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Bug #8906: QuikMart --> Check issue below
Bug #9128: User Apk --> Login --> Home Screen --> "QuikMart Hyper-Market" should be shown only QuikMart tab but Right now some QuikMart stores showing on the Normal store
Bug #6760: Product detail screen > check issues below
Bug #6761: Cart screen > product image not showing
Bug #6766: Pending, ongoing orders > user location missing with order
Bug #6767: Store status is offline from store app but in user app it still shows open. It should not shown to user anywhere if store is offline
Bug #6770: In user app store still showing if change the address location. Check below two scenarios:
Bug #6771: Store has their own coupons but in user app it shows static coupons ...i don't know from where it is coming
Bug #6796: For Dubai country why it showing Indian currency. If store is of Dubai then it should show its own currency
Bug #6800: I am searching store name but it is showing items of that store instead of store name. why?
Bug #6899: User not able to see uploaded photo which he has uploaded at the time of registration
Bug #7063: Getting this error on many screens sometimes. don't know why
Bug #7174: Notification screen > please show proper time AM or P with the time
Bug #7217: Why taking invalid state, pincode when entering manual address
Bug #7223: Wallet Transaction history > please show date & time with the credit debit transactions
Bug #7388: order invoice pdf > copright is showing 2021 . change it to current year 2023 and Quikr box is showing separate . make it single word everywhere
Bug #7389: order invoice email > make changes as per below
Bug #7481: Estimated delivery time is not displaying correctly.
Bug #7482: IPA > Search the Store ( Rao Kitchen ) > No store is displayed but the store is online in Store App.
Bug #7723: Product detail screen > description should not be in bold and text too big size . It should match with other words
Bug #8150: Order history screen > order time is incorrect. And also show year with order date
Bug #8286: As on top sec 75 is selected & in nearby stores we can see stores of sector 62 noida then why showing 0 km distance?
Bug #8312: Home screen > Top offers > only those stores should shown who will provide more coupons or offers, make sure coupon is active
Bug #8358: During Order placed > getting http error 500 many times please check why
Bug #8367: I have referred to another user & that user has made payment of one order but in my wallet i am not getting redeemed amount . please check
Bug #8410: Store Banner > I have added store banner but in mobile app it is not showing inside the store. Showing on home screen
Bug #8574: I am doing payment in AED but on payment screen it shows amount in indian currency why? check video attached
Bug #8602: Send this notification message to user when return request accepted & rejected by vendor
Bug #8688: Send this notification title & message to customer when delivery boy reach store location
Bug #8689: Send this notification title & message to Customer when delivery boy approaches customer nearby location
Bug #8690: Send a this notification title & message to store when delivery driver reached his store location
Bug #8703: Send this notification message & title to customer after delivery boy accepting return order
Bug #8830: Return requested screen > Delivery boy name will not come . No delivery boy is assigned yet so why it is showing?
Bug #8832: User --> Login --> Delivered --> 1830 order id --> Download Invoice --> User is not able to see the full details about the product
Bug #8834: This notification should come to user when delivery boy accept the return order
Bug #8891: Login --> Orders --> order id 1841/1838 --> download invoice --> The user is unable to download the " delivered order" invoice
Bug #8915: USER APK --> Login --> Home Screen -->Profile --> Manage Address --> add more location --> add manually --> select state
Bug #9065: User APK --> Login --> Order product --> delivered --> Rating --> given Rating on the delivery boy is showing not same means one extra rating is select
Bug #9067: User APK --> Login --> Orders --> Delivered Orders --> Download invoice --> Check below 2 issues
Bug #9073: User app --> Return Requested by user --> store accepted --> delivered return successfully --> Check issue below
Bug #9077: Store --> Login --> Home screen --> Today pending's order --> order id 1862 --> The Color option is not showing on some variants product while the colour is showing on the user app.
