



From 06/25/2023 to 07/04/2023


10:02 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7062 (Resolved): Home > Manage Address > edit address > changing country name india to UAE but its not updated. check shared video on skype
Himanshu khare
04:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7062 (Closed): Home > Manage Address > edit address > changing country name india to UAE but its not updated. check shared video on skype
priyanka Sharma
09:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7064 (Resolved): I have added new store in UAE & register new customer in same location ...but user not able to see store anywhere. If i see the store in that category then the screen not load...please check urgently
Himanshu khare
04:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7064 (Closed): I have added new store in UAE & register new customer in same location ...but user not able to see store anywhere. If i see the store in that category then the screen not load...please check urgently
priyanka Sharma
07:13 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6808: Profile screen >If i did registration in UAE country then it should show default UAE country with their flag instead of India
add api url Manoj jaswal
07:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6599 (Resolved): User can add only 1 address for home,1 for office & multiple for others. Currently I am able to select multiple address with home name & office
Manoj jaswal
06:01 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6599: User can add only 1 address for home,1 for office & multiple for others. Currently I am able to select multiple address with home name & office
add api url Manoj jaswal
06:00 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6809 (Feedback): Why it is showing blank section. On click on it, it shows gray screen. Please show proper banner here
this issue is not from api side its a frontend issue Manoj jaswal
05:58 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7063: Getting this error on many screens sometimes. don't know why
add api url Manoj jaswal
04:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7063 (Resolved): Getting this error on many screens sometimes. don't know why
priyanka Sharma
05:57 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6851 (Resolved): User not able to see rated reviews against the delivered order
Manoj jaswal
03:51 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6851: User not able to see rated reviews against the delivered order
Add api url Manoj jaswal
05:34 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6849 (Resolved): Customers/Users will be allowed to view a history of the past three months' orders. No filter is there as per acceptance criteria
Manoj jaswal
03:51 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7051: Store app > Find delivery boy > when finding delivery boy internal & external both delivery boy's showing
add api url
Manoj jaswal
03:48 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7061 (Closed): Manage product listing > remove City column from here if there is no need
priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7060 (Resolved): Direction to store > After click on picked up button ..there is popup arrive succesfully picked...this close button & continue button not working & text is dummy in the popup
priyanka Sharma
03:38 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7059 (Resolved): Direction to store screen > there are two buttons Item picked and All orders picked ...why using 2 buttons ...and on click of Item picked button it's not working
priyanka Sharma
03:37 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6975 (Resolved): Api's not created for store top offer products
Manoj jaswal
03:37 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7058 (Closed): When order receives there are two buttons Accept & Reject, on click of Reject nothing happen. please check this issue
priyanka Sharma
03:32 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7057 (Closed): Add product > after getting error uploaded images got vanished from add product form. Only error should shown with that field . rest fields should remain same
Suppose i have filled all fields of form and on submit i am getting error like offer price should less than or equal ... priyanka Sharma
03:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7056 (Closed): Add product > offer price is equal to selling price but still getting error while submitting product form
priyanka Sharma
03:26 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7055 (Feedback): Store has no option to add multiple images. Only 1 image can upload from web store Another one is product logo. Store should have option to add atleast 4 images
priyanka Sharma
02:34 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7052 (Resolved): After store registration content appear is wrong. please correct it
Manoj jaswal
01:27 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7052 (Closed): After store registration content appear is wrong. please correct it
priyanka Sharma
01:40 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7054 (Closed): Store listing > store logo not showing
priyanka Sharma
01:29 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7053 (Closed): View store details : Store photo not appearing
priyanka Sharma


07:42 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7037 (Resolved): Items Price showing different on store items screen and product detail screen
Himanshu khare
03:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7037 (Closed): Items Price showing different on store items screen and product detail screen
priyanka Sharma
07:42 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7038 (Resolved): Cart screen > if no coupon availa able then it should not show in error form like Coupon not available. And no need to show no top coupon or other coupon available...Only show text in center "No coupon found"
Himanshu khare
03:24 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7038 (Closed): Cart screen > if no coupon availa able then it should not show in error form like Coupon not available. And no need to show no top coupon or other coupon available...Only show text in center "No coupon found"
priyanka Sharma
05:43 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7051 (Closed): Store app > Find delivery boy > when finding delivery boy internal & external both delivery boy's showing
priyanka Sharma
05:36 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7050 (Resolved): If Delivery boy is autoassigned then in this case delivery boy not able to mark order delivered ...he gets logout from the app.
