



From 09/05/2023 to 09/14/2023


04:42 PM Bug #7608 (Closed): Edit tag name > placeholder text overlapping the field name
priyanka Sharma
12:57 PM Bug #7595 (Closed): Dashboard > Commulative spelling is wrong. It should be cumulative i think please confirm.
priyanka Sharma
12:49 PM Bug #7593 (Closed): On dashboard UAE country is selected and showing 1 user count under today's data and Commulative . If UAE is selected at top then only UAE country data should shown everywhere priyanka Sharma


10:48 AM Bug #7489 (Resolved): Forgot password page > check issues below
Irfan Varis
10:18 AM Bug #7493 (Feedback): Admin login page > Logo showing blurred
Irfan Varis
10:18 AM Bug #7493: Admin login page > Logo showing blurred
Provide hd image for logo Irfan Varis


06:28 PM Bug #7554 (Closed): Text not seems centrally aligned. please check on all pages. Text is little bit in upper side. Must be in center
priyanka Sharma
06:27 PM Bug #7553 (Closed): Filter dropdowns> why we showing -- dash in every filter. Please check on all pages and remove all
priyanka Sharma
06:23 PM Bug #7552 (Closed): Sidebar menu > why these icons are same . Use diff for all modules
priyanka Sharma
06:14 PM Bug #7550 (Resolved): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
priyanka Sharma
06:09 PM Bug #7549 (Closed): Add product details form > why it is written edit product details?
priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM Bug #7548 (Closed): Add product form > Tag field missing in admin side. Same as we are showing in the store we have to show in admin. And where is product price fields like gross price, selling etc...
please check with the store & show all fields properly
priyanka Sharma
05:48 PM Bug #7546 (Closed): What is the use of this filter icon in search ? already search icon is there. Please keep one search design on all pages.
priyanka Sharma
05:46 PM Bug #7545 (Closed): Check Search design and text should be in title case like Search any keyword . you have written Search Any keyword ...check on all pages & keep same at everwhere
priyanka Sharma
05:41 PM Bug #7544 (Closed): Product export list > no need to show product image & related image column in export & original price column should replace to Cost price everywhere
priyanka Sharma
05:38 PM Bug #7543 (Closed): Manage product > Select category filter > why showing subcategories in this dropdown and if i search with subcategory no product showing
priyanka Sharma
05:33 PM Bug #7542 (Closed): Sorting not working on any page. Please check on all admin pages
priyanka Sharma
05:12 PM Bug #7539 (Closed): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
priyanka Sharma
04:57 PM Bug #7537 (Closed): Manage Product > change Original price column to Gross Price
priyanka Sharma
04:17 PM Bug #7534 (Closed): I am searching with any keyword it shows result related to that but why showing pagination
priyanka Sharma
04:15 PM Bug #7533 (Closed): There is one inactive category but after applying filter of Inactive it shows no record
priyanka Sharma
04:07 PM Bug #7532 (Closed): Manage categories > export categories > no need to show image column. remove this
priyanka Sharma
03:49 PM Bug #7530 (Closed): User list > I am searching with this mobile number 8219105849, it is showing correct data but mobile no gets reset from phone no field and in status dropdown it is showing pending . check video priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM Bug #7529 (Closed): Export user file > User contact no is 8219105849 and after export it is showing -8219105758. check why wrong number and negative sign showing in excel
priyanka Sharma
03:10 PM Bug #7527 (Closed): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
priyanka Sharma
01:40 PM Bug #7526 (Closed): Manage store > I have applied filter of Store status pending but during export file it shows some store status approved please check
priyanka Sharma
01:25 PM Bug #7525 (Resolved): Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
priyanka Sharma
01:19 PM Bug #7524 (Closed): Add Store > why showing default state Meghalaya in the dropdown
priyanka Sharma
01:10 PM Bug #7522 (Closed): Export store list > check issues below
1. Store phone no, contact details like email name column missing
2. Delivery time & Delivery radius column missing
priyanka Sharma
01:07 PM Bug #7520 (Closed): Order list > status filter > please show order status properly Picked up & Ready to dispatch . No need to show underscore. And why showing -- before & after -- in filters remove this
priyanka Sharma
12:39 PM Bug #7516 (Closed): Export orders > check issues below
1. No need to show product image & related image column
2. Change original price name to "Gross price"
3. Offer pri...
priyanka Sharma
12:23 PM Bug #7513 (Closed): Order list > No need of Select product filter here. which product we are showing under this dropdown?
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM Bug #7505 (Closed): Order list > filters > select delivery partner & select store filter > why delivery boy name & store names repeated so many times
priyanka Sharma
11:02 AM Bug #7503 (Closed): Order detail page > order total amount was wrong . It is not showing delivery boy tip and why showing shipping charges if it is not applied during the order
priyanka Sharma
11:01 AM Bug #7502 (Closed): order detail page > why showing state name 4022 ? check order id 918
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM Bug #7501 (Closed): Manage orders > total cost rs 2300 showing wrong order amount was 1625rs and what is total profit here? How you calculating it? And for some orders showing negative profit why?
priyanka Sharma
10:55 AM Bug #7500 (Closed): Manage orders listing > why showing delivery boy Ajit. This is new order under pending and yet no delivery boy assigned . And also show AM pm with the order time. remove seconds
priyanka Sharma


