



From 09/08/2022 to 09/17/2022


04:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4009 (Closed): I have ordered offline(COD) but in order there is no item showing in the order. please check...working fine in online case. Same issue in delivery agent app
priyanka Sharma
04:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4000 (Closed): grocery store - delivery order trends - blank screen appear .fix urgently
priyanka Sharma
04:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4016 (Closed): Order is cash on has accepted order and same is accepted by delivery boy but in store app loader not getting stop after accepting order by delivery boy
priyanka Sharma


06:28 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4253 (New): when user register the account from web application > not getting registration mail
Pravin J
03:47 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4169 (Closed): I have create account from web Application > click on edit button in admin panel > Blood group text field is showing blank
Pravin J
03:42 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4157 (Closed): Create a user from mobile application> when i edit the user account in admin panel > in Date of birth text field user birthday date is not showing
Pravin J
03:28 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #3762 (Reopened ): open the URL > Click on three dots icon > click on Forgot password > enter the email id > click on button > button is not clickable
Still Forgot password is not working Pravin J
03:21 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4155 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Pravin J
03:21 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4160 (Closed): in all 3 application > while registration the application > I am selecting other country code and entering the Indian phone number > screen is navigated on OTP Screen > screen should navigated on OTP screen & validation message should be display
Pravin J
03:21 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4154 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
03:20 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3915 (Closed): After registration the application > Getting a email > need to change some words > please check screen short and change it
Pravin J
03:20 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4161 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please Enter valid mobile number"
Pravin J
03:19 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4163 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Pravin J
03:19 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4178 (Closed): Home Screen > Top of right side >Total Earning is showing blank and also design issues
Pravin J
03:18 PM MIIS User app Bug #4150 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Pravin J
03:18 PM MIIS User app Bug #4152 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
12:21 PM MIIS User app Bug #4242 (New): Change Text - Your order have been to "has been" in all these kinds of notifications. Please check throughout the apps
priyanka Sharma
11:55 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3645 (Reopened ): Register new delivery boy > after login I am seeing old orders there & alaram got ranging after 5 seconds until not accepted
Pravin J
11:49 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3993 (Reopened ): While making a payment > in payment screen showing $1 > but when get email here amount is showing 1680.
Pravin J
11:14 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4237 (New): After registration the application > Getting mail is wrong > check screen short
Pravin J


06:57 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4009 (Resolved): I have ordered offline(COD) but in order there is no item showing in the order. please check...working fine in online case. Same issue in delivery agent app
Ravi L
06:56 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4008 (Resolved): Menu tab > If we toggle off any product then message appeared in popup is wrong . It is saying Now visible for everywhere"
Ravi L
06:56 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4008 (In Progress): Menu tab > If we toggle off any product then message appeared in popup is wrong . It is saying Now visible for everywhere"
Ravi L
01:05 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4137 (Closed): Web store > Orders page > Show all filters same as in admin panel. (Country, State, City, Start date & end date)
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4139 (Reopened ): Grocery & Restaurant order page > Filter should not reset after searching anything. Check video below
priyanka Sharma
01:02 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4203 (New): Check video > Getting crash on search click priyanka Sharma
12:59 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4135 (Closed): Admin panel > Orders page > Fields should not reset after searching with filter. Select start date & end date , click on Search will show result but selected start date field got reset
priyanka Sharma
12:56 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4051 (Closed): Restaurant/Grocery store & order page - after applying filter by country or state, selected values should not reset.
priyanka Sharma
12:41 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4202 (New): Admin & web panel > Orders page > end date field should not be mandatory. If i select only start date & want to search then it should not ask to fill end date ...should show records after the start date selected
priyanka Sharma
12:38 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4054 (Closed): Stores - Change the store status Off to On it shows crash if I add store from web panel & Country selected is Afghanistan
priyanka Sharma
12:37 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4201 (New): Admin & web store > Store & order page -after applying all filter Country , State , & City I am not able to edit State & City fields priyanka Sharma
12:24 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Reopened ): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:24 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Resolved): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:23 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Closed): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:08 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4199 (Resolved): Partner & Connect app -> Alarm & online toggle should not fluctuate on each screen. Check attached video
priyanka Sharma


