From 12/09/2024 to 12/18/2024
- 07:46 PM Bug #12014 (Closed): Why are we displaying a tick icon for the Name and Password fields? In my opinion, these are unnecessary and can be removed.
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- 06:50 PM Bug #12013 (Closed): There is no validation when an answer is not selected for a question and the 'Next' button is clicked. Clicking 'Next' directly leads to the result page.
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A validation message should appear, such as... - 06:43 PM Bug #12012 (Closed): If I check the profile info steps, there is a back icon, but if I check the symptoms or assessment steps, there is a back icon with the 'Back' text. It should remain the same on all steps."
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- 06:30 PM Bug #12011 (Closed): After selecting a symptom, it asks the first question. However, if I click on the back icon from the second question, it navigates to the 'Select Your Symptom' step instead of the first question.
- Follow these steps:
1. Select any symptom that has 2 or 3 questions.
2. From the 3rd question, if you go back, it... - 06:12 PM Bug #12010 (Closed): There is no option to go back on the Result step, but I can see the previously filled steps on the progress bar on the left side
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From Result page click on anyone on the left side bar Assessment or Symptoms et... - 06:04 PM Bug #12009 (Closed): Result Page > there is scanner on result page but no code appeared with the scanner to scan the result.
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- 03:58 PM Bug #11999 (Closed): After login it should navigate to Home page instead of My Symptoms page. If it is requirement than it's fine otherwise ensure the redirection is to the Home Page.
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- 03:54 PM Bug #11998 (Closed): "On the 'Create Your Account' page, after agreeing to the terms and conditions, the checkbox should be marked with a check (✔) instead of being entirely filled with blue color.
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- 03:36 PM Bug #11996 (Closed): Header menu links(Home, Symptoms, About Us, SignIn) should be highlighted to clearly indicate the page I am currently visiting. For example, if I am on the Home page, it should be highlighted in blue or can say Home link should be Active
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- 03:14 PM Bug #11995 (Closed): After login change success message Login Successfully to "Login successful" OR "Successfully logged in"
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- 03:02 PM Bug #11994 (Closed): On the Sign-Up page, there should be a link to "Sign In" so that users with an existing account can navigate directly to the Sign-In page.
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- 01:33 PM Bug #11993 (Closed): In the Hebrew language, all validation messages are appearing in English when Hebrew is selected. The error messages should be displayed in Hebrew language.
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- 01:15 PM Bug #11992 (Closed): There are no symptoms found under "My Symptoms," even though I have created many.
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- 01:14 PM Bug #11991 (Closed): On the result step, when I click on the "Save Result" button, it does not display a confirmation message indicating whether the result was saved successfully.
- Additionally, I am able to go back to the previous steps and edit the fields even after clicking on "Save Result" fro...
- 12:59 PM Bug #11989 (Closed): When I click on any option, the selected card should be highlighted to indicate that it has been clicked. Currently, from a user’s perspective, it is unclear whether the card has been selected or not.
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- 12:41 PM Bug #11987 (Closed): On the Create Account page, the password field is accepting only one character. The password should be at least 6 characters. Please set a character limit and display an error message if the user enters less than 6 characters.
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- 12:39 PM Bug #11986 (Closed): On the Create Account page, the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions links are not clickable.
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- 12:34 PM Bug #11985 (Closed): Sign In page > Text Forget password should replace to "Forgot Password" and It is not working. I am not able to click on it.
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- 12:31 PM Bug #11984 (Closed): Create an account page > The email address field is accepting invalid formats (e.g., priyanka@y), allowing the user to register a successful account.
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- 12:23 PM Bug #11983 (Resolved): Sign-in page: I entered an email address in an invalid format, but it still shows a tick icon next to the email field. Why? Also, the validation message is incorrect when I enter an invalid email ID. It should say 'Invalid email or password.
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- 12:20 PM Bug #11982 (Resolved): Sign-in page: If I enter the wrong password, it shows the error 'Password not match.' It should display 'Email ID or Password invalid
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- 12:14 PM Bug #11981 (Closed): Not able to save progress on the results page. Follow the steps below:
- I was a guest user and completed all the steps. On the results page, it asked me to save my progress. I clicked on it...
- 11:47 AM Bug #11980 (Feedback): Patient info > Age field> It should not take alphabetic characters or decimal values.. ...Only numeric digits should allow
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If a user enters an age like 200, the validation message should reflect that the ... - 11:36 AM Bug #11979 (Closed): Patient info page >Correct the validation message for Enter you name field . Text "Enter" is appeared two times. Same issue for Enter your parent name field
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Steps :-
Do not Enter your name & click on N...
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