Bug #9079: User Apk --> Login with 7870691060 --> Orders --> All --> order id 1849 --> Download invoice --> check issue below
Bug #9087: delivery boy --> accept --> pickup Return --> Click here to delivered Return --> after delivered no any notification goes to store
Bug #9089: User --> Login with 7870691060 --> Orders --> Return --> Check issue below
Bug #9103: User APK --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> COD Delivered Orders --> Return --> Check issue below
Bug #9115: Delivery Boy --> Login --> Home screen --> Accept assigned Return Order --> Pick Up Return --> Delivered Return --> Check issue below
Bug #9123: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Delivered Orders --> Return Products one by one --> Check All Scenario below
Bug #9134: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Menu Screen --> In the Menu screen, All variants of product "images", "Prices" and colours do not appear need to fix this issue
Bug #9154: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Return Orders --> Order id 1950 --> Details --> Check Issue below
Bug #9158: Driver Apk --> Create New Delivery Boy --> approved Admin --> Refresh delivery boy --> Earning / Tip Earning Screen --> I am getting some amount and Tip while I have created a new delivery boy
Bug #9175: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Menu --> if the store has no products and click on the Menu tab button then "No internet connection" toster message comes on the screen
Bug #9188: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Order id 1888 --> Check issue below
Bug #9196: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Delivered Orders --> The User is not able to Rate his/her order
Bug #9221: User --> Login with Referral Code -->Referral users do not get 0.5% per order commission if the new user does his/her 2nd and 3rd orders.
Bug #9238: Store App --> Login --> Home --> Today's cancelled Orders --> Clicks any places of order --> Cancelled order screen, if the store applicant clicks on any place on the Cancelled order screen then gets a grey screen
Bug #9262: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Fashion Orders 1943 --> if users Return orders one by one then the Refund amount should be showing on the user app only for accepted returned items, instead of all Returned items.
Bug #9266: Driver --> Login --> Left Menu button --> Tip Earning --> Why one extra tip amount is showing on the delivery boy's Tip Earning screen while the delivery boy has delivered only 2 orders.
Bug #9269: Delivery Boy --> Login --> Left Click on Menu button --> Delivery History --> Order 1949 / 1948 --> details page --> check issue below
Bug #9279: Store --> Login --> As per the client's feedback, Country price symbol should be in English UAE (AED) in every place.
Bug #9280: Delivery boy --> As Per the client's feedback, the Country price symbol should be everywhere in English UAE (AED).
Bug #9285: Store --> Login with 7535064628 --> Home screen --> Orders --> New Orders --> Cancelled Orders --> Total amount is not displaying only Price icon is displaying
Bug #9290: User --> Registere with new number --> Using this maid --> --> if the user creates a user profile with a registered ID then no validation comes in against email field,
Bug #9325: User --> Login/Guest Login --> New on Quikrbox --> Last month's Registered store should be shown on "New on Quikrbox" List, in the User application
Bug #9339: User --> Login --> select address --> jamia milia islamia --> Trending store --> getting an "internal server error" when I click Trending store in Jamia Milia Islamia location
Bug #9350: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> QuikMart --> As per the client feed, need to Remove the QuikMart name from all QuikMart store
Bug #9371: User --> Mobile apk --> Nearby stores --> Need to update User Radius 10 Km to 18 km (user can see the All store between 18 km )
Bug #9427: User --> Login --> Sector 62 --> without approval, products should not show on mobile devices but Right now it is showing
Bug #9483: user --> Login --> Quikmart --> Deal of the Day --> QuikMart deal of the day product is showing on in normal store deal of the day
Bug #9491: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> go with any store --> Open a product ---> Similar product --> Similar products should be "Sub categories - wise " instead of "category-wise"
Bug #7525: Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
Bug #7550: Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
Bug #8170: Report tool > Implement user list, store list, product list, order list reporting. you can discuss with dharamveer sir for any query
Bug #8372: Manage refer & earning page > Some columns missing like Referrer name , Referral & Referrer mobile no. Amount not showing in amount column. Ask dharamveer sir for more info
Bug #8412: Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Store --> if the admin changes the "store type" then 8 upload documents below store logo options should be mandatory.
