleasure vessel> click view button> check issues below.
rajat gupta
07:53 PM Bug #3125 (In Progress): create inbound of cruise/commercial vessel>click view > Check departure date.
rajat gupta
05:42 PM Bug #3125 (Closed): create inbound of cruise/commercial vessel>click view > Check departure date.
Shubham J
07:52 PM Bug #3127 (In Progress): RCS > go to inbound and search with commercial arrival notification id>click on view button > see the below issue
rajat gupta
07:06 PM Bug #3127 (Closed): RCS > go to inbound and search with commercial arrival notification id>click on view button > see the below issue
1.Particular of voyage field is showing blank.
2. Unmanifested Gargo list field is showing blank.
Pravin J
07:18 PM Bug #3123 (In Progress): Inbound created & after then search with same notification id on Outbound tab ---showing icon to create outbound which is correct but after click on it , it opens plesaure vessel form
rajat gupta
04:38 PM Bug #3123 (Closed): Inbound created & after then search with same notification id on Outbound tab ---showing icon to create outbound which is correct but after click on it , it opens plesaure vessel form
navigation link is wrong...
please check
priyanka Sharma
05:50 PM Bug #3126 (Closed): create inbound for cruise/commercial vessel> page showing on print.
Shubham J
03:38 PM Bug #3122 (Resolved): RCS Dashbaord - we have to make separate sections for cruise & pleasure ...curremtly showing only pleasure vessel entries
priyanka Sharma
01:12 PM Bug #2981 (Resolved): create cruise inbound by notification id> upload tab > check issue below.
rajat gupta
11:55 AM Bug #2984 (Resolved): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
rajat gupta
11:54 AM Bug #2942 (Resolved): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
rajat gupta


07:48 PM Bug #3079 (Resolved): Cruise / Commercial outbound case > check issue below
rajat gupta
07:43 PM Bug #3079 (In Progress): Cruise / Commercial outbound case > check issue below
rajat gupta
03:41 PM Bug #3079 (Closed): Cruise / Commercial outbound case > check issue below
1. When we create inbound it ask for immigration but after creating inbound it doesn't ask....and direct icon shows t... priyanka Sharma
07:48 PM Bug #3082 (Resolved): Registries > Outbound tab > check issues below
rajat gupta
07:42 PM Bug #3082 (In Progress): Registries > Outbound tab > check issues below
rajat gupta
03:50 PM Bug #3082 (Closed): Registries > Outbound tab > check issues below
1. Inbound & outbound icon > only pleasure inbound report working...if we open the outbound it will show same pleasur... priyanka Sharma
07:48 PM Bug #3077 (Resolved): Create outbound of commercial vessel > Voyage tab > Arrival Port field appearing blank
rajat gupta
07:39 PM Bug #3077 (In Progress): Create outbound of commercial vessel > Voyage tab > Arrival Port field appearing blank
rajat gupta
02:34 PM Bug #3077 (Closed): Create outbound of commercial vessel > Voyage tab > Arrival Port field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
07:46 PM Bug #2969 (Resolved): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
rajat gupta
03:49 PM Bug #2969 (Reopened ): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
Shubham J
07:44 PM Bug #3032 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel outbound > check issues below on RCS
rajat gupta
03:55 PM Bug #3032 (Reopened ): Pleasure vessel outbound > check issues below on RCS
Still i am getting this error in vessel form issue on REview Tab
Needs to make validation for Departure date field
priyanka Sharma
07:44 PM Bug #3043 (Resolved): RCS >Cruise vessel Outbound created but not showing under Outbound tab
rajat gupta
03:53 PM Bug #3043 (Reopened ): RCS >Cruise vessel Outbound created but not showing under Outbound tab
priyanka Sharma
05:27 PM Bug #2942 (Reopened ): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
Shubham J
04:29 PM Bug #3086 (Closed): can't create outbound of pleasure vessel by departure notification id> check issues below.
a) Vessel tab > Movement>
Pleasure vessel details.
Shubham J
04:20 PM Bug #2983 (Closed): Could not create outbound of pleasure vessel by departure notification id> outbound button is not displayed.
Shubham J
04:02 PM Bug #2981 (Reopened ): create cruise inbound by notification id> upload tab > check issue below.
Shubham J
03:59 PM Bug #3084 (Closed): create cruise inbound by notification id> click print button> check issue below.