priyanka Sharma
04:54 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7048 (Resolved): After making order delivered no message appearing order delivered successfully ...or should navigate to delivery history screen
priyanka Sharma
04:48 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7047 (Closed): Delivery history screen > Destination location have some null values and no currency showing with amount
priyanka Sharma
04:34 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7046 (Closed): Hpme screen count not updated automatically, order is delivered but not showing 1 count. Please update thee counts or amount automatically
priyanka Sharma
04:31 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7045 (Closed): Home screen > Today's order > 28 complete > static count showing . please make it dynamic
priyanka Sharma
04:10 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7044 (Resolved): Order id, customer name , store name, order items etc...all are missing in order deliver process. Please follow MIIS app . Remove static text khana city at top
priyanka Sharma
04:02 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7043 (Resolved): Direction to drop > what is this address id :360. Show proper store address location And change text User Add to Customer Address.
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7042 (Closed): Direction to store screen > what is pickup 0 here? show proper text
priyanka Sharma
03:54 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7041 (Resolved): No option seeing to delivery boy to complete the order process if I close, back or kill the app in mid of the using app or processing order. There should be provision to complete the order delivery process
priyanka Sharma
03:33 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7040 (Closed): Delivery boy > picked order screen > after closing app if i open the app again it asks for complete profile again. Fix this on priority
priyanka Sharma
03:20 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6624 (Resolved): After completing registartion process user should get message of registration successful on screen.
Deepak Biltoria
03:20 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6622 (Resolved): Registration process ?No option to upload profile pic from camera...only option to select picture from gallery.
Deepak Biltoria
03:20 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6620 (Resolved): Delivery boy registration process >Work area details >
Deepak Biltoria
03:19 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6629 (Resolved): Home screen > Alarm on/off availability is not there
Deepak Biltoria
03:19 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7031 (Resolved): Alarm toggle not working fine. I am enabling it but it automatically gets off
Deepak Biltoria
10:44 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6602 (Resolved): Store admin sign in page > Spelling of Quikrbox needs to correct
Manoj jaswal
10:44 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6603 (Resolved): Store registration - Documents tab - Check the spelling of Previous Button
Manoj jaswal
10:43 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6604 (Resolved): Store registration > Store details tab >check spellings of Thursday
Manoj jaswal
10:42 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6606 (Resolved): Store registration -store type is medium > after successfully registered store .. store trying to login navigates to registration url with document tab
Manoj jaswal
10:42 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6607 (Resolved): Dashboard > Order record seems static...i have created new store & there is no order yet but still shows static record here
Manoj jaswal
10:42 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6608 (Resolved): Please update the logo of web store
Manoj jaswal
10:41 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6609 (Resolved): Add Product form > page crash
Manoj jaswal
10:40 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6610 (Resolved): Offer Management > Add coupon > check issues below
Manoj jaswal
10:39 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6611 (Resolved): Coupon listing page > check issues below
Manoj jaswal
10:39 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6612 (Resolved): Offer management > Filter issues check below
Manoj jaswal
10:39 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6613 (Resolved): If store type is Medium or cloud then Documents tab should get hide from above progress bar & on Store details tab it should show Submit Button instead of Next
Manoj jaswal
10:38 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6614 (Resolved): After registering any store change this message.
Manoj jaswal
10:37 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6615 (Resolved): After registration successful page, there is no option viewing to go back to login page . Please add button like "Back to login" or something else
Manoj jaswal
10:37 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6618 (Resolved): On edit/add product details left side menu should remain active. Please make it active for all respective inner pages
Manoj jaswal
10:36 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6619 (Resolved): No option to reset the searched fields. Add Reset Button on Product manage page
Manoj jaswal
10:36 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6627 (Resolved): Store panel registration >In firefox browser no option to select open & close time dropdown
Manoj jaswal
10:35 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6628 (Resolved): Add delivery partner > Delivery spelling wrong everywhere. Please correct
Manoj jaswal
10:34 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6762 (Resolved): Add product > Selling price can't more than original price.
Manoj jaswal
10:33 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6758 (Resolved): Store registration > if selected country india or always shows india's categories...categories not getting reset . please check & if selecting UAE country then city firld should not come if no need
Manoj jaswal
10:33 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6791 (Resolved): In admin panel it is showing 5 categories of UAE and in web store registration if select UAE country then it shows 6 categories . why?
