



From 10/06/2023 to 10/15/2023


07:06 PM Bug #8133 (Resolved): Action column > keep same pattern for all modules. No need of Modify . Keep edit , view , delete icon as on Store list page.
Irfan Varis
04:37 PM Bug #8134 (Resolved): Manage product, Manage orders & Delivery partner> Store filter > why showing indian stores in the list if country selected is UAE
Irfan Varis
12:51 PM Bug #8121 (Resolved): Manage offer > i have added coupon of Radhe krishna store but in admin it shoes store name NA why?
Irfan Varis
12:23 PM Bug #8130 (Resolved): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
Irfan Varis
11:08 AM Bug #8131 (Resolved): Add store > Store timings copied but not showing opening time for Monday
Irfan Varis
10:57 AM Bug #8132 (Resolved): view product detail page > replace edit icon to view
Irfan Varis


10:40 AM Bug #8134 (Closed): Manage product, Manage orders & Delivery partner> Store filter > why showing indian stores in the list if country selected is UAE
priyanka Sharma


05:30 PM Bug #8133 (Closed): Action column > keep same pattern for all modules. No need of Modify . Keep edit , view , delete icon as on Store list page.
priyanka Sharma
11:50 AM Bug #5932 (Reopened ): CMS > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:46 AM Bug #6506 (Closed): Store detail page > no option viewing to go back to store listing
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM Bug #8132 (Closed): view product detail page > replace edit icon to view
priyanka Sharma
11:05 AM Bug #8131 (Closed): Add store > Store timings copied but not showing opening time for Monday
priyanka Sharma
11:04 AM Bug #7525 (Reopened ): Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #8130 (Closed): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM Bug #7527 (Reopened ): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
priyanka Sharma
10:56 AM Bug #8113 (Closed): Add store> do not fill any field click on save> againn click on save then it will show this error message
priyanka Sharma


05:36 PM Bug #8112 (Closed): Add store >do not fill any field & click on Save button > then Select category> showing two categories pharmacy & nutrition & organic but there are no categories with these names please check
priyanka Sharma
05:32 PM Bug #6957 (Closed): Titles missing on some pages like Manage Store, Manage Users...check this on all pages. Proper heading should shown on all pages & their inner pages as well. Like if i am on Edit user detail page then should show Edit User detail
priyanka Sharma
12:37 PM Bug #6957 (Resolved): Titles missing on some pages like Manage Store, Manage Users...check this on all pages. Proper heading should shown on all pages & their inner pages as well. Like if i am on Edit user detail page then should show Edit User detail
olatayo John
05:30 PM Bug #7550 (Reopened ): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
priyanka Sharma
12:44 PM Bug #7550 (Resolved): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
this module is disabled for admin because only store can add product olatayo John
05:28 PM Bug #8110 (Reopened ): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
priyanka Sharma
05:21 PM Bug #7505 (Closed): Order list > filters > select delivery partner & select store filter > why delivery boy name & store names repeated so many times
priyanka Sharma
05:20 PM Bug #7539 (Closed): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
priyanka Sharma
05:18 PM Bug #8111 (Closed): Product >View details > details will show in new page instead of in popup. Discussed with dharamveer sir
priyanka Sharma
05:18 PM Bug #7552 (Closed): Sidebar menu > why these icons are same . Use diff for all modules
priyanka Sharma
05:12 PM Bug #8109 (Reopened ): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
priyanka Sharma
05:07 PM Bug #7232 (Closed): Top scroll bar is not appearing in the admin panel , same as bottom scroll bar. Same scroll bar should be there at top
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM Bug #7232 (Resolved): Top scroll bar is not appearing in the admin panel , same as bottom scroll bar. Same scroll bar should be there at top
olatayo John
04:26 PM Bug #6506 (Resolved): Store detail page > no option viewing to go back to store listing
olatayo John
12:35 PM Bug #8122 (Closed): Manage offer >After selecting category we can select multi stores of that categories. In store dropdown store should shown based of selected category only
priyanka Sharma
12:27 PM Bug #8121 (Closed): Manage offer > i have added coupon of Radhe krishna store but in admin it shoes store name NA why?
Coupon title - SPECIAL OFFER
Coupon code - SALE50
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM Bug #7242 (Resolved): Delivery time not updated in admin panel when edit the store.
olatayo John
10:55 AM Bug #7489 (Resolved): Forgot password page > check issues below
olatayo John