Shubham J
03:58 PM Bug #2988 (Closed): After creating outbound> Pleasure movement report > Arrival port field appeared blank
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Bug #2989 (Closed): Pleasure notification outbound created but not showing on Outbound page under registries tab
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Bug #2956 (Closed): Not able to create outbound of cruise notification....
priyanka Sharma
03:46 PM Bug #3080 (Closed): Pleasure/Crusie > outbound issues check below
1. Inbound tab > once inbound is created then only inbounded entry should shown there...but here outbound also displa... priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM Bug #2690 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification > search by id > Immigration form rejected & Status rejected but under action column showing pending for approval
priyanka Sharma
01:41 PM Bug #2748 (Closed): rcs> registeries> pleasure enroute> create inbound> review tab> check issue below.
Shubham J
01:34 PM Bug #2984 (Reopened ): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
Shubham J
01:29 PM Bug #2934 (Reopened ): Pleasure inbound> Health tab> some field are missing.> check issues below
Shubham J
01:10 PM Bug #2566 (Closed): Create inbound of arrival pleasure notification - Individuals tab > View immigration details > showing blank data in the popup
priyanka Sharma
01:01 PM Bug #2925 (Reopened ): create inbound of pleasure vessel> click view button> check issues below.
Shubham J


07:52 PM Bug #2988 (Resolved): After creating outbound> Pleasure movement report > Arrival port field appeared blank
rajat gupta
07:43 PM Bug #3043 (Resolved): RCS >Cruise vessel Outbound created but not showing under Outbound tab
rajat gupta
05:29 PM Bug #3043 (In Progress): RCS >Cruise vessel Outbound created but not showing under Outbound tab
rajat gupta
07:43 PM Bug #2981 (Resolved): create cruise inbound by notification id> upload tab > check issue below.
rajat gupta
06:44 PM Bug #2981 (In Progress): create cruise inbound by notification id> upload tab > check issue below.
rajat gupta
07:43 PM Bug #2980 (Resolved): View Warning image >Warning Image not & image note not getting saved > edit the warning details then check
rajat gupta
07:43 PM Bug #2524 (Resolved): Edit ID Image > if i am going to edit then selected image should not be disappear
rajat gupta
07:33 PM Bug #2942 (Resolved): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
rajat gupta
07:22 PM Bug #2748 (Resolved): rcs> registeries> pleasure enroute> create inbound> review tab> check issue below.
rajat gupta
07:19 PM Bug #2690 (Resolved): Cruise arrival notification > search by id > Immigration form rejected & Status rejected but under action column showing pending for approval
rajat gupta
07:02 PM Bug #2934 (Resolved): Pleasure inbound> Health tab> some field are missing.> check issues below
rajat gupta
04:22 PM Bug #2984 (Resolved): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
rajat gupta
04:22 PM Bug #2984: create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
now displaying Vaccine Name
rajat gupta
04:12 PM Bug #2925 (Resolved): create inbound of pleasure vessel> click view button> check issues below.
rajat gupta
04:11 PM Bug #2566 (Resolved): Create inbound of arrival pleasure notification - Individuals tab > View immigration details > showing blank data in the popup
rajat gupta
04:10 PM Bug #2969 (Resolved): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
rajat gupta
04:08 PM Bug #2956 (Resolved): Not able to create outbound of cruise notification....
rajat gupta
03:43 PM Bug #2989 (Resolved): Pleasure notification outbound created but not showing on Outbound page under registries tab
rajat gupta
11:20 AM Bug #3032 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel outbound > check issues below on RCS
rajat gupta


06:20 PM Bug #3032 (In Progress): Pleasure vessel outbound > check issues below on RCS
rajat gupta
10:51 AM Bug #3032 (Closed): Pleasure vessel outbound > check issues below on RCS
I have created pleasure departure notification on Rcs some fields appearing wrong...& i am not able to submit... priyanka Sharma
05:07 PM Bug #2980 (In Progress): View Warning image >Warning Image not & image note not getting saved > edit the warning details then check
rajat gupta
04:46 PM Bug #3051 (Closed): Create outbound by departure notification id> Review tab> check issues below.
