



From 09/12/2023 to 09/21/2023


04:18 PM 1.00 hour (Bug #7402 (Closed): Order details > if payment status is pending & if we view the order dettails page crash . I don't think there is need to show orders whose payment is not done. please confirm once)
still same priyanka Sharma


05:57 PM 1.00 hour (Bug #7393 (Feedback): Store registration > Select service tab is not clickable . From contact person details tab if we direct click on store details tab then it is clickable but Select service tab is not. check video below)
now if i am on store details tab and click on contact tab it is clickable but service tab is not clickable priyanka Sharma
01:08 PM 1.00 hour (Bug #7590 (Closed): Add banner > if i not fill any field and click on save it shows error message only for image banner required , after uploading image if i click again on save it delete the uploaded image and shows error messages for other fields)
Now not giving any error message if not upload banner image priyanka Sharma
12:26 PM 1.00 hour (Bug #7400 (Closed): Thanku registration page > On click of logo it should go to login page or home page)
not going to home page or anywhere priyanka Sharma
10:40 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #7428 (Closed): Store edit profile> why IBAN number field showing mandatory at the time of edit, during add there is no field)
priyanka Sharma
10:40 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #7428 (Closed): Store edit profile> why IBAN number field showing mandatory at the time of edit, during add there is no field)
remove mandatory sign as well priyanka Sharma


02:04 PM 1.00 hour (Bug #7433 (Closed): Order status > please show properly . ch3ck order status dropdowm as well )
not fixed in filters priyanka Sharma
12:27 PM 1.00 hour (Bug #7451 (Closed): Delivery partner add >client requirement check points below)
3rd point not done yet priyanka Sharma

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