Manoj jaswal
10:31 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6792 (Resolved): If store is of UAE country then in currency dropdown it should show AED instead of $ and USD
Manoj jaswal
10:30 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6793 (Feedback): Getting error of 504 Gateway Time-out at the time of registartion
its a server error not from our side Manoj jaswal
10:30 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6803 (Resolved): Store panel profile > getting error. Sore no is 9719638524111 UAE country
Manoj jaswal
10:29 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6860 (Feedback): I am registered with number 9998889998 and when entering contact details if i add the same number it is giving error "The phone has already been taken"
You have try to register with new number because in store contact person contact number is not dublicate Manoj jaswal
10:28 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6862 (Resolved): Store registration > Select service > If allow for quickmart store > Courior category not able to select
Manoj jaswal
10:25 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6933 (Feedback): Why it is showing error The phone has already been taken...i just registered with this no and and in contact details i am entering same number but it gives me error.
Beacuse this number is already exist
Manoj jaswal
10:24 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6954 (Resolved): All Orders > After applying Canceled filter it shows 1 record and on dashboard it is showing 2 count
Manoj jaswal


09:36 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7013 (Resolved): Guest login > Add location > asking registration form > after submitting details stucked on complete profile screen > not navigating to Add address screen
Himanshu khare
01:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7013 (Closed): Guest login > Add location > asking registration form > after submitting details stucked on complete profile screen > not navigating to Add address screen
priyanka Sharma
09:13 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7014 (Resolved): If there is only 1 banner then it should not move. Check throughout the app
Himanshu khare
01:17 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7014 (Closed): If there is only 1 banner then it should not move. Check throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
09:08 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7015 (Resolved): Discount type is in percentage but in app it is showing in flat value. It should be 50 % not Rs 50
Himanshu khare
01:49 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7015 (Closed): Discount type is in percentage but in app it is showing in flat value. It should be 50 % not Rs 50
priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7031 (Resolved): Alarm toggle not working fine. I am enabling it but it automatically gets off
priyanka Sharma
05:03 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7022 (Resolved): Price not sowing correct
Irfan Varis
04:24 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7022 (Closed): Price not sowing correct
priyanka Sharma
04:57 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6835 (Resolved): Home > Blank screen appeared below the shop by category. Add proper banner here
Irfan Varis
04:56 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7023 (Resolved): Order history > why wallet balance displaying null. it should be 0
Irfan Varis
04:55 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7023: Order history > why wallet balance displaying null. it should be 0
It's not backend issue. app developer need to handle such things Irfan Varis
04:29 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7023 (Closed): Order history > why wallet balance displaying null. it should be 0
priyanka Sharma
04:47 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6991: Notification > latest should shown at top
Add API URL Irfan Varis
04:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6942 (Closed): If original & selling price both are same then no need to show cut the price . Only show direct price
priyanka Sharma
04:25 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6977 (Closed): Need to change show price in user app. Now only show selling price on the app , if it has offer price than show offer price
priyanka Sharma
03:10 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6948 (Resolved): Wallet balance not updated, At the time of order place i have used 420 rs but in wallet it still shows 420 balance And in debit shows null value
Irfan Varis
01:45 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6940 (Closed): Cart screen > why product image not showing if i increase the product qty
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6973 (Closed): I have added store banner fro web store but it is not reflecting in user app under that store
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6984 (Closed): Quikmart > Correct spelling Trading now to "Trending now
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6985 (Closed): Guest login >check arrow overlap on text
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6986 (Closed): Guest login > Home screen > what is need of back icon here & after entering full address it ask to create account. It should not allow to add address until login an account
priyanka Sharma
01:02 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6987 (Closed): Guest login > on selecting any store it shows error of http 400
priyanka Sharma


07:44 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6447 (Resolved): Basket screen > Product item should clickable & should navigate to product screen on click
Himanshu khare
07:43 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6940 (Resolved): Cart screen > why product image not showing if i increase the product qty
Himanshu khare
07:00 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6844 (Resolved): Order history screen > wrong product quantity description showing. Please check both screenshots . I have take 4 quantities of Loose potato
Himanshu khare
06:59 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6973 (Resolved): I have added store banner fro web store but it is not reflecting in user app under that store
Himanshu khare
03:44 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6973 (Closed): I have added store banner fro web store but it is not reflecting in user app under that store
priyanka Sharma
06:35 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6984 (Resolved): Quikmart > Correct spelling Trading now to "Trending now
Himanshu khare
