



From 06/01/2022 to 06/10/2022


05:26 PM Bug #2507 (Reopened ): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Mandatory sign(*) is missing in date.
Shubham J
11:15 AM Bug #2507 (Resolved): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Mandatory sign(*) is missing in date.
rajat gupta
05:06 PM Bug #2506 (Reopened ): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Spelling Mistakes.
Shubham J
11:15 AM Bug #2506 (Resolved): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Spelling Mistakes.
rajat gupta
04:30 PM Bug #2640 (Closed): create inbound for cruise from RCS> Summary Tab> Fields are blank.
Shubham J
03:32 PM Bug #2638 (Closed): create inbound for cruise> summary tab> Master name is missing.
Shubham J
03:21 PM Bug #2637 (Closed): create inbound for cruise with notification id> click to print button> Fields are blank.
Shubham J
11:32 AM Bug #2624 (In Progress): IRD tab> Add IRD> IRD persons tab> Check issues below.
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Support #2517 (Resolved): Registries > Outbound > we can show notification or vessel id for easy search as we are getting confuse to check the record without any id
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Bug #2631 (Resolved): RCS Dashbaord > In-Port section > data not viewing properly. Pnly one record showing..
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Bug #2560 (Resolved): Create inbound of plasure arrival notifictaion - Vessel category field appearing blank
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Bug #2561 (Resolved): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Documents tab > 404 - File or directory not found.
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Bug #2498 (Resolved): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Summary tab > Master name field appearing blank while its already added
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Bug #2495 (Resolved): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Uplaod tab > Crews & pasenger file not getting download & appearing blank tab
rajat gupta
11:15 AM Bug #2497 (Resolved): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
rajat gupta


07:06 PM Bug #2623: edit warning> add image button is not working.
first upload an image then this button will work rajat gupta
07:05 PM Bug #2623 (Feedback): edit warning> add image button is not working.
rajat gupta
12:28 PM Bug #2623 (Feedback): edit warning> add image button is not working.
Shubham J
05:34 PM Bug #2631 (In Progress): RCS Dashbaord > In-Port section > data not viewing properly. Pnly one record showing..
rajat gupta
03:17 PM Bug #2631 (Closed): RCS Dashbaord > In-Port section > data not viewing properly. Pnly one record showing..
priyanka Sharma
04:10 PM Support #2517 (In Progress): Registries > Outbound > we can show notification or vessel id for easy search as we are getting confuse to check the record without any id
rajat gupta
03:51 PM Bug #2560 (In Progress): Create inbound of plasure arrival notifictaion - Vessel category field appearing blank
rajat gupta
03:44 PM Bug #2561 (In Progress): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Documents tab > 404 - File or directory not found.
rajat gupta
01:30 PM Bug #2495 (In Progress): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Uplaod tab > Crews & pasenger file not getting download & appearing blank tab
rajat gupta
01:00 PM Bug #2627 (Resolved): Cruise arrival notification > Risk, warning, IRD not working . Only works for pleasure vessel
priyanka Sharma
12:58 PM Bug #2626 (Closed): Add new pleasure vessel from sailclear & Create inbound on RCS system -->open notification from both side first search by Notifiaction id & 2nd Under enroute
If i search same notificatiod id from INBOUND search - it shows error on Submit form
priyanka Sharma
12:40 PM Bug #2624 (Closed): IRD tab> Add IRD> IRD persons tab> Check issues below.
Shubham J
12:39 PM Bug #2497 (In Progress): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
rajat gupta
12:20 PM Bug #2622 (Closed): create warning> select crew name as association type> Calender should be there in the DOB field.
Also blocking me for further steps.
Shubham J
12:20 PM Bug #2498 (In Progress): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Summary tab > Master name field appearing blank while its already added
rajat gupta
11:52 AM Bug #2502 (Resolved): Create Inbound - Cruise ship > Upload documents > upload crews/passengers list > on uploading found error in popup "your file contains error"
rajat gupta
11:50 AM Bug #2504 (Resolved): RCS - Create cruise vessel inbound from RCS system but on viewing under IN-port data not binded under Cruise IN port ..showing under Pleasure inport
rajat gupta
11:48 AM Bug #2507 (In Progress): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Mandatory sign(*) is missing in date.
rajat gupta
11:45 AM Bug #2506 (In Progress): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Spelling Mistakes.
rajat gupta
11:00 AM Bug #2618 (Closed): Add warning alert - If choosing Association type Crew fields are First name, last name etc... & If we edit the same then Association type crew name fields gets disppear and showing Association blank field
At the time of add -
Edit -
priyanka Sharma
10:56 AM Bug #2617 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure arrival notification > Vessel category found blank & seems error on Review tab
priyanka Sharma
09:58 AM Bug #2614 (Closed): Add IRD - page getting block on Review Tab ---> not able to add new IRD on RCS
priyanka Sharma


