



From 10/13/2023 to 10/22/2023


03:09 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7332 (Resolved): Add Address > Tap Use Current Location > Should take device current location.
Himanshu khare
03:08 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7334 (Resolved): Tap on any restaurant > display the full address of the text. Currently text cuts from top. Restaurant close time displaying n/a.
Himanshu khare
03:05 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7363 (Resolved): Still items o count showing after searching any store if i switch to product tab . check video below
Himanshu khare
03:02 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7365 (Resolved): Check how filter screen appearing if we add more from cart screen .
Himanshu khare


11:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7386 (Resolved): Order delivered screen > there should be option to download invoice as a pdf and share invoice . Client requirement
Himanshu khare
11:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8172 (Resolved): Application is very slow.. it’s take huge amt of time to start. client issue. please work on it
Himanshu khare
06:13 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8206 (Resolved): Export delivery partner > check issues below
olatayo John
01:15 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8206 (Closed): Export delivery partner > check issues below
1. Driver mobile no missing in report
2.In admin it shows status Pending & in report it shows Approved. why?
3. Wor...
priyanka Sharma
04:53 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8204 (Resolved): Manage Store > Export stores > check issues below
olatayo John
12:16 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8204 (Closed): Manage Store > Export stores > check issues below
1. Column name "Packeging Charges" spelling incorrect . It should be "Packaging"
2. Stores registration date missing...
priyanka Sharma
04:40 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8205 (Resolved): Not able to export orders for India
olatayo John
12:47 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8205 (Closed): Not able to export orders for India
priyanka Sharma
11:16 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7516 (Resolved): Export orders > check issues below
olatayo John
11:15 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8122 (Resolved): Manage offer >After selecting category we can select multi stores of that categories. In store dropdown store should shown based of selected category only
olatayo John


05:21 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8163 (Resolved): Check manage order page . All design is distorted
design is fine, just empty values in table olatayo John
04:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8164 (Resolved): Manage order listing page >order date format should be dd-mm-yyyy
olatayo John
04:51 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8167 (Resolved): I have added new product from store but its not showing on the top. After searching with product name it shows then in the list. please check newly added product should shown at top
olatayo John
04:50 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8168 (Resolved): Manage products - View product detail page - some fields missing. check ss below
olatayo John
03:14 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7993 (Resolved): Order list & detail screen > total mount calculation should be correct> As now its mismatch from user app
Rakhi Kadyan
01:24 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8172 (New): Application is very slow.. it’s take huge amt of time to start. client issue. please work on it
priyanka Sharma
01:13 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8195 (Closed): Alarm not ringing if we check all apps on same phone
priyanka Sharma
12:04 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8189 (Feedback): Create profile > Personal info > Current address> showing mandatory sign but without filling i am navigating to next step. Make proper required validation for all required fields
priyanka Sharma
11:59 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7287 (Closed): Create Profile > Work Area details > Select country > India or UAE > no need to ask country> should take default as [er registered number
priyanka Sharma