05:14 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6984 (Closed): Quikmart > Correct spelling Trading now to "Trending now
priyanka Sharma
06:33 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6985 (Resolved): Guest login >check arrow overlap on text
Himanshu khare
05:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6985 (Closed): Guest login >check arrow overlap on text
priyanka Sharma
06:33 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6986 (Resolved): Guest login > Home screen > what is need of back icon here & after entering full address it ask to create account. It should not allow to add address until login an account
Himanshu khare
05:20 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6986 (Closed): Guest login > Home screen > what is need of back icon here & after entering full address it ask to create account. It should not allow to add address until login an account
priyanka Sharma
06:28 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6987 (Resolved): Guest login > on selecting any store it shows error of http 400
Himanshu khare
05:22 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6987 (Closed): Guest login > on selecting any store it shows error of http 400
priyanka Sharma
05:29 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6991 (Closed): Notification > latest should shown at top
priyanka Sharma
05:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6769 (Resolved): Order history screen > total order showing 85 & product price is 80 ...don't showing where 5 rs used? please show properly
Himanshu khare
04:46 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6977 (Resolved): Need to change show price in user app. Now only show selling price on the app , if it has offer price than show offer price
Himanshu khare
04:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6977 (Closed): Need to change show price in user app. Now only show selling price on the app , if it has offer price than show offer price
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6975 (Closed): Api's not created for store top offer products
priyanka Sharma
03:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6857 (Closed): Similar items> Items should be clickable on click of any item and should navigate to that item
priyanka Sharma
03:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6952 (Closed): Guest login > Go to any item to add in cart > it will ask to login > after completing profile it is navigating to address screen and stucked on profile complete screen
priyanka Sharma
03:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6951 (Closed): Guest login > In cart it is showing 3 items but on click on it, cart seems empty
priyanka Sharma
02:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6943 (Closed): Why showing out of stock items in cart. If product is not available then it should not add in cart there you can show that out of stock
priyanka Sharma


09:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6951 (Resolved): Guest login > In cart it is showing 3 items but on click on it, cart seems empty
Himanshu khare
11:06 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #6951 (Closed): Guest login > In cart it is showing 3 items but on click on it, cart seems empty
priyanka Sharma
09:09 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6952 (Resolved): Guest login > Go to any item to add in cart > it will ask to login > after completing profile it is navigating to address screen and stucked on profile complete screen
Himanshu khare
11:12 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #6952 (Closed): Guest login > Go to any item to add in cart > it will ask to login > after completing profile it is navigating to address screen and stucked on profile complete screen
check video priyanka Sharma
06:45 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6958 (Closed): Left side bar > Menu link should not highlighted on their inner pages. Like If i am on Mange store it highlights the Manage Store in sidebar but if i am on edit or view page then it doesn't. It should be active on inner pages as well.
priyanka Sharma
06:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6957 (Closed): Titles missing on some pages like Manage Store, Manage Users...check this on all pages. Proper heading should shown on all pages & their inner pages as well. Like if i am on Edit user detail page then should show Edit User detail
priyanka Sharma
05:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6924 (Resolved): I am adding quikmart categories but it is replacing main home categories with same name. It should not replace main home categories. Quikmart categories will be different
Anisha Kumari
05:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6925: Quikmart categories > I have added product in quikmart stores but in app only stores name appearing . I am going to buy product but it is not showing any product in particular store and asking for shop by category
This is related to API and Irfan is working on same. So I am reassigning this bug to him. Anisha Kumari
05:14 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6634 (Resolved): Faq's for delivery boy & store app not implemented yet. Only for user app is there
This needs to be done in app. In admin panel FAQs is already added in Manage CMS section. Anisha Kumari
05:08 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6795 (Resolved): Manage product > I am applying india filter but all products are showing mix up. It takes default UAE after changing country to India
Anisha Kumari
04:57 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6626 (Resolved): Edit delivery boy > Dob field showing blank. Latitude, longitude fields are blank
Anisha Kumari
04:54 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6508 (Resolved): Manage product > only active stores should shown in Select Store dropdown list
Manoj jaswal
04:53 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6509 (Resolved): Manage orders > Select product dropdown & check the dropdown design
Manoj jaswal
04:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5865 (Resolved): Manage store > Check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
04:51 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5868 (Resolved): Subscription Management > check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
04:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5869 (Resolved): Manage user > check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
04:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5876 (Resolved): Admin --> Login --> Categories --> Export button is not working and also not clickable.
