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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
8834 Bug Resolved Normal This notification should come to user when delivery boy accept the return order Irfan Varis 01/02/2024 10:19 AM Actions
8831 Bug Resolved Normal If size & color not available then no need to show these fields. please check on all order screens Rakhi Kadyan 12/21/2023 09:40 AM Actions
8830 Bug New Normal Return requested screen > Delivery boy name will not come . No delivery boy is assigned yet so why it is showing? Irfan Varis 02/29/2024 05:16 PM Actions
8800 Bug Resolved Normal Return order > why order status is unpaid if order is in return, and show only those items which are selected by customer. no need to show all items of that order Rakhi Kadyan 02/06/2024 02:44 PM Actions
8703 Bug Resolved Normal Send this notification message & title to customer after delivery boy accepting return order Irfan Varis 12/06/2023 11:59 AM Actions
8702 Bug Resolved High After accepting return order by delivery boy to pickup it is navigating to direction to store screen . It should navigate to customer location first . Pick order from customer address & location & then direction to store to return the product Deepak Biltoria 12/07/2023 04:15 PM Actions
8691 Bug Resolved Normal Order details > store image not showing & also show item image Deepak Biltoria 12/08/2023 05:48 PM Actions
8690 Bug Resolved Normal Send a this notification title & message to store when delivery driver reached his store location Irfan Varis 12/06/2023 12:10 PM Actions
8689 Bug Resolved Normal Send this notification title & message to Customer when delivery boy approaches customer nearby location Irfan Varis 12/06/2023 12:41 PM Actions
8688 Bug Resolved Normal Send this notification title & message to customer when delivery boy reach store location Irfan Varis 12/06/2023 12:23 PM Actions
8687 Bug Resolved Normal Timer runs in decreasing in delivery boy apps Deepak Biltoria 12/07/2023 05:22 PM Actions
8641 Bug Resolved Normal Drive app -Add one more field > vehicle picture . currently it not asking Deepak Biltoria 11/29/2023 02:54 PM Actions
8640 Bug Resolved Normal Driver Document - for india pan and aadhar card and for UAE Passport , Emirates ID need to ask Deepak Biltoria 11/29/2023 08:05 PM Actions
8636 Bug Resolved Normal Store registration & approval email > share store panel link with the email content so that user can direct navigate on web panel using that link olatayo John 11/30/2023 12:14 PM Actions
8602 Bug Resolved Normal Send this notification message to user when return request accepted & rejected by vendor Irfan Varis 11/27/2023 11:05 AM Actions
8574 Bug Resolved Normal I am doing payment in AED but on payment screen it shows amount in indian currency why? check video attached Irfan Varis 11/21/2023 05:18 PM Actions
8569 Bug New Urgent Need to change alarm tune > As for all categories orders it is saying you have received new food order priyanka Sharma 02/15/2024 11:40 AM Actions
8526 Bug Resolved Normal Delivery partner registration > Make changes as per below Deepak Biltoria 11/29/2023 08:12 PM Actions
8454 Bug Resolved Normal Send email to vendor after store account approved by admin. Below is the content. olatayo John 11/21/2023 07:13 PM Actions
8421 Bug Resolved Normal If user tried too many login attempts firebase block the mobile number. In this case change message as per below Deepak Biltoria 12/07/2023 04:15 PM Actions
8410 Bug Resolved Normal Store Banner > I have added store banner but in mobile app it is not showing inside the store. Showing on home screen Irfan Varis 03/04/2024 12:32 PM Actions
8389 Bug Resolved Normal Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen. Deepak Biltoria 11/29/2023 08:13 PM Actions
8387 Bug Resolved Normal Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen. Rakhi Kadyan 12/13/2023 05:06 PM Actions
8383 Bug Resolved Normal After accepting order check popup appeared blank Deepak Biltoria 12/07/2023 04:15 PM Actions
8381 Bug Resolved Normal Notifications > After viewing the Notification it will be marked as read. Check user app for reference 12/07/2023 04:15 PM Actions
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