



From 10/31/2023 to 11/09/2023


09:58 PM Bug #8472 (Resolved): No need to show full address of store anywhere. And text still not looking good. change the font style
Himanshu khare
02:06 PM Bug #8472 (Feedback): No need to show full address of store anywhere. And text still not looking good. change the font style
priyanka Sharma
09:39 PM Bug #8471 (Resolved): Top offers > why this arrow is showing ...and it is not clickable
Himanshu khare
02:05 PM Bug #8471 (Closed): Top offers > why this arrow is showing ...and it is not clickable
priyanka Sharma
09:37 PM Bug #8370 (Resolved): By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
Himanshu khare
03:50 PM Bug #8476 (Closed): During return request image upload not working.
priyanka Sharma
02:13 PM Bug #8473 (Closed): Cart screen > Need to add apply button after adding other charges in delivery tip
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Bug #8413 (Closed): Notification bell icon not visible properly & check on other screens as well. Fix on all screens
priyanka Sharma
11:58 AM Bug #8414 (Closed): Nearby stores & top offers view all screen >Address text not visible properly
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Bug #8449 (Closed): Order history > This section should also be clickable
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Bug #8463 (Closed): Home screen > at top> text and icon not visible properly.
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Bug #8464 (Closed): Shop by category > Click on View all > blank screen appeared. check video
priyanka Sharma
09:35 AM Bug #8458 (New): Tags not showing if we go with Top offers restaurant, Free delivery restaurants & Nearby stores . If we go with category then tags appearing fine
priyanka Sharma


11:37 PM Bug #7773 (Feedback): Store address > as per discussed in meeting we have to not show full store address and make sure text visible properly
Himanshu khare
11:37 PM Bug #7773: Store address > as per discussed in meeting we have to not show full store address and make sure text visible properly
api issue store address was shown as given by api Himanshu khare
11:36 PM Bug #8208 (Feedback): Getting this error on cart screen . Please check I have added item of Radhe Krishna store
api issue Himanshu khare
02:42 PM Bug #8208 (New): Getting this error on cart screen . Please check I have added item of Radhe Krishna store
priyanka Sharma
11:32 PM Bug #8413 (Resolved): Notification bell icon not visible properly & check on other screens as well. Fix on all screens
Himanshu khare
11:24 PM Bug #8414 (Resolved): Nearby stores & top offers view all screen >Address text not visible properly
Himanshu khare
11:18 PM Bug #8415 (Resolved): Top offers > view all should not come until it has more than 3 restaurants
Himanshu khare
11:16 PM Bug #8458 (Feedback): Tags not showing if we go with Top offers restaurant, Free delivery restaurants & Nearby stores . If we go with category then tags appearing fine
api issue Himanshu khare
03:18 PM Bug #8458 (Closed): Tags not showing if we go with Top offers restaurant, Free delivery restaurants & Nearby stores . If we go with category then tags appearing fine
priyanka Sharma
11:15 PM Bug #8449 (Resolved): Order history > This section should also be clickable
Himanshu khare
11:18 AM Bug #8449 (Closed): Order history > This section should also be clickable
priyanka Sharma
10:51 PM Bug #8388 (Resolved): Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen.
Himanshu khare
10:41 PM Bug #8463 (Resolved): Home screen > at top> text and icon not visible properly.
Himanshu khare
06:05 PM Bug #8463 (Closed): Home screen > at top> text and icon not visible properly.
priyanka Sharma
10:40 PM Bug #8464 (Resolved): Shop by category > Click on View all > blank screen appeared. check video
Himanshu khare
06:08 PM Bug #8464 (Closed): Shop by category > Click on View all > blank screen appeared. check video
priyanka Sharma
10:35 AM Bug #8442 (New): If i use wallet amount to pay the order then on order history screen it should not show 0 amount. It should show order total amount and inside order details we can show Net amount paid is 0 & Order amount was 1000 or whatever.
priyanka Sharma
12:19 AM Bug #8442 (Feedback): If i use wallet amount to pay the order then on order history screen it should not show 0 amount. It should show order total amount and inside order details we can show Net amount paid is 0 & Order amount was 1000 or whatever.
Assign to deepak he has change calculation and discuss which order wants to show Himanshu khare
10:13 AM Bug #5926 (Closed): Add Address Screen > Tap on search field and add any country , state name > Change the search suggestion as mentioned in figma.
priyanka Sharma
10:12 AM QUICKR BOX ( DESIGN ) Bug #5873 (Closed): Home > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
10:12 AM QUICKR BOX ( DESIGN ) Bug #5871 (Closed): Login screen > Check Issues below.
priyanka Sharma
10:11 AM QUICKR BOX ( DESIGN ) Bug #5872 (Closed): After entering the address, it didn't ask for any subscription. It direct navigates to the homescreen.
priyanka Sharma
10:11 AM Bug #6345 (Closed): Order history > All filter > Canceled spelling is wrong & rename Shipping status to "Shipped"
priyanka Sharma