Manoj jaswal
04:43 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5882 (Resolved): Admin --> Store adds --> need to remove this extra search button
Manoj jaswal
04:43 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5887 (Resolved): Admin --> Forgot button --> Forgot button is not working, Forgot button should be redirected to forgot page.
Manoj jaswal
04:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5892 (Resolved): Admin --> Categories --> Please add a search button option for the categories list page
Manoj jaswal
04:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5904 (Resolved): Product manage < Product list page > there are some columns which are not matched with figma. Check issues below:
Manoj jaswal
04:41 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5905 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage store --> Add store --> Mobile number field should accept only numeric values, the user should not able to provide any character in the mobile number field except numeric values.
Manoj jaswal
04:40 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5908 (Resolved): Admin --> manage store --> Store list should be shown in descending order means latest store should be shown first.
Manoj jaswal
04:39 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5909 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage store --> Add/update --> Admin does not have any option to select store timing and when the store is open and when the store closed, need to add timing option in add/update the store.
Manoj jaswal
04:38 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5911 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage Store --> Store details and Store update --> All Uploaded documents should be shown store details/store updates page and all boxes should be in alignment.
Manoj jaswal
04:37 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5914 (Resolved): Product Manage > Check issues as per below
Manoj jaswal
04:37 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5915 (Resolved): Admin --> manage store --> If the admin clicks on "export CVS format" For any store then the admin should get the CVS sheet store inside details instead of all store lists.
Manoj jaswal
04:36 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5918 (Resolved): Edit product page - check issues below
Manoj jaswal
04:35 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5919 (Resolved): Product manage page - Export not working
Manoj jaswal
04:33 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5920 (Resolved): Product manage > check issues below
Manoj jaswal
04:31 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5922 (Resolved): Product manage menu in sidebar > If I edit any product or apply any filter then the sidebar menu link not seems active. It should remain active always whatever activity we do in product manage section.
Manoj jaswal
04:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5923 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage Store --> Put the "Export" button on the manage store page, as running all pages.
Manoj jaswal
04:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5924 (Resolved): Add Vehicle page > Please check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
04:29 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5925 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage Store --> Need to add the missing input field "Payment Email Address" inside the bank details.
Manoj jaswal
04:18 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6523 (Resolved): Store detail page > check issues below in screenshot
Anisha Kumari
04:11 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5927 (Resolved): Delivery Partner > check issues below:
Manoj jaswal
04:11 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5928 (Resolved): Delivery Partner > After adding delivery agent it seems crash
Manoj jaswal
04:04 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6521 (Resolved): Manage store listing > check issues below
Anisha Kumari
04:03 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5929 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage User --> Add Customers -->Provided "contact number" getting disappearing when admin clicks on modify button || contact Number field should be numeric characters and 10 digits.
Manoj jaswal
04:00 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6512 (Resolved): Order export > There is only 1 delivered order but after export it shows 2 records of delivered with same entries
Anisha Kumari
03:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5930 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage User --> change the validation message against the user details input field.
Manoj jaswal
03:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5931 (Resolved): Admin --> Manage User --> Admin is not able to delete any users.
Manoj jaswal
03:56 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6954 (Closed): All Orders > After applying Canceled filter it shows 1 record and on dashboard it is showing 2 count
priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6513 (Resolved): Manage Store > it is showing text like store listing wrong on change of status dropdown & also check the dropdown icon
Anisha Kumari
03:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6514 (Resolved): Manage store > Order status > On Cancel, the status getting changed from Pending to Hold
Anisha Kumari
03:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5932 (Resolved): CMS > Check issues below
Manoj jaswal
03:24 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5939 (Resolved): Offer management > Please check issues below:
Manoj jaswal
03:23 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5951 (Resolved): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
03:22 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5952 (Resolved): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
03:22 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5953 (Resolved): Categories > Add New Category > Check issues below.
