From 07/05/2022 to 07/14/2022
- 05:21 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3169 (Closed): Mobile app > Deep Breating screen > 3rd point> "5" missing in the line . It should be Hold your breath for a count of 5.
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- 05:13 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3168 (New): User is inactive from admnin panel, but i mobile app user able to use the account...please make validation for inactive accounts
- 03:55 PM Musli moodfit - Admin Panel Bug #3083 (New): Click on menu bar > go with mindfulness and select category > in category list >in Confident Background Image should be same as mobile app
- 03:07 PM Musli moodfit - Admin Panel Bug #3078 (New): go to website through mobile application > now click on menu bar > select contact us> fill all the text field and click on submit button > I am getting message "email has not been sent ,please try again"
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