11:02 PM Bug #8423 (Resolved): If user tried too many login attempts firebase block the mobile number. In this case change message as per below
Himanshu khare
03:25 PM Bug #8423 (Closed): If user tried too many login attempts firebase block the mobile number. In this case change message as per below
Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts. Your account has been temporarily locked for security ... priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM Bug #8442 (Closed): If i use wallet amount to pay the order then on order history screen it should not show 0 amount. It should show order total amount and inside order details we can show Net amount paid is 0 & Order amount was 1000 or whatever.
priyanka Sharma
12:21 PM Bug #8415 (Closed): Top offers > view all should not come until it has more than 3 restaurants
priyanka Sharma
12:18 PM Bug #8414 (Closed): Nearby stores & top offers view all screen >Address text not visible properly
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Bug #8413 (Closed): Notification bell icon not visible properly & check on other screens as well. Fix on all screens
priyanka Sharma
11:49 AM Bug #8310 (Closed): check how notification icon appear if it has 400 notifications
priyanka Sharma
11:49 AM Bug #8384 (Closed): View Rating screen > Comment should not be in box. I am not able to read full comment. Please change the design and show properly description
priyanka Sharma
11:49 AM Bug #8281 (Closed): After Rate order > view Rate Button should come and instead of giving again review show view rating screen where user can edit the given rating
priyanka Sharma
11:48 AM Bug #8408 (Closed): Nearby stores & Category wise Store name >. Stores which are closed shows This store closed at 08:00Pm. Here If status is closed then store open time should shown with it
priyanka Sharma
11:46 AM Bug #8353 (Reopened ): Coupons screen > Seems large gap between Title & coupon box. Top coupons title & their coupons should have small gap & For other coupons there should be gap. Check restaurant Indian coffee house in restaurant category
priyanka Sharma
11:24 AM Bug #8371 (Closed): Order detail screen > Need to show items image with items. check store app for reference .
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM Bug #8407 (Closed): Category > Store > If no store found then text appeared in center ,"No Stores found" . Keep s small here like "No stores found"
priyanka Sharma
10:28 AM Bug #8388 (New): Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen.
priyanka Sharma
10:27 AM Bug #8370 (New): By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
priyanka Sharma


10:07 PM Bug #8388 (Feedback): Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen.
Attach any screen recording Himanshu khare
10:15 AM Bug #8388 (Closed): Clicking on notification takes to home screen instead of notification screen.
priyanka Sharma
10:06 PM Bug #8370 (Feedback): By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
By default current location is used
Himanshu khare
12:15 PM Bug #8370 (New): By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Bug #8370 (Feedback): By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
Irfan Varis
12:12 PM Bug #8370: By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
Not an API issue. User has one selected address Irfan Varis
10:01 PM Bug #8406 (Resolved): Order history> Rate order should not come until order status delivered
Himanshu khare
06:34 PM Bug #8406 (Closed): Order history> Rate order should not come until order status delivered
priyanka Sharma
09:59 PM Bug #8407 (Resolved): Category > Store > If no store found then text appeared in center ,"No Stores found" . Keep s small here like "No stores found"
Himanshu khare
07:25 PM Bug #8407 (Closed): Category > Store > If no store found then text appeared in center ,"No Stores found" . Keep s small here like "No stores found"
priyanka Sharma
09:57 PM Bug #8408 (Resolved): Nearby stores & Category wise Store name >. Stores which are closed shows This store closed at 08:00Pm. Here If status is closed then store open time should shown with it
Himanshu khare
07:32 PM Bug #8408 (Closed): Nearby stores & Category wise Store name >. Stores which are closed shows This store closed at 08:00Pm. Here If status is closed then store open time should shown with it
Check with scenario>
Click on any category > Stores listing
Nearby Stores > ...
priyanka Sharma
09:57 AM Bug #8353 (Resolved): Coupons screen > Seems large gap between Title & coupon box. Top coupons title & their coupons should have small gap & For other coupons there should be gap. Check restaurant Indian coffee house in restaurant category
Himanshu khare
09:05 AM Bug #8384 (Resolved): View Rating screen > Comment should not be in box. I am not able to read full comment. Please change the design and show properly description
Himanshu khare