Manoj jaswal
03:21 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6503 (Resolved): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset
Manoj jaswal
03:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6505 (Resolved): Categories > Pagination & total no. of records missing
Manoj jaswal
03:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6506 (Resolved): Store detail page > no option viewing to go back to store listing
Manoj jaswal
03:19 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6507 (Resolved): Manage store > After searching with store name baba seems crash
Manoj jaswal
02:39 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6524 (Resolved): Manage store > after searching with India country app got crash
Anisha Kumari
02:38 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6525 (Resolved): Manage store > Reset filter not working fine
Anisha Kumari
02:33 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6526 (Resolved): Add store > No need of Select Service Type dropdown...please remove this field
Anisha Kumari
02:04 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6617 (Resolved): Product added from store & admin review the product details...1st image of product no showing when modify product details
Anisha Kumari
01:46 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6616 (Resolved): After adding product from store admin store name appearing wrong & 2 fields showing blank
Anisha Kumari
01:45 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6616: After adding product from store admin store name appearing wrong & 2 fields showing blank
Anisha Kumari
01:28 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6510 (Resolved): Manage Orders > Select delivery partner > only active delivery boys & active products should shown
This is fine because we are checking order history, so active/inactive product & delivery boy concept doesn't matter.... Anisha Kumari
01:09 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6625 (Resolved): Delivery boy registration > default status showing approved. It should be in Pending
Anisha Kumari
01:09 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6625: Delivery boy registration > default status showing approved. It should be in Pending
If admin registers delivery boy then by default its status will be approved. Anisha Kumari
12:34 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6511 (Resolved): Order list > status dropdown > Ready to dispatch ...please correcrt the spelling of dispach here
Anisha Kumari
11:59 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6633 (Resolved): Refer & earn conditions page missing in admin panel
Anisha Kumari
11:58 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6515 (Resolved): Add store > Thursday spelling is wrong
Anisha Kumari
10:23 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6757 (Resolved): Category label name should be Select category type with options Main Category & Subcategory ...if selected subcategory then another field name should be Select parent Category.
Anisha Kumari


10:00 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6857 (Resolved): Similar items> Items should be clickable on click of any item and should navigate to that item
Himanshu khare
08:03 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6947 (Resolved): Home & Cart screen > change shipping address> add more location > after searching any address it is not picking address manually. Only loader loads on the screen.
Himanshu khare
04:02 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6947 (Closed): Home & Cart screen > change shipping address> add more location > after searching any address it is not picking address manually. Only loader loads on the screen.
priyanka Sharma
04:36 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6948 (Closed): Wallet balance not updated, At the time of order place i have used 420 rs but in wallet it still shows 420 balance And in debit shows null value
priyanka Sharma
04:30 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6855 (Closed): Order amount is greater than store minimum requirement but if i am using wallet it shows me error of minimum order value should be 300
priyanka Sharma
04:21 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6899 (Reopened ): User not able to see uploaded photo which he has uploaded at the time of registration
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6903 (Closed): Nearby stores > why showing stores of 350km... Only nearby stores should shown to me
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6908 (Closed): I am not able to change shipping address on cart screen
priyanka Sharma
04:15 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6819 (Closed): Accepted Orders : It shows 3 count in accepted but after click on it there are 5 orders. why?
priyanka Sharma
04:14 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6820 (Closed): Home screen > 4 total order's ...what it includes? If these are total today's order then i am seeing only 9 count total 6 for pending & 3 for accepted . How 14?
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6816 (Closed): Today's pending order > latest order should shown at top.
priyanka Sharma
04:12 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6817 (Reopened ): Today's pending order >Total : show currency with amount like indian or UAE whatever order has.
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6858 (Closed): Product detail screen > not able to see multiple product images. Only showing 1 image. White blank screen showing
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6838 (Closed): Cart > Add More option will be there. If customers/users want to add more products from the same store then they will be allowed to add the products.
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6844 (Reopened ): Order history screen > wrong product quantity description showing. Please check both screenshots . I have take 4 quantities of Loose potato
priyanka Sharma
12:43 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6794 (Resolved): View store details > getting error
Manoj jaswal
12:41 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6941 (Closed): Product detail screen > not able to swipe if it has more than 2 images
priyanka Sharma
12:39 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6802 (Resolved): Manage delivery partner > why showing Driver id QB-00 for all drivers
Manoj jaswal
10:17 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6810 (Closed): If mobile no is not registered then it should not send for OTP...It should say Mobile number is not registered . Please do registration from web store.
priyanka Sharma
10:17 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6804 (Closed): My profile screen > check what error is displaying this?
priyanka Sharma
10:16 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6826 (Reopened ): My profile : not getting proper heading or subheadings. Differentiate properly . And why showing store documents if it doesn't required to this store.