Modification/ Enhancements #9205: Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Products --> As per the country's need to change the currency icon ₹ to *AED.*
Bug #9328: Admin -->Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Refund/Return --> if the store cancels/rejects any order that order should be shown in the Return/ Refund module but right now it is not happening
Bug #12387: Admin --> Login --> Dashboard -->Manage orders --> getting database issue when admin clicking on view button
Bug #12390: Home --> Admin --> Manage store --> Add store --> When admin creates a quikMart there should be an option for Payment as running store panel but currently, there is no option for payment & bank account
Bug #12392: Home --> Admin --> Manage User --> Edit --> updated user profile image is not showing on the user list page (image is not showing)
Bug #12394: Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Tag --> Getting Database issue when admin clicking on Manage offer
Bug #12397: Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage payments --> Store & Delivery boy --> Admin is not able to make delivery boy & store payments, there is no payment method for the transfer amount
Bug #6621: Create profile screen >> After filling all details of Vehicle & Work area ..if i go to next screen then come back to this screen again fields gets reset. check video attached
Bug #6623: Once registartion completes then user is able to go back to see registration process again from mobile back button. If user click on back button ask exit from the app?
Bug #6624: After completing registartion process user should get message of registration successful on screen.
Bug #7031: Alarm toggle not working fine. I am enabling it but it automatically gets off
Bug #7041: No option seeing to delivery boy to complete the order process if I close, back or kill the app in mid of the using app or processing order. There should be provision to complete the order delivery process
Bug #7043: Direction to drop > what is this address id :360. Show proper store address location And change text User Add to Customer Address.
Bug #7044: Order id, customer name , store name, order items etc...all are missing in order deliver process. Please follow MIIS app . Remove static text khana city at top
Bug #7048: After making order delivered no message appearing order delivered successfully ...or should navigate to delivery history screen
Bug #7050: If Delivery boy is autoassigned then in this case delivery boy not able to mark order delivered ...he gets logout from the app.
Bug #7059: Direction to store screen > there are two buttons Item picked and All orders picked ...why using 2 buttons ...and on click of Item picked button it's not working
Bug #7060: Direction to store > After click on picked up button ..there is popup arrive succesfully picked...this close button & continue button not working & text is dummy in the popup
Bug #7157: If there is no internet connection then show proper error message on screen with logo No internet connection when user try to use or open the app
Bug #7179: Registration form > If user has filled details up tom license form & on bank details screen he logout from the app & then he login after some time then it again ask to fill all previous details which he already filled....from the starting. It's wrong
Bug #7288: Complete your profile steps > Select checkbox of permanent address , see all fields not showing ..some are blank
Bug #7289: Bank Account details > check how fields appearing like Branch_name
Bug #7290: Notifications not clickable , even not working not showing any count
Bug #7370: Cancel/Return history > Return orders> static data showing . I have created new account
Bug #7371: Ratings & Reviews > static data showing i think. I have created new account then why showing wrong data here
Bug #8139: Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
Bug #8230: Create account screen > if country type is UAE then label name should be Enter 9 digit mobile number & should take 9 digits only
Bug #8300: If internet is off then it should give error of no internet connection on all screens
Bug #8332: View total tips by day task pending
Bug #8350: delivery boy profile> blank screen appears . Login with 97777777777 this no . OTP is 123456
Bug #8381: Notifications > After viewing the Notification it will be marked as read. Check user app for reference
Bug #8383: After accepting order check popup appeared blank
Bug #8389: Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen.