10:43 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4000 (Resolved): grocery store - delivery order trends - blank screen appear .fix urgently
Ravi L
10:42 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4178 (Resolved): Home Screen > Top of right side >Total Earning is showing blank and also design issues
Ravi L
10:40 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4016 (Resolved): Order is cash on has accepted order and same is accepted by delivery boy but in store app loader not getting stop after accepting order by delivery boy
Ravi L
10:03 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4082 (Resolved): Register new store > without entering zipcode i am able to navigate on next screen. please make validation of mandatory field for zipcode
Ravi L
10:03 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4161 (Resolved): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please Enter valid mobile number"
Ravi L
09:28 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4154 (Resolved): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Ravi L
09:28 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4155 (Resolved): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Ravi L
09:28 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4160 (Resolved): in all 3 application > while registration the application > I am selecting other country code and entering the Indian phone number > screen is navigated on OTP Screen > screen should navigated on OTP screen & validation message should be display
Ravi L
08:46 PM MIIS User app Bug #4150 (Resolved): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Ravi L
08:28 PM MIIS User app Bug #4152 (Resolved): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Ravi L
02:45 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4191 (New): Restaurant & Grocery > I am able create store same mobile number with multiple store
Expected:- user should be able to create only one time with one mobile number.
Pravin J
02:39 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3761 (Closed): Open the application > Tap on Login >Tap On Forgot Password > Enter the email-id in email-id text field >Tap on Continue > I am not getting OTP in email id
Pravin J
01:38 PM MIIS User app Bug #4007 (Closed): After sending RFQ from user app customer not getting any email . Same email user should get which is getting during sending RFQ from web
priyanka Sharma
12:45 PM MIIS User app Bug #4189 (New): restaurant & Grocery > Free Delivery text is not showing in store and delivery charge should be showing according to distance
Pravin J
12:32 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4169 (Resolved): I have create account from web Application > click on edit button in admin panel > Blood group text field is showing blank
Narendra Singh
12:15 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4157 (Resolved): Create a user from mobile application> when i edit the user account in admin panel > in Date of birth text field user birthday date is not showing
Narendra Singh
12:05 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Resolved): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
Narendra Singh
11:55 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4137 (Resolved): Web store > Orders page > Show all filters same as in admin panel. (Country, State, City, Start date & end date)
Narendra Singh
11:54 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #3762 (Resolved): open the URL > Click on three dots icon > click on Forgot password > enter the email id > click on button > button is not clickable
Narendra Singh
11:46 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4138 (Closed): Admin & web store > Orders page > Show currency sign with the order amount .
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4140 (Reopened ): Order page - Three dot Action column > not clickable . Please make it clickable & responsive
priyanka Sharma
11:32 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4012 (Reopened ): All food orders:- after selecting filter if i change food section to grocery app got crash

priyanka Sharma
11:02 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #3683 (Closed): In admin panel if i view the store details it shows Store name in Operational Hour field
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4131 (Reopened ): Web panel - Forgot password not working. After entering email id no message appearing. please check
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4132 (Closed): Admin & web panel Orders page > will be good if you show orders date there. Add one more column "Order date"
priyanka Sharma
10:40 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4166 (Closed): while create Delivery agent account > if email id is already exist the message should be display>email id already exist
Pravin J
10:33 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4166 (Resolved): while create Delivery agent account > if email id is already exist the message should be display>email id already exist
Narendra Singh
10:35 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4063 (Closed): Admin & web store both > When we register the store from web application > There is no option to select state and city field. Please add these two
Pravin J
10:25 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4143 (Closed): Restaurant & Grocery > when we create a store from web application>view the store in admin panel >Remove the "Highlighted Text field"
Pravin J
10:10 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4060 (Closed): open the application > click on JOIN US > select AS A Store > fill all the text filed and click on Create New Store > view the store from Admin panel > Country code and Zip code text field is getting blank
Pravin J
07:51 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4163 (Resolved): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Ravi L


