



From 09/14/2022 to 09/23/2022


04:28 PM Bug #4299 (New): Header search > when I am not entering anything in search text field and click on search bar > page is navigated on SHOP page
Expected:- message should be display "Enter the product name" Pravin J
01:27 PM Bug #4278 (New): When I bought a product > product added automatically in add to cart
Pravin J
01:07 PM Bug #4274 (New): I gave a review on a product but it is not sowing >My Profile > My Review section
Pravin J
01:02 PM Bug #4193 (Closed): I am not able to make a payment by Using QR code> getting error message
Pravin J
10:53 AM Bug #4193 (Resolved): I am not able to make a payment by Using QR code> getting error message
Narendra Singh
01:02 PM Bug #3553 (Closed): always Home page showing Active when I active on other page that time also Home link Highlighted
Pravin J
01:01 PM Bug #4225 (Closed): While Buying a Product >Buy Now button is not working/clickable some time > please check
Pravin J
10:56 AM Bug #4225 (Resolved): While Buying a Product >Buy Now button is not working/clickable some time > please check
Narendra Singh
01:01 PM Bug #4227 (Closed): After makin payment > Online/offline >page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
10:57 AM Bug #4227 (Resolved): After makin payment > Online/offline >page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh
01:01 PM Bug #3552 (Closed): I am not able to give a " REVIEW " on a product
Pravin J
12:53 PM Bug #4273 (New): My profile >Shipping Address> in State & City dropdown showing blank> Because of that I am not able add Shipping Address
Pravin J
12:22 PM Bug #4267 (New): Home > Contact Us > change the validation message
1."Please fill out of this field" change into " enter your name".
2. "Please fill out of this field" change into "...
Pravin J
11:39 AM Bug #4261 (New): Login Page >Existing User > Log In > see the Description
1."Your Email" Change into "Enter Your Email"
2."Your Password" Change into "Enter Your Password"
Pravin J
11:32 AM Bug #4256 (Closed): Login Page > NEW USER >Sign Up> Change the Text "Enter Your Password" into "Please Verify Your Password"
Pravin J
10:44 AM Bug #4256 (Closed): Login Page > NEW USER >Sign Up> Change the Text "Enter Your Password" into "Please Verify Your Password"
Pravin J
11:25 AM Bug #4258 (New): Login Page > NEW USER >Sign Up>Please check issue in Description
1.make a validation in all fields.
2.emai id text field should be accept only valid email id format.
3.remove the ...
Pravin J
10:55 AM Bug #4209 (In Progress): while making a payment > page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh
10:55 AM Bug #4209 (Resolved): while making a payment > page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh


11:49 AM Bug #3552 (Resolved): I am not able to give a " REVIEW " on a product
Narendra Singh


06:27 PM QUERY #4228 (New): while Buying a product > add to cart product automatically added in products list
Pravin J
06:09 PM Bug #4227 (Closed): After makin payment > Online/offline >page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
05:44 PM Bug #4225 (Closed): While Buying a Product >Buy Now button is not working/clickable some time > please check
Pravin J
01:09 PM Bug #4216 (New): ADD TO CART > Count is showing wrong

in Add to Cart products are 4 but Count is showing 5.
Pravin J
12:25 PM QUERY #4215 (New): Special deals > I am Not getting any product on special deals page .so, How to add product please tell me
Pravin J
12:18 PM Bug #4214 (New): Shop> when we use filter "Hight To Low", "Low To High".......> and search the product > filter is getting reset
Expected:-Filter should not be reset Pravin J
11:28 AM Bug #4211 (New): Gifts > By JEWELLERY > select any option from by jewellery section > getting 404 message
Pravin J

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