05:10 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8173 (Resolved): Add Banner > fields reset after saving the data. If any field remain to fill and we click on Save then all filled fields getting reset
olatayo John
04:31 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8174 (Resolved): Banner listing > what is simple banner in banner type column?
"simple banner" means its not a quickmart banner olatayo John
04:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8176 (Resolved): Manage banner - Added new banner Deal of the day banner - on edit giving error
olatayo John
03:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8183 (Resolved): Forgot password page > social media links not working
olatayo John
11:44 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8183 (Closed): Forgot password page > social media links not working
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8186 (Resolved): Manage Setting > Tax > For india it should be GST not VAT
olatayo John
03:19 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8186 (Closed): Manage Setting > Tax > For india it should be GST not VAT
priyanka Sharma
03:57 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8185 (Resolved): Manage setting > Delivery charge > please show currency sign with the fields in bracket. As it confuse 50 is what rs or %age? So better to clear in label name like Up to 5km(in Rs) Per km(in Rs)
olatayo John
03:08 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8185 (Closed): Manage setting > Delivery charge > please show currency sign with the fields in bracket. As it confuse 50 is what rs or %age? So better to clear in label name like Up to 5km(in Rs) Per km(in Rs)
priyanka Sharma
03:15 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8184 (Resolved): After switching the country dropdown at the top from UAE to India, the data for India should appear automatically without the need to click on the 'Search' button.
olatayo John
03:15 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8184: After switching the country dropdown at the top from UAE to India, the data for India should appear automatically without the need to click on the 'Search' button.
discussed with dharam sir and he said to leave it as it is olatayo John
11:51 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8184 (Feedback): After switching the country dropdown at the top from UAE to India, the data for India should appear automatically without the need to click on the 'Search' button.
priyanka Sharma
12:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8110 (Resolved): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
olatayo John
12:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8110: Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
cumulative data on dashboard is correct olatayo John
12:20 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8114 (Closed): Edit delivery partner profile > upload documents like imgae, vechile image, on submit getting this error
priyanka Sharma
12:18 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7429 (Closed): If select hindi language then need to replace english text to hindi at many places. check ss below
priyanka Sharma
11:43 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7489 (Closed): Forgot password page > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:39 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7242 (Closed): Delivery time not updated in admin panel when edit the store.
priyanka Sharma
11:26 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8130 (Closed): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
priyanka Sharma
11:25 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7816 (Closed): Edit and view store details > when check store details its timings should be in AM or PM same as it is added by store. keep only 12 hr format
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8109 (Closed): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7525 (Reopened ): Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
priyanka Sharma
11:16 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8078 (Closed): Manage orders > Order id's 258, 259, 253.... are of india but not shwing in the order list after applying filter it shows but on selecting UAE country it shows in order list. check why
priyanka Sharma
11:08 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6503 (Reopened ): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset
priyanka Sharma
11:05 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7527 (Closed): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #5932 (Closed): CMS > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma


11:58 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8172 (Feedback): Application is very slow.. it’s take huge amt of time to start. client issue. please work on it
Means Himanshu khare
11:44 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8172 (Closed): Application is very slow.. it’s take huge amt of time to start. client issue. please work on it
priyanka Sharma
11:58 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8175 (Feedback): Order invoice : check issues below
Api issue Himanshu khare
01:07 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8175 (Closed): Order invoice : check issues below
1. Line no column - change to Sr no
2. Product code - Item name
3. Qty
4. Price
Item total:
priyanka Sharma
11:56 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8181 (Resolved): After viewing the Notification it will be marked as read.
Himanshu khare
06:13 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8181 (Closed): After viewing the Notification it will be marked as read.
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7428 (Reopened ): Store edit profile> why IBAN number field showing mandatory at the time of edit, during add there is no field
priyanka Sharma
06:17 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8137 (Feedback): Sign up screen > afer entering mobile number if we click on continue button it shows keyboard open . please close it
couldn't find such issue, a video will be much helpful Deepak Biltoria
05:17 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8180 (Closed): Edit delivery boy > Showing mandatory sign for document information & Account info & not showing for vehicle info. Please make sure mandatory sign should shown only for required fields same as add form
priyanka Sharma
04:51 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8179 (Closed): Add delivery boy > after entering required fields validation messages should remove automatically
priyanka Sharma
04:49 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8178 (Closed): Add delivery boy > Address information > After entering current address it is not taking latitude & longitude automatically until i press keyboard enter key. user getting confused in it
priyanka Sharma
04:34 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8177 (Closed): Add offer > Change field name discount % value to "Discount value" . As i have selected flat discount & field name showing discount & value which seems wrong
priyanka Sharma
04:15 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8042 (Closed): Default english language should shown selected on every page
priyanka Sharma
04:14 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7767 (Closed): Add product > after entering discount in discount field price overlapped on offer price field
priyanka Sharma
12:00 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7767 (Resolved): Add product > after entering discount in discount field price overlapped on offer price field
Irfan Varis
04:11 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8056 (Reopened ): Add & edit product > price fields why taking more than 2 digits after decimal? Througout the website it should take round off values please make sure
priyanka Sharma
12:00 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8056 (Resolved): Add & edit product > price fields why taking more than 2 digits after decimal? Througout the website it should take round off values please make sure
Irfan Varis
03:54 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8055 (Closed): Edit product > change add icon to edit, discount amount field appearing blank, why pcs field showing on edit . it was not asked during add product
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8084 (Closed): Add product > why it is not taking discount amount automatically after entering all price fields & cost price is greater than offer price but showing error message. Once i enter correct price this error message should automaically remove
priyanka Sharma
10:48 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8084 (Resolved): Add product > why it is not taking discount amount automatically after entering all price fields & cost price is greater than offer price but showing error message. Once i enter correct price this error message should automaically remove
Irfan Varis
03:52 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8155 (Closed): Add product form - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8155 (Resolved): Add product form - check issues below
Irfan Varis
03:23 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8169 (Closed): Action column > need to change everywhere . Please show edit , view , delete icons. check on all modules. keep the format as in manage product
priyanka Sharma
11:58 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8169 (Resolved): Action column > need to change everywhere . Please show edit , view , delete icons. check on all modules. keep the format as in manage product
Irfan Varis
02:37 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8078 (Resolved): Manage orders > Order id's 258, 259, 253.... are of india but not shwing in the order list after applying filter it shows but on selecting UAE country it shows in order list. check why
nothing to resolve here olatayo John
02:37 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8138 (Resolved): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
increased toasts value by 3 seconds Deepak Biltoria
01:14 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8176 (Closed): Manage banner - Added new banner Deal of the day banner - on edit giving error
priyanka Sharma
12:36 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7816 (Resolved): Edit and view store details > when check store details its timings should be in AM or PM same as it is added by store. keep only 12 hr format
olatayo John
12:06 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8109 (Resolved): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
category "pharmacy & nutrition" is not deleted
all categories under UAE or India are showing respectively
olatayo John
12:04 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8174 (Closed): Banner listing > what is simple banner in banner type column?
priyanka Sharma
12:01 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8173 (Closed): Add Banner > fields reset after saving the data. If any field remain to fill and we click on Save then all filled fields getting reset
priyanka Sharma
11:30 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6503 (Resolved): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset olatayo John
11:28 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8130 (Resolved): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
olatayo John
10:36 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7525 (Resolved): Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
showing old value of image is possible but not ideal because we have to upload images first before validating other f... olatayo John
10:30 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7248 (Resolved): Home screen > Today's earning amount > why showing while there is no order of today's date
Deepak Biltoria
10:29 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6768 (Feedback): Home screen > check how blank section appear if there is no refer & earn banner...on click on it , it shows gray screen
user app issue Deepak Biltoria
10:19 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8170 (Resolved): Report tool > Implement user list, store list, product list, order list reporting. you can discuss with dharamveer sir for any query
priyanka Sharma