05:46 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4178 (Closed): Home Screen > Top of right side >Total Earning is showing blank and also design issues
Pravin J
05:06 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4175 (New): Restaurant/Grocery >in Home Screen >Total Earnings is showing wrong
user orders ₹305.98 + ₹ 100 give tips > in Home screen Total Earnings is showing > ₹ 1940.98.00 Pravin J
04:07 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4169 (Closed): I have create account from web Application > click on edit button in admin panel > Blood group text field is showing blank
Pravin J
04:01 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery QUERY #4167 (New): while create account for delivery boy> I am not getting any option to make payment
Pravin J
03:58 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4166 (Closed): while create Delivery agent account > if email id is already exist the message should be display>email id already exist
Pravin J
03:12 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4162 (Closed): 1
Pravin J
03:10 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4162 (Closed): 1
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the ap...
Pravin J
03:10 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4163 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the ap...
Pravin J
03:09 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4161 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please Enter valid mobile number"
Pravin J
03:07 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4160 (Closed): in all 3 application > while registration the application > I am selecting other country code and entering the Indian phone number > screen is navigated on OTP Screen > screen should navigated on OTP screen & validation message should be display
Pravin J
02:57 PM MIIS - Admin Panel QUERY #4159 (New): register as a Delivery Boy from mobile application & web application > when edit delivery boy account in Admin panel > "Driving License", "Govt Id", "Work Permit/Other Govt Id" all file text is showing blank
Pravin J
02:42 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4157 (Closed): Create a user from mobile application> when i edit the user account in admin panel > in Date of birth text field user birthday date is not showing
Pravin J
01:24 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4155 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the ap...
Pravin J
01:19 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4154 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
01:09 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Reopened ): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:55 PM MIIS User app Bug #4152 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
12:35 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4131 (Resolved): Web panel - Forgot password not working. After entering email id no message appearing. please check
Narendra Singh
12:29 PM MIIS User app Bug #4150 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the a...
Pravin J
12:10 PM MIIS User app Bug #4149 (New): By using Facebook > I am not able to create or login account > loader is running never ends
Pravin J
12:09 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4138 (Resolved): Admin & web store > Orders page > Show currency sign with the order amount .
Narendra Singh
11:57 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4132 (Resolved): Admin & web panel Orders page > will be good if you show orders date there. Add one more column "Order date"
Narendra Singh
11:39 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4063 (Resolved): Admin & web store both > When we register the store from web application > There is no option to select state and city field. Please add these two
Narendra Singh
10:48 AM MIIS User app Bug #4007 (Resolved): After sending RFQ from user app customer not getting any email . Same email user should get which is getting during sending RFQ from web
Narendra Singh
10:47 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3915 (Resolved): After registration the application > Getting a email > need to change some words > please check screen short and change it
Narendra Singh
10:46 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3993 (Resolved): While making a payment > in payment screen showing $1 > but when get email here amount is showing 1680.
Narendra Singh
10:46 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3645 (Resolved): Register new delivery boy > after login I am seeing old orders there & alaram got ranging after 5 seconds until not accepted
Narendra Singh


06:02 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4143 (Resolved): Restaurant & Grocery > when we create a store from web application>view the store in admin panel >Remove the "Highlighted Text field"
Narendra Singh
05:59 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4143 (Closed): Restaurant & Grocery > when we create a store from web application>view the store in admin panel >Remove the "Highlighted Text field"
Pravin J
06:00 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4062 (In Progress): When we register the store from admin panel > There is no text field to select Country, State ,City
Narendra Singh
04:22 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4062 (Resolved): When we register the store from admin panel > There is no text field to select Country, State ,City
Narendra Singh
06:00 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4135 (Resolved): Admin panel > Orders page > Fields should not reset after searching with filter. Select start date & end date , click on Search will show result but selected start date field got reset
Narendra Singh
04:25 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4135 (Closed): Admin panel > Orders page > Fields should not reset after searching with filter. Select start date & end date , click on Search will show result but selected start date field got reset
priyanka Sharma
06:00 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4139 (Resolved): Grocery & Restaurant order page > Filter should not reset after searching anything. Check video below
Narendra Singh
04:33 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4139 (Reopened ): Grocery & Restaurant order page > Filter should not reset after searching anything. Check video below priyanka Sharma
05:59 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4140 (Resolved): Order page - Three dot Action column > not clickable . Please make it clickable & responsive
Narendra Singh
04:40 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4140 (Reopened ): Order page - Three dot Action column > not clickable . Please make it clickable & responsive
priyanka Sharma
04:28 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4138 (Closed): Admin & web store > Orders page > Show currency sign with the order amount .
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4137 (Closed): Web store > Orders page > Show all filters same as in admin panel. (Country, State, City, Start date & end date)
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4133 (New): Admin & web panel > Orders page > Select start date & end date >the whole field should be selectable . Currently only working on click of calendar icon
priyanka Sharma
04:00 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4132 (Closed): Admin & web panel Orders page > will be good if you show orders date there. Add one more column "Order date"
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4131 (Reopened ): Web panel - Forgot password not working. After entering email id no message appearing. please check
priyanka Sharma
03:50 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4129 (New): Store & Orders page - While downloading excel format, needs to show columns Country , State & City too
priyanka Sharma
03:38 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4127 (New): Admin panel > Stores , Products page - > Download as excel or CSV format . Remove these extra columns
priyanka Sharma

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