Bug #8421: If user tried too many login attempts firebase block the mobile number. In this case change message as per below
Bug #8526: Delivery partner registration > Make changes as per below
Bug #8640: Driver Document - for india pan and aadhar card and for UAE Passport , Emirates ID need to ask
Bug #8641: Drive app -Add one more field > vehicle picture . currently it not asking
Bug #8687: Timer runs in decreasing in delivery boy apps
Bug #8691: Order details > store image not showing & also show item image
Bug #8702: After accepting return order by delivery boy to pickup it is navigating to direction to store screen . It should navigate to customer location first . Pick order from customer address & location & then direction to store to return the product
Bug #8750: Delivery boy --> Login --> Home screen --> Refresh button --> if the delivery boy has no record then no need to show this error message
Bug #8770: Driver apk --> Login --> Home Screen --> As per the delivery boy's current location on the map should be showing as per the current address but right now it is showing on Guiyana country instead of India
Bug #8779: Driver APK --> Return order --> Return type --> If the delivery boy clicks on accept return order then the delivery boy gets an Error message "No internet connection" and the delivery boy is not able to accept the return order
Bug #8785: Driver apk --> order details page phone icon is not clickable need to make it clickable if the driver clicks on the phone icon then it redirects to the phone screen.
Bug #8822: Driver APK --> On Going Order --> Go to Order Screen -->If I click on the "Go to order screen" then the screen continues loading only
Bug #8893: Driver apk --> Login --> pick up --> On-Going-store --> After delivered then again showing the same ongoing order
Bug #8894: Login with New number --> Create profile Screen --> personal information --> Check issue below
Bug #8895: Create driver with new number --> Aadhar Card scree --> Check issue below
Bug #8900: Login --> Accept pending order --> Direction to Drop screen --> Direction --> The Delivery boy is not able to view the store/customer directions with the help of Google map
Bug #9071: Driver --> order details screen -->order id 1859--> Selected Product Color and Size showing opposite in some products
Bug #9072: Driver --> Home screen --> Return order assigned by store --> Pop-up screen --> Check issue below
Bug #9091: Delivery Boy --> Login --> Click Refresh button --> Check issue below
Bug #9092: Login --> Refresh --> On Going order --> Go to order screen --> Check issue below
Bug #9108: Driver APK --> Login --> Notification icon -> Last Screen -->
Bug #9116: Driver APK --> Login --> Home Screen --> Clicks Refresh button --> Check issue below
Bug #9119: Driver App --> Login --> Home Screen --> Check Issue below
Bug #9155: Driver APK --> Home Screen -->Click On Left Side Menu --> Profile information --> Check Issue below
Bug #9170: Delivery boy --> Login --> Screen --> Check issue below
Bug #9209: Delivery Boy --> Register with New Number --> Personal Information screen --> Validation should get reset if the applicant fills data in input field
Bug #9215: Driver --> Login --> Dashboard --> Accept --> Order Details --> Text content going out of the app screen needs to fix
Bug #9220: Driver APK --> Login --> Home Screen --> Click on 3 line --> Ongoing Order --> if clicks on an ongoing order then the screen is automatically back to the same place
Bug #9358: Delivery boy --> Login --> 9334920821 --> I am getting a "No internet connection" issue when I click Earnings / Tip Earning
Bug #9446: Delivery boy --> Assigned by Store --> Accept --> Store & User --> both WhatsApp icon will be there where delivery boy can chat with both
Bug #9517: Delivery Boy --> Login Screen --> As per the client feedback, we have to implement "Terms & Condition" section in Quikrbox Delivery partner login Screen
Bug #9518: Driver --> Login --> Home Screen --> Check issue below
Bug #9519: Delivery boy --> Login --> We have to implement Rating on delivery boy Screen --> As per the client's feedback, the Delivery boy can see his own Rating
Bug #6806: Alarm functionality should be working . If alarm is ON, then store should ring alarm tune whenever new order received & if it is Off then no tune should hear
Bug #6817: Today's pending order >Total : show currency with amount like indian or UAE whatever order has.