06:36 PM Bug #7495 (Closed): Admin profile > what is text hidden behind the camera icon
priyanka Sharma
06:25 PM Bug #7493 (Closed): Admin login page > Logo showing blurred
priyanka Sharma
06:24 PM Bug #7492 (Closed): Forgot password page > after entering email if i click on Send password reset button then no message appearing of password sent or not
priyanka Sharma
06:22 PM Bug #7490 (Closed): Forgot password page > no option to go back to login page. Add a link "Login"
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM Bug #7489 (Closed): Forgot password page > check issues below

1. Update new logo
2. Change Quickr to Quikrbox
3. Right side Welcome to Quikrbox Admin - change text to "Forgot ...
priyanka Sharma
06:10 PM Bug #6925 (Closed): Quikmart categories > I have added product in quikmart stores but in app only stores name appearing . I am going to buy product but it is not showing any product in particular store and asking for shop by category
priyanka Sharma
06:09 PM Bug #5865 (Closed): Manage store > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
06:09 PM Bug #5866 (Closed): Manage store > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM Bug #5869 (Closed): Manage user > check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
06:06 PM Bug #5874 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Categories --> Add category / Update category --> All Box should be in alignment
priyanka Sharma
06:06 PM Bug #5875 (Closed): Designing --> Admin --> Login --> Categories --> Designing Issues and need to make categories page responsive.
priyanka Sharma
06:05 PM Bug #5876 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Categories --> Export button is not working and also not clickable.
priyanka Sharma
06:05 PM Bug #5877 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Categories --> Add categories --> Check Issue below
priyanka Sharma
06:04 PM Bug #5878 (Closed): Admin --> Manage store --> "Sort by" search button should be on the right side, as running on all website.
priyanka Sharma
06:04 PM Bug #5882 (Closed): Admin --> Store adds --> need to remove this extra search button
priyanka Sharma
06:03 PM Bug #5886 (Closed): Admin --> Store and manage -->Need to put space between profile, notification and message icon || Designing issues and boxes should be in alignment
priyanka Sharma
06:02 PM Bug #5887 (Closed): Admin --> Forgot button --> Forgot button is not working, Forgot button should be redirected to forgot page.
priyanka Sharma
06:01 PM Bug #5888 (Closed): Admin --> Dashboard --> Admin Dashboard Search button is not working and and notification & message icons should be clickable.
priyanka Sharma
06:00 PM Bug #5870 (Closed): Product Details > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:59 PM Bug #5889 (Closed): Admin --> Manage Store --> Admin should be able to modify/edit the store but right now there are no options for modifying and edit.
priyanka Sharma
05:57 PM Bug #5890 (Closed): Admin --> Delivery Partner --> Add Delivery Partner --> Mobile field should be numeric & 10 characters || date of the birth field should not be in the future || If admin selects male or female then selected data is not showing on the partner list.
priyanka Sharma
05:56 PM Bug #5892 (Closed): Admin --> Categories --> Please add a search button option for the categories list page
priyanka Sharma
05:56 PM Bug #5894 (Closed): Admin --> Product Manage --> Action --> Modify --> Uploaded image should be shown in alignment
priyanka Sharma
05:54 PM Bug #5896 (Closed): Admin --> Manage user --> Action --> Modify --> Profile pic text should be above the profile select option
priyanka Sharma
05:53 PM Bug #5905 (Closed): Admin --> Manage store --> Add store --> Mobile number field should accept only numeric values, the user should not able to provide any character in the mobile number field except numeric values.
priyanka Sharma
05:47 PM Bug #5898 (Closed): Admin --> Subscription Management --> dropdown box should be in alignment
priyanka Sharma