Shubham J
04:36 PM Bug #2524 (In Progress): Edit ID Image > if i am going to edit then selected image should not be disappear
rajat gupta
04:12 PM Bug #2962 (Closed): Approve immigration of cruise before creating inbound> search by notification id>click view button> check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #2962 (Resolved): Approve immigration of cruise before creating inbound> search by notification id>click view button> check issues below.
rajat gupta
04:12 PM Bug #2964 (Closed): After approving immigration> Create inbound of Cruise by searching notification id> View button does not work
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #2964 (Resolved): After approving immigration> Create inbound of Cruise by searching notification id> View button does not work
rajat gupta
03:19 PM Bug #3043 (Closed): RCS >Cruise vessel Outbound created but not showing under Outbound tab
Ist i have cretaed direct inbound then outbound---from RCS
2nd i have created direct outbound from RCS
priyanka Sharma
02:07 PM Bug #2942 (Reopened ): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
Shubham J
11:00 AM Bug #2942 (Resolved): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
rajat gupta
01:53 PM Bug #2925 (Reopened ): create inbound of pleasure vessel> click view button> check issues below.
Shubham J
11:00 AM Bug #2925 (Resolved): create inbound of pleasure vessel> click view button> check issues below.
rajat gupta
12:35 PM Bug #2497 (Closed): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
priyanka Sharma
12:35 PM Bug #2497 (Resolved): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
priyanka Sharma
12:31 PM Bug #2497 (Reopened ): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
priyanka Sharma
12:25 PM Bug #2929 (Closed): create pleasure inbound> individual passenger tab> check issue below.
priyanka Sharma
12:25 PM Bug #2929 (Resolved): create pleasure inbound> individual passenger tab> check issue below.
priyanka Sharma
12:24 PM Bug #2929 (Reopened ): create pleasure inbound> individual passenger tab> check issue below.
Shubham J
11:00 AM Bug #2929 (Resolved): create pleasure inbound> individual passenger tab> check issue below.
rajat gupta
12:21 PM Bug #2934 (Reopened ): Pleasure inbound> Health tab> some field are missing.> check issues below
Shubham J
12:21 PM Bug #2934: Pleasure inbound> Health tab> some field are missing.> check issues below
Shubham J
11:00 AM Bug #2934 (Resolved): Pleasure inbound> Health tab> some field are missing.> check issues below
rajat gupta
12:16 PM Bug #2920 (Closed): Pleasure vessel arrival notification- -> TIME OF DEPARTURE field appearing blank view, print, create inbound...not appearing oneverywhere...while added from sailclear
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Bug #2971 (Closed): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
priyanka Sharma
11:47 AM Bug #2984 (Reopened ): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
Shubham J
11:00 AM Bug #2984 (Resolved): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
rajat gupta
11:33 AM Bug #2939 (Closed): pleasure inbound> review tab> check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
11:31 AM Bug #2924 (Closed): Outbound > Search notification id > check outbound icon
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #2924 (Resolved): Outbound > Search notification id > check outbound icon
rajat gupta
11:31 AM Bug #2530 (Closed): Create outbound of departure notification > not able to create > getting error on Review tab
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #2530 (Resolved): Create outbound of departure notification > not able to create > getting error on Review tab
rajat gupta
11:30 AM Bug #2923 (Closed): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
priyanka Sharma
11:29 AM Bug #2989 (Reopened ): Pleasure notification outbound created but not showing on Outbound page under registries tab
Still not showing priyanka Sharma
11:28 AM Bug #2696 (Closed): Pleasure vessel outbound created but not displaying under Outbound list
priyanka Sharma
11:26 AM Bug #2982 (Closed): Pleasure departure notification> create outbound by searching notification id> check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #2982 (Resolved): Pleasure departure notification> create outbound by searching notification id> check issues below
rajat gupta
11:21 AM Bug #2911 (Closed): After creating cruise inbound ..serach with same notification id--> it is showing to create should not shown there
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM Bug #2976 (Closed): Enrout, In port & Outbound - Newly added Notifications should shown at top always...
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM Bug #2515 (Closed): After creating outbound for cruise vessel > open the movement report - appeared blank data
priyanka Sharma
11:15 AM Bug #2686 (Closed): Crews arrival notification>Upload tab > Crew, Passenger, Embark and Disembark list toggle showing off while it is On on sailclear side
priyanka Sharma
11:15 AM Bug #2969 (Reopened ): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
priyanka Sharma
11:02 AM Bug #2956 (Reopened ): Not able to create outbound of cruise notification....
Now departure country & port appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
11:01 AM Bug #2966 (Closed): Outbound of Cruise departure notification > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #2983 (Resolved): Could not create outbound of pleasure vessel by departure notification id> outbound button is not displayed.
rajat gupta
11:00 AM Bug #2963 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel Outbound > Searh by notification id > check departure notification issues below
rajat gupta
11:00 AM Bug #2823 (Resolved): create inbound for pleasure vessel > check issue below.
rajat gupta
10:36 AM Bug #2823 (Closed): create inbound for pleasure vessel > check issue below.
