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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12397 Bug New High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage payments --> Store & Delivery boy --> Admin is not able to make delivery boy & store payments, there is no payment method for the transfer amount Irfan Varis 01/21/2025 06:22 PM Actions
12394 Bug New High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Tag --> Getting Database issue when admin clicking on Manage offer Irfan Varis 01/21/2025 06:05 PM Actions
12392 Bug New Normal Home --> Admin --> Manage User --> Edit --> updated user profile image is not showing on the user list page (image is not showing) Irfan Varis 01/21/2025 05:50 PM Actions
12390 Bug New High Home --> Admin --> Manage store --> Add store --> When admin creates a quikMart there should be an option for Payment as running store panel but currently, there is no option for payment & bank account Irfan Varis 01/21/2025 05:15 PM Actions
12387 Bug New High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard -->Manage orders --> getting database issue when admin clicking on view button Irfan Varis 01/21/2025 05:01 PM Actions
12187 Bug New Normal Admin --> Manage Store --> While registering the store then store applicant provided bank details after submitting then bank details do not appear on the admin Irfan Varis 12/27/2024 06:33 PM Actions
12172 Bug New Normal Store --> Registration with New Number --> No need to show VAT certificates and VAT Number for India, it should be for UAE Irfan Varis 12/27/2024 01:09 PM Actions
11018 Bug New Normal Store --> Login --> Add product --> attribute --> if the attribute option is not there then no need to show input field Irfan Varis 10/25/2024 04:57 PM Actions
10922 Bug New Urgent Staging/digitalnotice --> Create New User --> profile details --> add address through serach --> unable to add and update address getting grey out screen issue Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:44 PM Actions
10921 Bug New Normal Android --> Login --> See store this location --> Boring Road, sri krishna puri, Patna, Bihar --> I have added a new product after creating a new store but after adding the product I am unable to see the product image Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:40 PM Actions
10920 Bug New High Android --> Login --> Quikmart--> Add coupon --> the coupon is not showing on the user app, after adding the coupon through the store Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:28 PM Actions
10919 Bug New High Staging/digital --> Login --> Add Product to cart --> Checkout screen --> Getting 400 issues when user clicks on Return policy Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:24 PM Actions
10918 Bug New High Android --> Login --> Home --> Add product to cart --> QuikMart -->cart items are showing differently on both carts Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:20 PM Actions
10917 Bug New High Staging/digitalnotice --> Login --> Add product Fashion Zone --> Getting designing issues inside the store child category while I have not added products to "deal of the day" but currently it is showing Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:16 PM Actions
10916 Bug New Normal Staging server --> Login --> Add product to Cart--> checkout --> Getting internal server on the check-out screen Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:09 PM Actions
10915 Bug New Normal Staging/digital --> Login --> Home Screen --> Profile --> Profile Member should be dynamic instead of static as per plan there should be membership arriving Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 06:05 PM Actions
10912 Bug New Normal Staging App --> Guest Login --> Home -->Unable to see the whole app added images, like on product and store Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 05:18 PM Actions
10911 Bug New Normal Staging App --> Guest Login --> getting internal server error when i open the app with a guest user Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 05:10 PM Actions
10904 Bug New Normal sign up with new Number --> Create new user --> Search Address --> Select Location --> Getting grey out application Rakhi Kadyan 10/14/2024 11:32 AM Actions
10871 Bug New Normal store --> Login --> Profile --> store details --> getting grey-out screen when the user tries to see the store details Rakhi Kadyan 10/09/2024 05:21 PM Actions
10865 Bug New Normal Login --> Home --> Search with product --> Check issue below Rakhi Kadyan 10/09/2024 03:22 PM Actions
10802 Bug New Normal Login --> Home --> Profile --> Address --> Manage Address --> Add Manually --> After saving --> if I add manually address then getting 400 status code error Rakhi Kadyan 10/04/2024 05:32 PM Actions
10801 Bug New Urgent Login --> Home --> Cart --> checkout --> Payment method --> online --> Pay --> I am not able to make an order for online payments, getting the "Merchant Authentication field "Screen Rakhi Kadyan 10/04/2024 05:25 PM Actions
10800 Bug New Normal Login --> Home --> Profile --> wallet --> Add amount --> Getting an Internal Server Error when I try to add some wallets in the amount Rakhi Kadyan 10/04/2024 05:15 PM Actions
10799 Bug New High Login --> Home --> Search --> Store --> Noida sector 62 --> Sudhir medical Store --> Top offers --> Experiencing design-related issues when searching for a store and clicking on it. Rakhi Kadyan 10/04/2024 04:55 PM Actions
(1-25/239) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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