06:26 PM Bug #8111 (Resolved): Product >View details > details will show in new page instead of in popup. Discussed with dharamveer sir
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:00 PM Bug #6503 (Resolved): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset
olatayo John
05:46 PM Bug #8109 (Resolved): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:45 PM Bug #8112 (Resolved): Add store >do not fill any field & click on Save button > then Select category> showing two categories pharmacy & nutrition & organic but there are no categories with these names please check
Abhishek Singh PHP
11:17 AM Bug #8112 (Closed): Add store >do not fill any field & click on Save button > then Select category> showing two categories pharmacy & nutrition & organic but there are no categories with these names please check
priyanka Sharma
05:44 PM Bug #8113 (Resolved): Add store> do not fill any field click on save> againn click on save then it will show this error message
Abhishek Singh PHP
11:30 AM Bug #8113 (Closed): Add store> do not fill any field click on save> againn click on save then it will show this error message
priyanka Sharma
05:17 PM Bug #7527 (Resolved): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:56 PM Bug #8110 (Resolved): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
Abhishek Singh PHP
01:55 PM Bug #5932 (Resolved): CMS > Check issues below
olatayo John
01:30 PM Bug #7552 (Resolved): Sidebar menu > why these icons are same . Use diff for all modules
olatayo John
01:29 PM Bug #7539 (Resolved): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
olatayo John
12:55 PM Bug #6626 (Closed): Edit delivery boy > Dob field showing blank. Latitude, longitude fields are blank
priyanka Sharma
12:49 PM Bug #5867 (Closed): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
12:28 PM Bug #7201 (Closed): View delivery boy details > vehicle image uploaded but on view it shows 404 not found page
priyanka Sharma
11:42 AM Bug #7516 (Reopened ): Export orders > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:10 AM Bug #8078 (Reopened ): Manage orders > Order id's 258, 259, 253.... are of india but not shwing in the order list after applying filter it shows but on selecting UAE country it shows in order list. check why
priyanka Sharma
11:09 AM Bug #7522 (Closed): Export store list > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #8021 (Closed): View product details for fashion category or all > attributes added by vendor not showing. All details should shown to admin added by vendor
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Bug #7816 (Reopened ): Edit and view store details > when check store details its timings should be in AM or PM same as it is added by store. keep only 12 hr format
priyanka Sharma