03:50 PM Bug #8384 (Closed): View Rating screen > Comment should not be in box. I am not able to read full comment. Please change the design and show properly description
priyanka Sharma
02:42 PM Bug #8331 (Closed): Loader doesn't stop if i change mobile number and try to continue with same no
priyanka Sharma


10:24 PM Bug #8237 (Feedback): After selecting current location it should take state field automatically. As it takes pincode of current location but not taking state and it allow me to select invalid state
Added invalid address and it accepts we can...
Himanshu khare
10:17 PM Bug #8371 (Resolved): Order detail screen > Need to show items image with items. check store app for reference .
Himanshu khare
06:46 PM Bug #8371 (Closed): Order detail screen > Need to show items image with items. check store app for reference .
priyanka Sharma
09:37 PM Bug #8281 (Resolved): After Rate order > view Rate Button should come and instead of giving again review show view rating screen where user can edit the given rating
Himanshu khare
06:30 PM Bug #8331 (Resolved): Loader doesn't stop if i change mobile number and try to continue with same no
Himanshu khare
06:19 PM Bug #8240 (Closed): Refer & Earn & Membership banner on home screen > should be clickable and navigate to Refer & earn banner section, and Quikrbox plus
priyanka Sharma
03:12 PM Bug #8240 (Resolved): Refer & Earn & Membership banner on home screen > should be clickable and navigate to Refer & earn banner section, and Quikrbox plus
Himanshu khare
06:11 PM Bug #8370 (Closed): By default current location should take on home screen. It is showing no address selected. Check issue after logout the user. If you login again then it will show you no address in current location
priyanka Sharma
05:52 PM Bug #8368 (Closed): Referral status > one number showing with n/a name. This is because user has not completed yet profile. Just entered referral code on sign up screen & left from app. If user has not enter name then no need to show n/a
Only fully completed profile of user should considered in referal name
priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM Bug #8337 (Resolved): Complete user profile > upload photo> change text Pick an image source to "Select image"
Himanshu khare
03:38 PM Bug #8310 (Resolved): check how notification icon appear if it has 400 notifications
Himanshu khare
03:38 PM Bug #8273 (Resolved): Order detail screen > It should automatically refreshed after status update & check alignment properly. Placed text not viewing properly
Himanshu khare
02:14 PM Bug #8247 (Closed): All categories screen > Categories not navigated to particular category screen. check video shared on skype
priyanka Sharma
01:24 PM Bug #8247 (Resolved): All categories screen > Categories not navigated to particular category screen. check video shared on skype
Himanshu khare
12:15 PM Bug #8353 (Closed): Coupons screen > Seems large gap between Title & coupon box. Top coupons title & their coupons should have small gap & For other coupons there should be gap. Check restaurant Indian coffee house in restaurant category
priyanka Sharma


05:57 PM Bug #8337 (Closed): Complete user profile > upload photo> change text Pick an image source to "Select image"
priyanka Sharma
05:29 PM Bug #8298 (Closed): If internet is off i am getting this error . It should give no internet connection error instead of this
priyanka Sharma
05:24 PM Bug #8331 (Closed): Loader doesn't stop if i change mobile number and try to continue with same no
Sign up screen > enter mobile number> it will navigate you on otp screen
Here, click on change mobile number it will...
priyanka Sharma
05:08 PM Bug #8235 (Closed): Change number option missing in OTP screen
priyanka Sharma
05:06 PM Bug #8247 (Reopened ): All categories screen > Categories not navigated to particular category screen. check video shared on skype
priyanka Sharma
05:05 PM Bug #8172 (Closed): Application is very slow.. it’s take huge amt of time to start. client issue. please work on it
priyanka Sharma
05:02 PM Bug #8258 (Closed): After reading notification if i come back to again notification screen it shows unread.
priyanka Sharma
04:56 PM Bug #8288 (Closed): Free delivery section > All stores showing under this section should have free delivery . On cart if we update the qty it added delivery charges why?
priyanka Sharma
04:55 PM Bug #8302 (Closed): Subcategory filter screen > No product found text should shown in center. Check Restaurant category
priyanka Sharma
12:31 PM Bug #8310 (Closed): check how notification icon appear if it has 400 notifications
priyanka Sharma
12:19 PM Bug #8208 (Feedback): Getting this error on cart screen . Please check I have added item of Radhe Krishna store
Irfan Varis
12:19 PM Bug #8208: Getting this error on cart screen . Please check I have added item of Radhe Krishna store
not an api issue Irfan Varis