Bug #6818: Today's pending order :- check issues below
Bug #6845: Order is cancelled by user but it is not showing any count or order not showing under cancelled orders
Bug #6847: How you showing items or orders in delivered orders? please keep the same format as working on all screens. check total amount ...product quantities
Bug #7120: Menu screen > If item has offer price then show offer price otherwise it will show selling price
Bug #7155: If there is no internet connection then show proper error message on screen with logo No internet connection when user try to use or open the app
Bug #7168: App not refreshed automatically, I have changed price or offline any product but in app it not refreshed until i kill the app. It should refresh automatically
Bug #7175: On All screens we have to show order details in user app...everything should include delivery tip, wallet amount if used, discount applied
Bug #7992: Pending order > Accept the order > after accepting order it navigates on Accepted order screen but showing no order found . After come back to home if i refresh then it shows order on Accepted order screen
Bug #8214: Profile > change language English to Hindi > now go to store details its showing in english language. check video
Bug #8387: Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen.
Bug #8569: Need to change alarm tune > As for all categories orders it is saying you have received new food order
Bug #8800: Return order > why order status is unpaid if order is in return, and show only those items which are selected by customer. no need to show all items of that order
Bug #8831: If size & color not available then no need to show these fields. please check on all order screens
Bug #9080: Store --> Login --> orders --> New orders --> Ongoing Orders --> Reject order from delivery boy --> If the delivery boy Rejects the Return order then the store has a notification if the store's ongoing screen is open it goes to the delivered screen.
Bug #9114: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> New Orders --> Pickedup orders --> Check Issue below
Bug #9174: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Accepted Orders --> Store Delivery Boy --> Assign delivery boy --> Searching
Bug #9240: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Pending Return --> Reject with Comment --> Submit --> Back --> Click again Reject--> Same Previous comment arriving on the "Reason of Rejection" input field
Bug #9241: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Return Orders --> Completed Return --> order id 1864/1862 --> Check 4 issues Below
Bug #9261: Store --> Login --> orders --> Ongoing Return --> Order id 1943 --> Check issue below
Bug #9375: Store --> Login --> dashboard --> ongoing orders/ongoing Returns order --> Need to change Delivery boy order assigned Timing 30 sec to 60 sec
Bug #9376: Store --> Login --> Dashboard --> Orders --> New pending / Return pending --> Store Applicant can See the user details Phone No. & WhatsApp No when the order status is pending
Bug #9377: Store --> Login --> Orders --> New Orders --> All orders and all Notifications should come with a Date & Time.
Bug #9445: Store -->Login --> Orders --> Pending ---> Chat with WhatsApp --> Store can chat with the user and also chat with the assigned delivery boy
Bug #9497: Delivery boy --> Order Assign by store --> Accept and Reject buttons are not clickable, unable to accept and Reject order
Bug #9520: Store --> Login --> Order --> Accept --> Assign to Driver --> Store can see the Delivery Boy Rating
Bug #9719: Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Today's picked up Order --> Check issue below
Bug #9774: IOS --> Store --> Login --> Profile --> inside Faq dropdown is not working and the back button also not working
Bug #10871: store --> Login --> Profile --> store details --> getting grey-out screen when the user tries to see the store details
Bug #6902: Hindi language > On some screens text not updated in hindi. please check below screenshots
Bug #9444: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Ongoing Orders --> Check issue below
Bug #9521: User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Assign order/delivered Order --> As per the client feedback, the User can see the Delivery Boy Rating
Bug #10430: IOS --> Login/Guest Login --> Profile --> Put space between the Mobile top bar icon and Quikrbox icon
Bug #10431: IOS --> Login --> Home screen --> Profile --> Wallet --> Add money --> Check issue below --> I am not able to add the amount to the wallet, it is showing payment has been successful but the amount is not updating on the wallet
Bug #10432: IOS --> Login --> Home Screen --> Shop By Category --> View all -->
Bug #10433: IOS/Android --> Login -->Search Address --> sector 62 --> why commas is showing first that is not correct please fix this issue
Bug #10434: IOS/Android --> Login --> Home Screen --> View More --> inside the “view more” Background should be grey with box, like in the "now now" app or nearby store
Bug #10435: IOS/Android --> Home Screen --> Search Address --> Ballygunge Kolkata -->Select Kolkata Night Rider --> Summer Collection --> getting internal server Error
Bug #10437: IOS/Android --> Login --> Home Screen --> Order History --> Quikrbox logo should be little bit big and it should be in middle
Bug #10439: IOS/Android --> Login --> Home Screen --> Right now the address should be clickable. The dropdown icon is too tiny, which is causing issues with changing the address.
