



From 10/03/2022 to 10/12/2022


03:58 PM Bug #4860 (New): Admin> security > manage user > use previous and next Button > we we click on next or last button ,,next page being displayed blank
see the attach sc
After go with next button
Abhishek k
03:17 PM Bug #4857 (New): Admin >> sidemenu >> setting >> company manage > Add company >>select company profile image and put company name and save the page >Once we save company ,image icon getting blank
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:51 PM Bug #4856 (New): Admin >>HomePage > All sites slider >when sites name text is big it's overlapping.
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
12:29 PM Bug #4851 (New): Admin > setting > manage site > select entries from dropdown >blank page getting ,when only one site present on page
see the attach screenshot
Abhishek k


04:06 PM Bug #4786 (New): Admin > security >users > manage Users page > Go with user detail page > first name and date of birth of user displaying wroung
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:49 PM Bug #4785 (New): Admin > security > add user > Able to create user without entered data in mandatory field ...check in description
steps to reproduce the bug
1. put data in all field except confirm password field and click on save button
2. syst...
Abhishek k
03:33 PM Bug #4783 (New): Admin > user menu page > add user page > if confirm password field is mandatory then there should be an strict
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:22 PM Bug #4782 (New): Admin> security >users page > column name should be User mail
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:13 PM Bug #4780 (New): Admin> security >users page > when we scroll up page > blank page are being displayed ..manage it
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:59 PM Bug #4778 (New): Admin > manage company page > Create company with only mandatory field > Now go through edit company > once we update the screen ,,updated value not displayed
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:58 PM Bug #4737 (Feedback): in Home page always notification & message is showing > when user show the notification or message then count should be not show
This is just a design till now. Its not dynamic and not in use. amit kumar
12:01 PM Bug #4774 (New): Admin >dashboard page > if we hide side menu at that time menu arrow are displaying
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
11:29 AM Bug #4773 (New): Admin> manage site page >download sites in pdf> Only blank page are being displayed ,,once we open downloaded pdf file
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
11:24 AM Bug #4771 (New): Admin> manage site screen > when drag-up the page ,blanks page are being displayed should not be shown
see the attach sc
Abhishek k


03:06 PM Bug #4737 (Feedback): in Home page always notification & message is showing > when user show the notification or message then count should be not show
Pravin J

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