Shubham J
10:57 AM Bug #2442 (Closed): RCS >Pleasure Vessel Details >MOVEMENT section > Time of Arrival & Time of Departure fields seems blank & wrong .
priyanka Sharma


09:06 PM Bug #2984 (In Progress): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
rajat gupta
08:28 PM Bug #2923 (Resolved): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
rajat gupta
08:28 PM Bug #2939 (Resolved): pleasure inbound> review tab> check issues below.
rajat gupta
08:27 PM Bug #2971 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
rajat gupta
08:20 PM Bug #2934 (In Progress): Pleasure inbound> Health tab> some field are missing.> check issues below
rajat gupta
08:18 PM Bug #2942 (In Progress): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
rajat gupta
08:08 PM Bug #2962 (In Progress): Approve immigration of cruise before creating inbound> search by notification id>click view button> check issues below.
rajat gupta
06:48 PM Bug #2530 (In Progress): Create outbound of departure notification > not able to create > getting error on Review tab
rajat gupta
06:45 PM Bug #2929 (In Progress): create pleasure inbound> individual passenger tab> check issue below.
rajat gupta
05:59 PM Bug #2925 (In Progress): create inbound of pleasure vessel> click view button> check issues below.
rajat gupta
04:16 PM Bug #2964 (In Progress): After approving immigration> Create inbound of Cruise by searching notification id> View button does not work
rajat gupta
04:13 PM Bug #2963 (In Progress): Pleasure vessel Outbound > Searh by notification id > check departure notification issues below
rajat gupta
04:11 PM Bug #2823 (In Progress): create inbound for pleasure vessel > check issue below.
rajat gupta
04:06 PM Bug #2924 (In Progress): Outbound > Search notification id > check outbound icon
rajat gupta
04:01 PM Bug #2982 (In Progress): Pleasure departure notification> create outbound by searching notification id> check issues below
rajat gupta
04:01 PM Bug #2983 (In Progress): Could not create outbound of pleasure vessel by departure notification id> outbound button is not displayed.
rajat gupta


08:41 PM Bug #2442 (Resolved): RCS >Pleasure Vessel Details >MOVEMENT section > Time of Arrival & Time of Departure fields seems blank & wrong .
rajat gupta
08:33 PM Bug #2497 (Resolved): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
rajat gupta
08:28 PM Bug #2696 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel outbound created but not displaying under Outbound list
rajat gupta
08:19 PM Bug #2989 (Resolved): Pleasure notification outbound created but not showing on Outbound page under registries tab
rajat gupta
07:19 PM Bug #2989 (In Progress): Pleasure notification outbound created but not showing on Outbound page under registries tab
rajat gupta
03:19 PM Bug #2989 (Closed): Pleasure notification outbound created but not showing on Outbound page under registries tab
priyanka Sharma
08:19 PM Bug #2920 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel arrival notification- -> TIME OF DEPARTURE field appearing blank view, print, create inbound...not appearing oneverywhere...while added from sailclear
rajat gupta
04:00 PM Bug #2920 (In Progress): Pleasure vessel arrival notification- -> TIME OF DEPARTURE field appearing blank view, print, create inbound...not appearing oneverywhere...while added from sailclear
rajat gupta
08:19 PM Bug #2966 (Resolved): Outbound of Cruise departure notification > check issues below
rajat gupta
05:07 PM Bug #2966 (In Progress): Outbound of Cruise departure notification > check issues below
rajat gupta
08:19 PM Bug #2911 (Resolved): After creating cruise inbound ..serach with same notification id--> it is showing to create should not shown there
rajat gupta
06:56 PM Bug #2911 (In Progress): After creating cruise inbound ..serach with same notification id--> it is showing to create should not shown there
rajat gupta
08:19 PM Bug #2924 (Resolved): Outbound > Search notification id > check outbound icon
rajat gupta
04:42 PM Bug #2923 (Reopened ): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
priyanka Sharma
04:41 PM Bug #2923 (Resolved): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
priyanka Sharma
04:03 PM Bug #2923 (Closed): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
priyanka Sharma
03:42 PM Bug #2968 (Closed): cruise inbound> summary tab > master name is missing.
priyanka Sharma
03:22 PM Bug #2970 (Closed): After submitting cruise inbound> reference number is not displayed.
priyanka Sharma
12:44 PM Bug #2988 (Closed): After creating outbound> Pleasure movement report > Arrival port field appeared blank
priyanka Sharma
12:37 PM Bug #2979 (Closed): Create outbound of pleasure notification id 38423 > check the fields data getting blank after making inbound..
priyanka Sharma
12:31 PM Bug #2919 (Closed): RCS - pleasure vessel category appearing blank....Search by notification id> create inbound of pleasure notification> check vessel category field
priyanka Sharma
12:29 PM Bug #2939 (Reopened ): pleasure inbound> review tab> check issues below.