Bug #10453: User --> Login --> Fashion --> As per the client's requirement if user selects any attribute & option then selected value should be highlighted
Bug #10454: Home --> Login --> QuikMart --> As per the client's requirement Unit of measure should be shown on the QuikMart Product
Bug #10455: Login/Guest Login ---> Home Screen --> QuikMart --> QuikMart text Remove from top
Bug #10456: Login --> Home --> Fashion Store --> Location: Topsia kolkata --> After deleting some products from the admin & store, the deleted product is showing on the mobile application, please fix the client issue
Bug #10458: Login --> QuikMart --> shop by category --> if the products are not inside the category then no need to show the grid option
Bug #10481: Android / IOS --> Login --> Search Product --> if the product is not found then so "No product found" message instead of loader
Bug #10482: Android --> Guest Login --> Search Close store --> When a Guest user tries to click the "Notify Me" button then why "you will be notified when store online"
Bug #10517: Login --> Home --> Profile --> Profile details --> Need to add one more text box for the mobile number inside my profile
Bug #10518: Login --> Home --> QuikMart --> Search --> As per the client's comment need to add a view basket option where user can add product
Bug #10695: Android --> Login --> Home --> Shop By Category --> Once I click any category the store appears, again I click on the same category then store gets disappears See attached screenshot/screen Record:
Bug #10696: Android --> Guest Login --> Home --> Search product --> Getting "Grey out" Store, which is not working I am not able to click any store
Bug #10697: Android --> Login Screen --> Getting a Firebase issue when I try to log in with the different Testing number
Bug #10709: after 2-3 times open and close the app ( To Many Request) then navigate to the Registration screen instead of the home screen
Bug #10752: Login --> Home Screen --> Address --> Dadri main Road sector 82, Noida --> Designing issue, Need to fix
Bug #10754: Login --> Home --> Add adress --> Search with Karol bagh location --> Getting Grey out issue when I search with Karol bagh location
Bug #10763: Login --> Home --> Location --> Jhanda chock Jhumri telaiya --> Quick mart section --> I have added one product in quickMart with a tag after adding the product if the user check the product in same location then the tag is not appear
Bug #10786: Login --> Home --> Profile --> Manage Address --> "Add address" is not working properly Getting 400 status error
Bug #10789: Login --> Home --> Add products to cart --> Checkout --> Pay Screen --> unable to see the pay option if the user adds more than 3 products to cart
Bug #10790: Login --> Home --> Profiel--> Quikrbox plus --> Need to update the design of Quikrbox Plus screen and also update the profile top screen "Pro member"
Bug #10791: Login With Quikrbox plus --> Home --> Basket --> Below wallet --> If I have a subscription plan and am receiving a free delivery message on the checkout screen, but after selecting the tip, the "free delivery" Quikrbox Plus message disappears.
Bug #10792: Login --> Home --> Profile --> Manage Address --> Edit --> Update Address --> if I Update the save address then I am getting a Grey-out Screen issue
Bug #10793: Login -->Home --> Profile --> Profile Details --> Upload Photo --> Unable to see the all options if I click the upload photo button
Bug #10794: Login --> Home --> Profile --> you can show the name with dot if the user name is very long ( Naushad test demo...)
Bug #10795: Login --> Home --> Cart --> Check out Screen -->
Bug #10796: Login --> Home --> Orders -->> Rate Order Button --> Designing issue --> Rate order button should be Right side
Bug #10797: Login --> Home Screen--> Near By Store --> Text should be alignment with the store image
Bug #10798: Login --> Home --> Search --> products --> Check issues Below
Bug #10799: Login --> Home --> Search --> Store --> Noida sector 62 --> Sudhir medical Store --> Top offers --> Experiencing design-related issues when searching for a store and clicking on it.
