



From 07/02/2023 to 07/11/2023


11:21 AM Bug #7150 (Closed): Add delivery boy > delivery boy vehicle image field missing
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM Bug #7149 (Closed): When register new store OTP verification screen Resend OTP & Verify OTP buttons seems exchanged. On click of Resend OTP it verifies the OTP & on click of Verify OTP it resends the otp
priyanka Sharma


05:54 PM Bug #7137 (Closed): New store register > if user is registered with indian number then inside it no need to ask again to select country. default india will show & its currency
priyanka Sharma
02:43 PM Bug #7129 (Closed): Manage order listing page > Customer name, order date ...all are missing please discuss with Dharamveer sir & keep the needful fields
priyanka Sharma
02:40 PM Bug #7128 (Closed): Manage orders > no need to show product name on order listing page...and view order details page is missing. We have to show all details of this order
priyanka Sharma


06:57 PM Bug #7119 (Feedback): Add product >no option showing to add product in top offers
priyanka Sharma
10:54 AM Bug #7055 (Feedback): Store has no option to add multiple images. Only 1 image can upload from web store Another one is product logo. Store should have option to add atleast 4 images
in the stor-panel the add product page have a option for insert multiple image Manoj jaswal
10:36 AM Bug #7056 (Resolved): Add product > offer price is equal to selling price but still getting error while submitting product form
Manoj jaswal
10:35 AM Bug #7093 (Resolved): Edit store > No option in store to change the currency . By mistake if user has selected indian currency in UAE country then there is no option showing to change it
Manoj jaswal
10:24 AM Bug #6605 (Feedback): After filling required fields this validation message should disappear from the field
This is the server side validation not a client side. that it should not disappear Manoj jaswal


03:17 PM Bug #7093 (Closed): Edit store > No option in store to change the currency . By mistake if user has selected indian currency in UAE country then there is no option showing to change it
priyanka Sharma


03:32 PM Bug #7057 (Closed): Add product > after getting error uploaded images got vanished from add product form. Only error should shown with that field . rest fields should remain same
Suppose i have filled all fields of form and on submit i am getting error like offer price should less than or equal ... priyanka Sharma
03:28 PM Bug #7056 (Closed): Add product > offer price is equal to selling price but still getting error while submitting product form
priyanka Sharma
03:26 PM Bug #7055 (Feedback): Store has no option to add multiple images. Only 1 image can upload from web store Another one is product logo. Store should have option to add atleast 4 images
priyanka Sharma
02:34 PM Bug #7052 (Resolved): After store registration content appear is wrong. please correct it
Manoj jaswal
01:27 PM Bug #7052 (Closed): After store registration content appear is wrong. please correct it
priyanka Sharma


10:44 AM Bug #6602 (Resolved): Store admin sign in page > Spelling of Quikrbox needs to correct
Manoj jaswal
10:44 AM Bug #6603 (Resolved): Store registration - Documents tab - Check the spelling of Previous Button
Manoj jaswal
10:43 AM Bug #6604 (Resolved): Store registration > Store details tab >check spellings of Thursday
Manoj jaswal
10:42 AM Bug #6606 (Resolved): Store registration -store type is medium > after successfully registered store .. store trying to login navigates to registration url with document tab
Manoj jaswal
10:42 AM Bug #6607 (Resolved): Dashboard > Order record seems static...i have created new store & there is no order yet but still shows static record here
Manoj jaswal
10:42 AM Bug #6608 (Resolved): Please update the logo of web store
Manoj jaswal
10:41 AM Bug #6609 (Resolved): Add Product form > page crash
Manoj jaswal
10:40 AM Bug #6610 (Resolved): Offer Management > Add coupon > check issues below
Manoj jaswal
10:39 AM Bug #6611 (Resolved): Coupon listing page > check issues below
Manoj jaswal
10:39 AM Bug #6612 (Resolved): Offer management > Filter issues check below
Manoj jaswal
10:39 AM Bug #6613 (Resolved): If store type is Medium or cloud then Documents tab should get hide from above progress bar & on Store details tab it should show Submit Button instead of Next
Manoj jaswal
10:38 AM Bug #6614 (Resolved): After registering any store change this message.
Manoj jaswal
10:37 AM Bug #6615 (Resolved): After registration successful page, there is no option viewing to go back to login page . Please add button like "Back to login" or something else
Manoj jaswal
10:37 AM Bug #6618 (Resolved): On edit/add product details left side menu should remain active. Please make it active for all respective inner pages
Manoj jaswal
10:36 AM Bug #6619 (Resolved): No option to reset the searched fields. Add Reset Button on Product manage page
Manoj jaswal
10:36 AM Bug #6627 (Resolved): Store panel registration >In firefox browser no option to select open & close time dropdown
Manoj jaswal
10:35 AM Bug #6628 (Resolved): Add delivery partner > Delivery spelling wrong everywhere. Please correct
Manoj jaswal
10:34 AM Bug #6762 (Resolved): Add product > Selling price can't more than original price.
Manoj jaswal
10:33 AM Bug #6758 (Resolved): Store registration > if selected country india or always shows india's categories...categories not getting reset . please check & if selecting UAE country then city firld should not come if no need
Manoj jaswal
10:33 AM Bug #6791 (Resolved): In admin panel it is showing 5 categories of UAE and in web store registration if select UAE country then it shows 6 categories . why?
Manoj jaswal
10:31 AM Bug #6792 (Resolved): If store is of UAE country then in currency dropdown it should show AED instead of $ and USD
Manoj jaswal
10:30 AM Bug #6793 (Feedback): Getting error of 504 Gateway Time-out at the time of registartion
its a server error not from our side Manoj jaswal
10:30 AM Bug #6803 (Resolved): Store panel profile > getting error. Sore no is 9719638524111 UAE country
Manoj jaswal
10:29 AM Bug #6860 (Feedback): I am registered with number 9998889998 and when entering contact details if i add the same number it is giving error "The phone has already been taken"
You have try to register with new number because in store contact person contact number is not dublicate Manoj jaswal
10:28 AM Bug #6862 (Resolved): Store registration > Select service > If allow for quickmart store > Courior category not able to select
Manoj jaswal
10:25 AM Bug #6933 (Feedback): Why it is showing error The phone has already been taken...i just registered with this no and and in contact details i am entering same number but it gives me error.
Beacuse this number is already exist
Manoj jaswal
10:24 AM Bug #6954 (Resolved): All Orders > After applying Canceled filter it shows 1 record and on dashboard it is showing 2 count
Manoj jaswal

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