Check Nationality/flag of vessel fied - wrong country name appearing
On sail...
priyanka Sharma
12:22 PM Bug #2971 (Reopened ): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM Bug #2627 (Reopened ): Cruise arrival notification > Risk, warning, IRD not working . Only works for pleasure vessel
priyanka Sharma


07:56 PM Bug #2971 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
rajat gupta
12:50 PM Bug #2971 (In Progress): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
rajat gupta
12:49 PM Bug #2971 (Resolved): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
rajat gupta
07:56 PM Bug #2969 (Resolved): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
rajat gupta
07:13 PM Bug #2969 (In Progress): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
rajat gupta
07:56 PM Bug #2976 (Resolved): Enrout, In port & Outbound - Newly added Notifications should shown at top always...
rajat gupta
07:07 PM Bug #2976 (In Progress): Enrout, In port & Outbound - Newly added Notifications should shown at top always...
rajat gupta
11:55 AM Bug #2976 (Closed): Enrout, In port & Outbound - Newly added Notifications should shown at top always...
priyanka Sharma
07:56 PM Bug #2979 (Resolved): Create outbound of pleasure notification id 38423 > check the fields data getting blank after making inbound..
rajat gupta
07:06 PM Bug #2979 (In Progress): Create outbound of pleasure notification id 38423 > check the fields data getting blank after making inbound..
rajat gupta
12:56 PM Bug #2979 (Closed): Create outbound of pleasure notification id 38423 > check the fields data getting blank after making inbound..
Sailclear -
priyanka Sharma
07:56 PM Bug #2923 (Resolved): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
rajat gupta
07:25 PM Bug #2923 (In Progress): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab
rajat gupta
07:56 PM Bug #2939 (Resolved): pleasure inbound> review tab> check issues below.
rajat gupta
07:16 PM Bug #2939 (In Progress): pleasure inbound> review tab> check issues below.
rajat gupta
01:39 PM Bug #2939: pleasure inbound> review tab> check issues below.
arrival time and departure time showing now rajat gupta
07:49 PM Bug #2968 (Resolved): cruise inbound> summary tab > master name is missing.
rajat gupta
11:50 AM Bug #2968 (Reopened ): cruise inbound> summary tab > master name is missing.
Shubham J
11:20 AM Bug #2968 (Resolved): cruise inbound> summary tab > master name is missing.
rajat gupta
07:46 PM Bug #2970 (Resolved): After submitting cruise inbound> reference number is not displayed.
rajat gupta
11:52 AM Bug #2970 (Reopened ): After submitting cruise inbound> reference number is not displayed.
Shubham J
10:51 AM Bug #2970 (Resolved): After submitting cruise inbound> reference number is not displayed.
rajat gupta
07:03 PM Bug #2919 (Resolved): RCS - pleasure vessel category appearing blank....Search by notification id> create inbound of pleasure notification> check vessel category field
rajat gupta
07:01 PM Bug #2967 (Closed): Cruise Inbound> Fields missing in Upload Tab.
Shubham J
12:51 PM Bug #2967 (Resolved): Cruise Inbound> Fields missing in Upload Tab.
rajat gupta
07:00 PM Bug #2927 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure vessel> vessel tab > check issue below
Shubham J
03:18 PM Bug #2927 (Resolved): Create inbound of pleasure vessel> vessel tab > check issue below
rajat gupta
07:00 PM Bug #2926 (Closed): Not able to create outbound of Pleasure notification...Submit button not working
priyanka Sharma
11:13 AM Bug #2926 (Resolved): Not able to create outbound of Pleasure notification...Submit button not working
rajat gupta
06:52 PM Bug #2984 (Closed): create pleasure inbound > covid tab > vaccination name is not displaying.
Shubham J
06:42 PM Bug #2523 (Closed): RCS> Registries > In-port> Cruise In-port> Click Details> Scroll to Individual And Passenger List> Displaying DPC in Country of issue.
