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Bug #3910: Grocery > while adding the product > Add new Product > static product is not showing eg:- potato, onion, Tomato etc
Bug #4011: ALL FOOD ORDERS - After selecting country, state, city, fields should not disappeared and add a rest button to reset the filter
Bug #4127: Admin panel > Stores , Products page - > Download as excel or CSV format . Remove these extra columns
Bug #4129: Store & Orders page - While downloading excel format, needs to show columns Country , State & City too
QUERY #4159: register as a Delivery Boy from mobile application & web application > when edit delivery boy account in Admin panel > "Driving License", "Govt Id", "Work Permit/Other Govt Id" all file text is showing blank
Bug #4191: Restaurant & Grocery > I am able create store same mobile number with multiple store
Bug #4201: Admin & web store > Store & order page -after applying all filter Country , State , & City I am not able to edit State & City fields
Bug #4202: Admin & web panel > Orders page > end date field should not be mandatory. If i select only start date & want to search then it should not ask to fill end date ...should show records after the start date selected
Bug #4203: Check video > Getting crash on search click
Bug #4323: Restaurant & Grocery >Create a Store from web application> when I edit the store in admin panel > Free delivery after text field showing blank
Bug #4324: Restaurant & Grocery > Dashboard > Click Delivery Boy> click on view >click on edit button >there is no option to edit image
Bug #4325: Restaurant & Grocery > Dashboard > Click Delivery Boy> click on view >click on view account > see the attached screen short
Bug #3094: Unable to see nearest restaurant
Bug #3095: Unable to see ordered products in order history .
Bug #3096: Premium membership for stores (Concept was there but there is change in showing the stores - Change Request) – Not asked for payment
Bug #3098: Mail issue after new member is registers
Feature #3099: Agent payment - needs to remove this section at the time of registration
Bug #4345: I have create account as Deliver Agent from web application & admin panel > when I am try to login in mobile application > I am getting message > "Invalid credentials.Please try again"
Bug #3250: MII user >when user order the product and see in the history time is showing wrong
Bug #3369: Account Screen > total earning is showing wrong in the Screen (total earing+ delivery charge=total order cost ) should be same
Bug #3681: After registration if i am trying to login and suppose account not activated yet then the error message is dispalying wrong" Wrong credentials" . It should say "Account not activated yet. Please contact administrator"
Bug #3996: Grocery store app- Product status not getting changed on toggle off/On
Bug #3998: Grocery app - i have made two orders..both are showing on All history screen but not showing on Order screen ..please check at urgent basis
Bug #4005: After login on store app - default online & Alarm status should be ON
Bug #4008: Menu tab > If we toggle off any product then message appeared in popup is wrong . It is saying Now visible for everywhere"
Bug #4082: Register new store > without entering zipcode i am able to navigate on next screen. please make validation of mandatory field for zipcode
Bug #4199: Partner & Connect app -> Alarm & online toggle should not fluctuate on each screen. Check attached video
Bug #4237: After registration the application > Getting mail is wrong > check screen short
Bug #4922: Vendor delivered amount & total earning amount not showing
Bug #4923: Vendor analytics screen is blank
Bug #4924: Vendor Received & picked up screen > Navigate through google map shows null value on search & naviagte through same app shows blank screen
Bug #4925: Delivery tip pending
Bug #4926: Vendor able to register multiple times with same mobile number
Bug #4927: Order id length should be small
Bug #4133: Admin & web panel > Orders page > Select start date & end date >the whole field should be selectable . Currently only working on click of calendar icon
QUERY #4167: while create account for delivery boy> I am not getting any option to make payment
Bug #4175: Restaurant/Grocery >in Home Screen >Total Earnings is showing wrong
Bug #4253: when user register the account from web application > not getting registration mail
Bug #4326: while making a account for user > there is no option to upload image
Bug #3699: I have ordered the product >getting notification message "Your order have been accepted by Restaurant" change to "Your order has been accepted by Restaurant"
Bug #3785: After Order the Product >getting message on screen > "you Order has been placed successfully" change to "your Order has been placed successfully"
Bug #3888: Grocery & Restaurant > Newly added store is not visible in Home Screen & restaurant near you , if the name is searched it is showing the name
Bug #4001: I have added 2 quantity available when adding product from store but when user going to buy that product he is able to buy more then 2 it should not happen
Bug #4002: Facing difficulty to fill RFQ if any item added in the cart. Shared video on skype . View cart popup overlap on RFQ form
Bug #4149: By using Facebook > I am not able to create or login account > loader is running never ends
Bug #4189: restaurant & Grocery > Free Delivery text is not showing in store and delivery charge should be showing according to distance
Bug #4242: Change Text - Your order have been to "has been" in all these kinds of notifications. Please check throughout the apps
Bug #4344: I have Created account from web application & Admin panel > when I try to login with number > I am navigated on OTP page after entering OTP >after that page is navigated on Create account but by using email id I am able to login
Bug #4921: For some reasons gray screen appear in grocery section(We didn't found exact scenario)
Bug #4928: Free delivery above order - it is static yet
Created with Raphaël 2.3.0

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