10:45 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8165 (Resolved): cart screen > wallet checkbox not showing after applying coupon
Himanshu khare
01:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8165 (Closed): cart screen > wallet checkbox not showing after applying coupon
priyanka Sharma
10:33 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8166 (Resolved): Apply coupon screen > Why not taking round off value after decimal ? check this on all screens
Himanshu khare
01:28 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8166 (Closed): Apply coupon screen > Why not taking round off value after decimal ? check this on all screens
priyanka Sharma
06:38 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5932 (Resolved): CMS > Check issues below
only issue to fix was to change to "Cities List" olatayo John
06:22 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8169 (Closed): Action column > need to change everywhere . Please show edit , view , delete icons. check on all modules. keep the format as in manage product
priyanka Sharma
06:07 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7527 (Resolved): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
olatayo John
06:03 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8168 (Closed): Manage products - View product detail page - some fields missing. check ss below
1. childsubcategory
2. Discount
3. Discount...
priyanka Sharma
05:55 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8167 (Closed): I have added new product from store but its not showing on the top. After searching with product name it shows then in the list. please check newly added product should shown at top
priyanka Sharma
03:52 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8105 (Reopened ): OTP screen > change mobile number option missing & show seconds with resend otp. keep screen design as like user app
priyanka Sharma
03:50 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8107 (Closed): Order screen > All icons showing blurred & need to improve the design of full screen. Not able to see all boxes properly check video
priyanka Sharma
03:48 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8116 (Closed): Profile > why country section is clickable
priyanka Sharma
01:14 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8164 (Closed): Manage order listing page >order date format should be dd-mm-yyyy
priyanka Sharma
01:13 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8163 (Closed): Check manage order page . All design is distorted
priyanka Sharma
11:41 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7481: Estimated delivery time is not displaying correctly.
yaha per already ek aur delivery time milra hai "estimate_delivery_time"
wo kisliye hai fir ??
Deepak Biltoria
11:33 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7200 (Closed): Manage user > modify user details > State, city & profile photo not showing to admin. User has added all details. Default taking Meghalaya in state
priyanka Sharma
11:29 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6503 (Reopened ): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset
priyanka Sharma
11:16 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8121 (Closed): Manage offer > i have added coupon of Radhe krishna store but in admin it shoes store name NA why?
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8130 (Reopened ): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8134 (Closed): Manage product, Manage orders & Delivery partner> Store filter > why showing indian stores in the list if country selected is UAE
priyanka Sharma
10:52 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8131 (Closed): Add store > Store timings copied but not showing opening time for Monday
priyanka Sharma
10:51 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8132 (Closed): view product detail page > replace edit icon to view
priyanka Sharma
10:50 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8133 (Closed): Action column > keep same pattern for all modules. No need of Modify . Keep edit , view , delete icon as on Store list page.
priyanka Sharma
10:32 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8139 (Resolved): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
increased toast message timing to 3 seconds Deepak Biltoria
10:15 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8150 (New): Order history screen > order time is incorrect. And also show year with order date
priyanka Sharma
10:14 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #7386 (New): Order delivered screen > there should be option to download invoice as a pdf and share invoice . Client requirement
priyanka Sharma