Shubham J
04:06 PM Bug #2983 (Closed): Could not create outbound of pleasure vessel by departure notification id> outbound button is not displayed.
Shubham J
03:37 PM Bug #2982 (Closed): Pleasure departure notification> create outbound by searching notification id> check issues below
Shubham J
03:34 PM Bug #2528 (Closed): Departure notification > search by id from Ootbound tab > Check NEXT COUNTRY column appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
01:14 PM Bug #2981 (Closed): create cruise inbound by notification id> upload tab > check issue below.
Shubham J
01:12 PM Bug #2980 (Resolved): View Warning image >Warning Image not & image note not getting saved > edit the warning details then check priyanka Sharma
01:07 PM Bug #2618 (Closed): Add warning alert - If choosing Association type Crew fields are First name, last name etc... & If we edit the same then Association type crew name fields gets disppear and showing Association blank field
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Bug #2519 (Closed): After creating inbound next Destination country field getting changed from Antigua & Barbuda to "Germany"
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Bug #2519 (Resolved): After creating inbound next Destination country field getting changed from Antigua & Barbuda to "Germany"
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Bug #2519 (Reopened ): After creating inbound next Destination country field getting changed from Antigua & Barbuda to "Germany"
priyanka Sharma
12:59 PM Bug #2956 (Resolved): Not able to create outbound of cruise notification....
rajat gupta
12:35 PM Bug #2514 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system> Some of the details is not displaying in the summary tab.
Shubham J
11:01 AM Bug #2614 (Closed): Add IRD - page getting block on Review Tab ---> not able to add new IRD on RCS
priyanka Sharma


07:18 PM Bug #2580 (Reopened ): Sometimes header dropdown links not clickable. Loader ends but not able to open the page . Check attached video link
priyanka Sharma
07:17 PM Bug #2596 (Closed): RCS -> In-Port - Departure notification for Cruise vessels not showing on RCS system
priyanka Sharma
06:24 PM Bug #2971 (Closed): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
priyanka Sharma
04:49 PM Bug #2970 (Closed): After submitting cruise inbound> reference number is not displayed.
Shubham J
04:48 PM Bug #2969 (Closed): after submitting cruise inbound> click cruise movement report> fields are blank.
Shubham J
04:43 PM Bug #2968 (Closed): cruise inbound> summary tab > master name is missing.
Shubham J
04:30 PM Bug #2967 (Closed): Cruise Inbound> Fields missing in Upload Tab.
Shubham J
04:24 PM Bug #2966 (Closed): Outbound of Cruise departure notification > check issues below
1. wr...
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM Bug #2965 (Closed): create inbound of cruise by searching notification id> click print button > showing some fields of pleasure vessel and some fields details missing.
Shubham J
03:58 PM Bug #2964 (Closed): After approving immigration> Create inbound of Cruise by searching notification id> View button does not work
Shubham J
03:53 PM Bug #2963 (Closed): Pleasure vessel Outbound > Searh by notification id > check departure notification issues below
1. VESSEL NAME field blank
2. REGISTRATION NO field blank
3. Outbound icon wr...
priyanka Sharma
03:44 PM Bug #2689 (Closed): RCS - cruise arrival notification > create inbound> click on view icon> some fields appearing of pleasure vessels while viewing details
priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM Bug #2962 (Closed): Approve immigration of cruise before creating inbound> search by notification id>click view button> check issues below.
Some pleasure vessel fields.
Fields And De...
Shubham J
03:23 PM Bug #2490 (Closed): RCS - During create inbound of Cruise vessel > Review step > we need same text as coming in Pleasure vessel with Submit button
priyanka Sharma
03:22 PM Bug #2717 (Closed): Inport - Create outbpund of cruise vessel > appearing blank screen & it navgates to 2020 portal...i found this issue many times...after refresh hard it works fine
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM Bug #2500 (Closed): RCS - Create outbound of Pleasure arrival notification > On Review tab getting Error inStores And Animals & not able to create outbound
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM Bug #2512 (Closed): once inbound created then it should not shown under Enroute or to create inbound again
priyanka Sharma
01:32 PM Bug #2956 (Closed): Not able to create outbound of cruise notification....
1. DEPARTURE VOYAGE DETAILS - INTENDED DEPARTURE DATE field showing blank while going to make outbound
2. Summary ta...
priyanka Sharma
12:56 PM Bug #2622 (Closed): create warning> select crew name as association type> Calender should be there in the DOB field.
Shubham J

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