06:44 PM Bug #7542 (Closed): Sorting not working on any page. Please check on all admin pages
priyanka Sharma
06:25 PM Bug #7542 (Resolved): Sorting not working on any page. Please check on all admin pages
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:44 PM Bug #7769 (Closed): Manage product > view product detail popup > scrollbar should be there
priyanka Sharma
06:26 PM Bug #7769 (Resolved): Manage product > view product detail popup > scrollbar should be there
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:42 PM Bug #8021 (Resolved): View product details for fashion category or all > attributes added by vendor not showing. All details should shown to admin added by vendor
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:41 PM Bug #7530 (Closed): User list > I am searching with this mobile number 8219105849, it is showing correct data but mobile no gets reset from phone no field and in status dropdown it is showing pending . check video
priyanka Sharma
06:41 PM Bug #7952 (Feedback): If category or subcategory used anywhere by any vendor then we can't delete them
its issue with foreign key so I discuss about it with sir and he say to remove delete button which are not working. m... Abhishek Singh PHP
06:39 PM Bug #8111 (Closed): Product >View details > details will show in new page instead of in popup. Discussed with dharamveer sir
priyanka Sharma
06:30 PM Bug #7539 (Reopened ): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
priyanka Sharma
06:27 PM Bug #7125 (Closed): Manage orders > check how order status appearing
priyanka Sharma
12:52 PM Bug #7125 (Resolved): Manage orders > check how order status appearing
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:27 PM Bug #7529 (Closed): Export user file > User contact no is 8219105849 and after export it is showing -8219105758. check why wrong number and negative sign showing in excel
priyanka Sharma
06:25 PM Bug #7495 (Closed): Admin profile > what is text hidden behind the camera icon
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM Bug #7495 (Resolved): Admin profile > what is text hidden behind the camera icon
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:24 PM Bug #7471 (Closed): Dashboard > no option to search after changing country filter india to UAE
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM Bug #7471 (Resolved): Dashboard > no option to search after changing country filter india to UAE
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:24 PM Bug #5914 (Closed): Product Manage > Check issues as per below
priyanka Sharma
01:29 PM Bug #5914 (Resolved): Product Manage > Check issues as per below
you can't edit product from admin. Abhishek Singh PHP
06:23 PM Bug #5919 (Closed): Product manage page - Export not working
priyanka Sharma
01:26 PM Bug #5919 (Resolved): Product manage page - Export not working
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:21 PM Bug #7526 (Closed): Manage store > I have applied filter of Store status pending but during export file it shows some store status approved please check
priyanka Sharma
06:14 PM Bug #7533 (Closed): There is one inactive category but after applying filter of Inactive it shows no record
priyanka Sharma
06:12 PM Bug #7532 (Closed): Manage categories > export categories > no need to show image column. remove this
priyanka Sharma
06:10 PM Bug #7534 (Closed): I am searching with any keyword it shows result related to that but why showing pagination
priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM Bug #7544 (Closed): Product export list > no need to show product image & related image column in export & original price column should replace to Cost price everywhere
priyanka Sharma
06:00 PM Bug #8110 (Closed): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
UAE country -
There are only 21 stores but on dashboard showing 29 count why?
priyanka Sharma
05:52 PM Bug #7593 (Closed): On dashboard UAE country is selected and showing 1 user count under today's data and Commulative . If UAE is selected at top then only UAE country data should shown everywhere
priyanka Sharma
05:05 PM Bug #8109 (Closed): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
priyanka Sharma
05:04 PM Bug #7913 (Closed): Manage offer > why subcategories also showing under category dropdown
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM Bug #7913 (Resolved): Manage offer > why subcategories also showing under category dropdown
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:02 PM Bug #7951 (Closed): Add sub category > select parent category > deleted categories also showing
priyanka Sharma
12:43 PM Bug #7951 (Resolved): Add sub category > select parent category > deleted categories also showing
country issue fixed it. if it is in list then it will on add time also on select the same country on each time. Abhishek Singh PHP
04:59 PM Bug #8077 (Closed): Dashboard > Total register order & stores >showing India's data. please make sure whole dashboard show data according to selected country
priyanka Sharma
04:49 PM Bug #8079 (Closed): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
priyanka Sharma
03:30 PM Bug #8079 (Resolved): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:26 PM Bug #7201 (Resolved): View delivery boy details > vehicle image uploaded but on view it shows 404 not found page
Abhishek Singh PHP
03:56 PM Bug #7501 (Feedback): Manage orders > total cost rs 2300 showing wrong order amount was 1625rs and what is total profit here? How you calculating it? And for some orders showing negative profit why?
need further explanation olatayo John
03:56 PM Bug #7503 (Feedback): Order detail page > order total amount was wrong . It is not showing delivery boy tip and why showing shipping charges if it is not applied during the order
need further explanation olatayo John
03:49 PM Bug #7292 (Resolved): Delivery boy is registered from the app > But if we modify the driver details in admin it shows some fields blank... even Dob field is showing empty
olatayo John
03:07 PM Bug #7505 (Resolved): Order list > filters > select delivery partner & select store filter > why delivery boy name & store names repeated so many times
names are just duplicate, which may be due to testing and entering duplicate data
but both delivery partner and stor...
olatayo John
02:52 PM Bug #6626 (Resolved): Edit delivery boy > Dob field showing blank. Latitude, longitude fields are blank
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:57 PM Bug #5867 (Resolved): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
Abhishek Singh PHP

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