06:49 PM Bug #2596 (Closed): RCS -> In-Port - Departure notification for Cruise vessels not showing on RCS system
I have create one Cruise / Commercial Departure Notification - But it is not showing under DEPARTURE IN PORT priyanka Sharma
04:39 PM Bug #2581 (Closed): RCS - Create direct outbound or Outbound of inbound - While creating outbound of cruise vessels from RCS side SELECT ARRIVAL COUNTRY SELECT ARRIVAL PORT..these fields should not come
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM Bug #2580 (Feedback): Sometimes header dropdown links not clickable. Loader ends but not able to open the page . Check attached video link priyanka Sharma
01:19 PM Bug #2575 (Closed): Inbound > Search by notification id > Appearing blank page on click of view & icon
Arrival notification of belize country where immigration, health form all are active > click on view icon to view de... priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Bug #2569 (Closed): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Review tab > Getting error in Vessel form - not able to cretae inbound
priyanka Sharma
11:51 AM Bug #2568 (Closed): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize >Health Tab > Maritime Declaration Of Health > some fields not displaying information
Check Sailclear system it is showing info -
And on RCS -
priyanka Sharma
11:31 AM Bug #2567 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure notification > Individuals & Covid tab tab > View & download icon of healh declaration, quarantine file, covid negative report - not able to see uploaded files
On click view & download Navigating to sail...
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM Bug #2566 (Closed): Create inbound of arrival pleasure notification - Individuals tab > View immigration details > showing blank data in the popup
priyanka Sharma


06:49 PM Bug #2561 (Closed): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Documents tab > 404 - File or directory not found.
Check Upload documents also -
priyanka Sharma
06:46 PM Bug #2560 (Closed): Create inbound of plasure arrival notifictaion - Vessel category field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
01:28 PM Bug #2545 (Feedback): RCS - If immigration or health form enabled then it should not work for old notifications...only work for new notifications
priyanka Sharma


04:24 PM Bug #2529 (Feedback): Inbound -Outbound icon should be same on all pages . Currently appearing wrong under enroute & inport
satyam vishwakarma
04:24 PM Bug #2529: Inbound -Outbound icon should be same on all pages . Currently appearing wrong under enroute & inport
left arrow is for outbound creation and vice versa. satyam vishwakarma