Bug #10800: Login --> Home --> Profile --> wallet --> Add amount --> Getting an Internal Server Error when I try to add some wallets in the amount
Bug #10801: Login --> Home --> Cart --> checkout --> Payment method --> online --> Pay --> I am not able to make an order for online payments, getting the "Merchant Authentication field "Screen
Bug #10802: Login --> Home --> Profile --> Address --> Manage Address --> Add Manually --> After saving --> if I add manually address then getting 400 status code error
Bug #10865: Login --> Home --> Search with product --> Check issue below
Bug #10904: sign up with new Number --> Create new user --> Search Address --> Select Location --> Getting grey out application
Bug #10911: Staging App --> Guest Login --> getting internal server error when i open the app with a guest user
Bug #10912: Staging App --> Guest Login --> Home -->Unable to see the whole app added images, like on product and store
Bug #10915: Staging/digital --> Login --> Home Screen --> Profile --> Profile Member should be dynamic instead of static as per plan there should be membership arriving
Bug #10916: Staging server --> Login --> Add product to Cart--> checkout --> Getting internal server on the check-out screen
Bug #10917: Staging/digitalnotice --> Login --> Add product Fashion Zone --> Getting designing issues inside the store child category while I have not added products to "deal of the day" but currently it is showing
Bug #10918: Android --> Login --> Home --> Add product to cart --> QuikMart -->cart items are showing differently on both carts
Bug #10919: Staging/digital --> Login --> Add Product to cart --> Checkout screen --> Getting 400 issues when user clicks on Return policy
Bug #10920: Android --> Login --> Quikmart--> Add coupon --> the coupon is not showing on the user app, after adding the coupon through the store
Bug #10921: Android --> Login --> See store this location --> Boring Road, sri krishna puri, Patna, Bihar --> I have added a new product after creating a new store but after adding the product I am unable to see the product image
Bug #10922: Staging/digitalnotice --> Create New User --> profile details --> add address through serach --> unable to add and update address getting grey out screen issue
Bug #8454: Send email to vendor after store account approved by admin. Below is the content.
Bug #8456: Store Panel --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Store --> Add Products --> Fashion --> Check issue below
Bug #8461: Store Panel --> Login with Restaurant --> Dashboard --> Manage Store --> Add Product --> Check issue below
Bug #8627: Store panel --> Login --> OTP --> Add Firebase account on Web Store Login Screen for OTP
Bug #8628: Store panel --> Login --> Dashboard -> Online/Offline should be work correctly
Bug #8636: Store registration & approval email > share store panel link with the email content so that user can direct navigate on web panel using that link
Bug #9276: Store -->Login --> Dashboard --> Manage delivery boy --> Add --> Need to remove "Work area" & current Address options from store delivery boy
Bug #9344: Store --> Login --> Dashboard -->Manage Store/Independent Driver ---> As per the client's feedback, Need to show all Store's own delivery and independent delivery boy delivery item reports. ( All delivery items Report store applicant can also view )
Bug #9361: store -->Store New Registration --> Pending Status --> After Rejected by Admin --> Reason and status both should be shown
Bug #9362: Store --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Product --> Product list --> After the expiring deal of the day product, its status changed to No instead of Yes
Bug #9383: Store --> Login --> Dashboard --> Transaction History --> view button is not clickable ( store applicant unable to view her/his transaction)
Bug #9413: Store --> Register --> store details page/ Profile update --> Longitude & Latitude --> Check Issue below
Bug #9467: Store --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Product --> Store applicant unable to update product
Bug #11018: Store --> Login --> Add product --> attribute --> if the attribute option is not there then no need to show input field
Bug #12172: Store --> Registration with New Number --> No need to show VAT certificates and VAT Number for India, it should be for UAE
Bug #12187: Admin --> Manage Store --> While registering the store then store applicant provided bank details after submitting then bank details do not appear on the admin
QuikrBox Store app Issues
Quikrbox User app
Created with Raphaël 2.3.0

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