10:59 PM Bug #8235 (Resolved): Change number option missing in OTP screen
Himanshu khare
10:05 AM Bug #8235 (New): Change number option missing in OTP screen
priyanka Sharma
10:23 PM Bug #8258 (Resolved): After reading notification if i come back to again notification screen it shows unread.
Himanshu khare
10:23 PM Bug #8298 (Resolved): If internet is off i am getting this error . It should give no internet connection error instead of this
Himanshu khare
03:48 PM Bug #8298 (Closed): If internet is off i am getting this error . It should give no internet connection error instead of this
priyanka Sharma
07:14 PM Bug #8301 (Feedback): Internet is back but no option to refresh the screen
Pull to refresh is there to refersh Himanshu khare
04:14 PM Bug #8301 (Closed): Internet is back but no option to refresh the screen
priyanka Sharma
07:13 PM Bug #8302 (Resolved): Subcategory filter screen > No product found text should shown in center. Check Restaurant category
Himanshu khare
05:28 PM Bug #8302 (Closed): Subcategory filter screen > No product found text should shown in center. Check Restaurant category
priyanka Sharma
03:34 PM Bug #8288 (Resolved): Free delivery section > All stores showing under this section should have free delivery . On cart if we update the qty it added delivery charges why?
Deepak Biltoria
10:39 AM Bug #8288 (New): Free delivery section > All stores showing under this section should have free delivery . On cart if we update the qty it added delivery charges why?
priyanka Sharma
10:38 AM Bug #8288 (Feedback): Free delivery section > All stores showing under this section should have free delivery . On cart if we update the qty it added delivery charges why?
Irfan Varis
10:29 AM Bug #8288: Free delivery section > All stores showing under this section should have free delivery . On cart if we update the qty it added delivery charges why?
its not a api issue. Irfan Varis
03:01 PM Bug #8273 (Reopened ): Order detail screen > It should automatically refreshed after status update & check alignment properly. Placed text not viewing properly
priyanka Sharma
02:56 PM Bug #8115 (Closed): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
priyanka Sharma
02:45 PM Bug #8270 (Closed): Nearby stores & Stores list screen > check time overlapping on text
priyanka Sharma
02:44 PM Bug #8274 (Closed): Order delivered > order detsil screen > check spelling of delivered
priyanka Sharma


11:22 PM Bug #8270 (Resolved): Nearby stores & Stores list screen > check time overlapping on text
Himanshu khare
05:05 PM Bug #8270 (Closed): Nearby stores & Stores list screen > check time overlapping on text
priyanka Sharma
11:06 PM Bug #8273 (Resolved): Order detail screen > It should automatically refreshed after status update & check alignment properly. Placed text not viewing properly
Himanshu khare
05:32 PM Bug #8273 (Closed): Order detail screen > It should automatically refreshed after status update & check alignment properly. Placed text not viewing properly
priyanka Sharma
10:06 PM Bug #8274 (Resolved): Order delivered > order detsil screen > check spelling of delivered
Himanshu khare
05:34 PM Bug #8274 (Closed): Order delivered > order detsil screen > check spelling of delivered
priyanka Sharma
08:41 PM Bug #8247 (Resolved): All categories screen > Categories not navigated to particular category screen. check video shared on skype
Himanshu khare
06:47 PM Bug #8288 (Closed): Free delivery section > All stores showing under this section should have free delivery . On cart if we update the qty it added delivery charges why?
I am adding any one item of store from Free delivery section , at first time it shows free delivery on cart but if we... priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM Bug #8281 (Closed): After Rate order > view Rate Button should come and instead of giving again review show view rating screen where user can edit the given rating
Here i have given rating of one order but no option to view the rating and added comment. priyanka Sharma
05:30 PM Bug #8240 (Reopened ): Refer & Earn & Membership banner on home screen > should be clickable and navigate to Refer & earn banner section, and Quikrbox plus
priyanka Sharma
05:29 PM Bug #8244 (Closed): On checkout & payment screen or order detail screen amount does not matched.
priyanka Sharma
11:32 AM Bug #8243 (Closed): Rewards points :- this popup will not come on cart screen . Only come on home screen after login
priyanka Sharma
12:34 AM Bug #8243 (Resolved): Rewards points :- this popup will not come on cart screen . Only come on home screen after login
Himanshu khare
11:32 AM Bug #8245 (Closed): Profile screen > Username not showing properly. Only half name displaying
priyanka Sharma
11:32 AM Bug #8246 (Closed): Notifications > no need to show text mark read , only on click it should be readable
priyanka Sharma
11:31 AM Bug #8242 (Closed): Order detail screen > Billing details > Product name & price seems large gap. Not able to identify which price is showing of which product
priyanka Sharma
11:31 AM Bug #8258 (Closed): After reading notification if i come back to again notification screen it shows unread.
priyanka Sharma

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