03:52 PM Bug #2530 (Closed): Create outbound of departure notification > not able to create > getting error on Review tab
priyanka Sharma
03:49 PM Bug #2529 (Feedback): Inbound -Outbound icon should be same on all pages . Currently appearing wrong under enroute & inport
priyanka Sharma
03:43 PM Bug #2528 (Closed): Departure notification > search by id from Ootbound tab > Check NEXT COUNTRY column appearing blank
Why column name appearing diff while cr...
priyanka Sharma
02:49 PM Bug #2524 (Closed): Edit ID Image > if i am going to edit then selected image should not be disappear
Add any IRD image & image note then click on edit & then click on Add button it will ask to upload image s... priyanka Sharma
01:36 PM Bug #2523 (Closed): RCS> Registries > In-port> Cruise In-port> Click Details> Scroll to Individual And Passenger List> Displaying DPC in Country of issue.
Shubham J
01:30 PM Bug #2521 (Closed): RCS > Registries > Outbound > When view inbound & outbound details - it shows fields of plasure vessel
priyanka Sharma
01:26 PM Bug #2519 (Closed): After creating inbound next Destination country field getting changed from Antigua & Barbuda to "Germany"
You can check on Sailclear it is -
And on RCS -
When i am going to create out...
priyanka Sharma
01:24 PM Bug #2518 (Closed): RCS> Registries> In-port >Cruise In-port Tab> Click details > Details are not displayed.
Shubham J
01:21 PM Support #2517 (Closed): Registries > Outbound > we can show notification or vessel id for easy search as we are getting confuse to check the record without any id
priyanka Sharma
01:07 PM Bug #2516 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system > After clicking on submit, reference number of inbound is not displayed.
Reference number is not displayed.
Shubham J
01:04 PM Bug #2515 (Closed): After creating outbound for cruise vessel > open the movement report - appeared blank data
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Bug #2514 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system> Some of the details is not displaying in the summary tab.
Steps:- RCS>Create cruise inbound> Fill the details and go to summary tab.
Reference video:- https://www.screencas...
Shubham J
12:57 PM Bug #2513 (Closed): I am creating outbound of cruise vessel then after submitted in popup it is showing text "Pleasure vessel movement report"
Please show Cruise vessel movement report in place of it
priyanka Sharma
12:53 PM Bug #2512 (Closed): once inbound created then it should not shown under Enroute or to create inbound again
This is already inbounded but still showing to inbound again
priyanka Sharma
12:43 PM Bug #2511 (Feedback): Cruise arrival notification > create inbound > Voyage tab > SELECT DESTINATION PORT field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
11:29 AM Bug #2507 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Mandatory sign(*) is missing in date.
Shubham J
11:28 AM Bug #2506 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Spelling Mistakes.
Shubham J
09:56 AM Bug #2492 (Resolved): RCS - Create inbound of Commercial type cruise arrival notification - After submitting Rotation Reference no not viewing
satyam vishwakarma


07:12 PM Bug #2504 (Closed): RCS - Create cruise vessel inbound from RCS system but on viewing under IN-port data not binded under Cruise IN port ..showing under Pleasure inport
priyanka Sharma
07:02 PM Bug #2503 (Closed): Create Inbound for cruise ship >Uploaded excel file of crews & passengers but its not showing user under Crew & passenger tab
priyanka Sharma
07:00 PM Bug #2502 (Closed): Create Inbound - Cruise ship > Upload documents > upload crews/passengers list > on uploading found error in popup "your file contains error"
priyanka Sharma
05:58 PM Bug #2500 (Closed): RCS - Create outbound of Pleasure arrival notification > On Review tab getting Error inStores And Animals & not able to create outbound
priyanka Sharma
05:31 PM Bug #2499 (Closed): RCS > I have created inbound & after submitting its still showing in the list to create again ..not going under CRUISE IN PORT & showing under pleasure in port
priyanka Sharma
04:46 PM Bug #2498 (Closed): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Summary tab > Master name field appearing blank while its already added
priyanka Sharma
04:45 PM Bug #2497 (Closed): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
I have updated fields of all tabs but its not getting saved if i open the same notificatuion again
priyanka Sharma
04:40 PM Bug #2492 (In Progress): RCS - Create inbound of Commercial type cruise arrival notification - After submitting Rotation Reference no not viewing
satyam vishwakarma
03:11 PM Bug #2492 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound of Commercial type cruise arrival notification - After submitting Rotation Reference no not viewing
priyanka Sharma
04:34 PM Bug #2495 (Closed): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Uplaod tab > Crews & pasenger file not getting download & appearing blank tab
priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM Bug #2491 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound of Pleasure vessel > chnage text in the popup > Vessel movement report to "Pleasure Vessel Movement Report"

priyanka Sharma
03:03 PM Bug #2490 (Closed): RCS - During create inbound of Cruise vessel > Review step > we need same text as coming in Pleasure vessel with Submit button
priyanka Sharma

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