05:46 PM Bug #5908 (Closed): Admin --> manage store --> Store list should be shown in descending order means latest store should be shown first.
priyanka Sharma
05:44 PM Bug #5911 (Closed): Admin --> Manage Store --> Store details and Store update --> All Uploaded documents should be shown store details/store updates page and all boxes should be in alignment.
priyanka Sharma
05:43 PM Bug #5915 (Closed): Admin --> manage store --> If the admin clicks on "export CVS format" For any store then the admin should get the CVS sheet store inside details instead of all store lists.
priyanka Sharma
05:31 PM Bug #5909 (Closed): Admin --> Manage store --> Add/update --> Admin does not have any option to select store timing and when the store is open and when the store closed, need to add timing option in add/update the store.
priyanka Sharma
05:30 PM Bug #5868 (Closed): Subscription Management > check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:23 PM Bug #5895 (Closed): Admin --> Product Manage --> Description box is automatically adjust if the description text is long and the admin can decrease and increase the description box.
priyanka Sharma
05:21 PM Bug #5904 (Closed): Product manage < Product list page > there are some columns which are not matched with figma. Check issues below:
priyanka Sharma
05:19 PM Bug #5914 (Reopened ): Product Manage > Check issues as per below
priyanka Sharma
05:16 PM Bug #5918 (Closed): Edit product page - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
05:16 PM Bug #5920 (Closed): Product manage > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
05:13 PM Bug #5922 (Closed): Product manage menu in sidebar > If I edit any product or apply any filter then the sidebar menu link not seems active. It should remain active always whatever activity we do in product manage section.
priyanka Sharma
05:12 PM Bug #5924 (Closed): Add Vehicle page > Please check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:12 PM Bug #5925 (Closed): Admin --> Manage Store --> Need to add the missing input field "Payment Email Address" inside the bank details.
priyanka Sharma
05:09 PM Bug #5927 (Closed): Delivery Partner > check issues below:
priyanka Sharma
05:07 PM Bug #5929 (Closed): Admin --> Manage User --> Add Customers -->Provided "contact number" getting disappearing when admin clicks on modify button || contact Number field should be numeric characters and 10 digits.
priyanka Sharma
05:06 PM Bug #5951 (Closed): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:04 PM Bug #5952 (Closed): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:00 PM Bug #6503 (Reopened ): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset
priyanka Sharma
04:55 PM Bug #6508 (Closed): Manage product > only active stores should shown in Select Store dropdown list
priyanka Sharma
04:51 PM Bug #6513 (Closed): Manage Store > it is showing text like store listing wrong on change of status dropdown & also check the dropdown icon
priyanka Sharma
04:50 PM Bug #7476 (Feedback): Edit product added by store> some fields are missing like tag,price fields...etc please show all fields
priyanka Sharma
04:46 PM Bug #6616 (Closed): After adding product from store admin store name appearing wrong & 2 fields showing blank
priyanka Sharma
04:41 PM Bug #6617 (Closed): Product added from store & admin review the product details...1st image of product no showing when modify product details
priyanka Sharma
04:40 PM Bug #6626 (Reopened ): Edit delivery boy > Dob field showing blank. Latitude, longitude fields are blank
priyanka Sharma
04:38 PM Bug #6923 (Closed): Add Banner in quikmart or not in quikmart > Select store field > store names appearing wrong . Please show proper store names according to location wise
priyanka Sharma
04:36 PM Bug #6924 (Closed): I am adding quikmart categories but it is replacing main home categories with same name. It should not replace main home categories. Quikmart categories will be different
priyanka Sharma
03:55 PM Bug #7471 (Closed): Dashboard > no option to search after changing country filter india to UAE
priyanka Sharma

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