06:31 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8135 (Feedback): Guest customer can add items in the cart. so allow him to add address, add items in cart but when he goes to place order ask for login
Himanshu khare


11:36 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8150 (Feedback): Order history screen > order time is incorrect. And also show year with order date
Order placed around 11:30 pm createdAt is coming wrong
Himanshu khare
11:37 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8150 (Resolved): Order history screen > order time is incorrect. And also show year with order date
priyanka Sharma
10:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8024: Product detail screen > Attributes added by vendor not showing on frontend like Size , Gender, color etc..everything. Should shown all details too user added by vendor
I diacussed with him and ma'am Himanshu khare
10:17 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8024 (Feedback): Product detail screen > Attributes added by vendor not showing on frontend like Size , Gender, color etc..everything. Should shown all details too user added by vendor
Discussed with dharmveer sir ask him its api issue Himanshu khare
11:52 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8024 (New): Product detail screen > Attributes added by vendor not showing on frontend like Size , Gender, color etc..everything. Should shown all details too user added by vendor
priyanka Sharma
07:06 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8133 (Resolved): Action column > keep same pattern for all modules. No need of Modify . Keep edit , view , delete icon as on Store list page.
Irfan Varis
04:37 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8134 (Resolved): Manage product, Manage orders & Delivery partner> Store filter > why showing indian stores in the list if country selected is UAE
Irfan Varis
04:11 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8155 (Closed): Add product form - check issues below
1. Replace Error message Gross should be Lesser and equal to selling price - "Cost price should be Lesser and equal ... priyanka Sharma
12:51 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8121 (Resolved): Manage offer > i have added coupon of Radhe krishna store but in admin it shoes store name NA why?
Irfan Varis
12:23 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8130 (Resolved): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
Irfan Varis
11:53 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7788 (New): Home > top offers > almadina store > shop by category> then check child subcategories or filters not showing in the app
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7798 (Closed): Cart screen > Add any two quanties of 2-3 items , on deleting any one item or quantity store pic not showing . Already shared video on skype
priyanka Sharma
11:42 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7950 (Closed): Order successful displaying in red error message and after placing order screen not navigates to order history screen. check scenario below
priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8141 (Resolved): Login screen > Select country > Only two countries should be there India & UAE . And change text Select your phone code to Select your country code. Check user app for ref
Deepak Biltoria
11:08 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8131 (Resolved): Add store > Store timings copied but not showing opening time for Monday
Irfan Varis
10:57 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8132 (Resolved): view product detail page > replace edit icon to view
Irfan Varis
10:36 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8118 (Feedback): Differentiate error 7 success toast message in red & green colr. check user app
differentiate toh meine kiya hai
aapko kaha per problem dikhi uska screenshot ya video dedo
plus step wise us issue...
Deepak Biltoria
10:04 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8120 (Closed): Notification when store comes online - change title & notification as per below
priyanka Sharma

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