priyanka Sharma
10:12 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6814 (Closed): Alarm & Online status > Text color should be green in case of ON and should black or gray in case of OFF
priyanka Sharma
10:10 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6822 (Closed): Profile > On selecting country dropdown why it shows No dota...what is dota? haven't checked spellings?
priyanka Sharma
10:08 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6823 (Closed): Profile Faq's > What is this error ? If no faq's yet then show No Faq's found instead of this error
priyanka Sharma
10:05 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6825 (Reopened ): After searching order id why showing item icon with order id?
priyanka Sharma
10:04 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6824 (Reopened ): Search order > check issues below
priyanka Sharma


10:36 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6827 (Resolved): Home > top offers , trending, free delivery, Nearby stores > text not displaying properly...half text getting cut
Himanshu khare
10:00 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6940 (Feedback): Cart screen > why product image not showing if i increase the product qty
Api Issue Himanshu khare
05:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6940 (Closed): Cart screen > why product image not showing if i increase the product qty
priyanka Sharma
09:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6941 (Resolved): Product detail screen > not able to swipe if it has more than 2 images
Himanshu khare
06:25 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6941 (Closed): Product detail screen > not able to swipe if it has more than 2 images
priyanka Sharma
09:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6942 (Resolved): If original & selling price both are same then no need to show cut the price . Only show direct price
Himanshu khare
06:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6942 (Closed): If original & selling price both are same then no need to show cut the price . Only show direct price
priyanka Sharma
09:52 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6943 (Resolved): Why showing out of stock items in cart. If product is not available then it should not add in cart there you can show that out of stock
Himanshu khare
06:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6943 (Closed): Why showing out of stock items in cart. If product is not available then it should not add in cart there you can show that out of stock
priyanka Sharma
09:22 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6443 (Resolved): During add address manually as office address it's showing please enter a valid address.
Himanshu khare
09:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6829 (Resolved): Search field > no option showing to remove text. Direct close icon should be there to remove the text
Himanshu khare
09:09 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #5910 (Feedback): Register the number > No OTP notification is displayed on user screen. User should not get skipped from the OTP verification page.
Api issue Himanshu khare
09:07 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6838 (Resolved): Cart > Add More option will be there. If customers/users want to add more products from the same store then they will be allowed to add the products.
Himanshu khare
09:03 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6900 (Resolved): After successful wallet payment loader doesn't stop & wallet spelling wrong
Himanshu khare
07:14 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6900 (Reopened ): After successful wallet payment loader doesn't stop & wallet spelling wrong
priyanka Sharma
07:53 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6837 (Closed): List & Grid view on all product list screen . Missing as per matched with acceptance criteria
priyanka Sharma
07:46 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6897 (Closed): Order id missing on order detail screen. At top no need to show amount with 2 items rs 2103. You can show order id in place of amount
priyanka Sharma
07:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6896 (Closed): Search Faq's > Close icon not appearing good & if there is no FAQ found on search then show text "No FAQs found"
priyanka Sharma
07:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6898 (Closed): why showing old logo? Change it throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
07:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6904 (Closed): Home > address icon > not able to click> this whole address section should be clickable
priyanka Sharma
07:10 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6599 (New): User can add only 1 address for home,1 for office & multiple for others. Currently I am able to select multiple address with home name & office
priyanka Sharma
05:41 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6855 (Resolved): Order amount is greater than store minimum requirement but if i am using wallet it shows me error of minimum order value should be 300
Irfan Varis
04:40 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6863 (Resolved): Quikmart categories > courior > why showing 2982.18 km store to me?
Irfan Varis
04:22 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6908 (Resolved): I am not able to change shipping address on cart screen
Irfan Varis
01:52 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6933 (Feedback): Why it is showing error The phone has already been taken...i just registered with this no and and in contact details i am entering same number but it gives me error.
priyanka Sharma
01:19 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6856 (Resolved): Similar items > why other store items showing in similar. Only products of same store should shown
Irfan Varis
01:18 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6899 (Resolved): User not able to see uploaded photo which he has uploaded at the time of registration
Irfan Varis
12:30 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6903 (Resolved): Nearby stores > why showing stores of 350km... Only nearby stores should shown to me
Irfan Varis
12:06 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6813 (Resolved): On cart screen there is no option to view store name and to go to same store to add more items of that store
Irfan Varis

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