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Hours: 39.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
02/14/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12715: When a Team Leader sends news, events, or messages to a team, and a user leaves that team, the news disappears for that user. However, events and messages remain visible to the user even after leaving the team. As discussed with Dharamveer sir we will do this point in phase 3 1.00 Actions
02/11/2025 Amitesh Kumar Rai Design Bug #12716: Push Notification Issue: Accepted Follow Request Appears, Rejected Request Doesn't Show on Notification Icon in the case of rejection we will only notify the user not append in list. 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12666: Event List Page > The events are not in the same order on iOS and Android. They should be sorted by time, with the earliest event on the same date appearing at the top Not fixed yet. Still same 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12665: Android > Calendar > When viewing an event on iOS, it shows the team name and other team members. However, on Android, this information is missing. Please make it the same on both platforms Still Team name missing. check 11th june 2025 date event 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12666: Event List Page > The events are not in the same order on iOS and Android. They should be sorted by time, with the earliest event on the same date appearing at the top Still same 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12666: Event List Page > The events are not in the same order on iOS and Android. They should be sorted by time, with the earliest event on the same date appearing at the top still same 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12662: Android > Team Leader Login > Send Invitation > Select a team > On the Send Invitation screen, if no email address is entered and the button is clicked, it shows an error saying 'Select role.' Text need to change "Innan du skriver e-post" . If i translate it shows "Before writing email" . Message should be Enter email address or Mobile Number 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12668: API > Event List > An event scheduled for 2026 is showing at the top. Events from 2025 should appear first, followed by 2026 events Check screenshot how it appears now 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12676: IOS - Admin login > Uppdatera info > Try to edit the info ... check background text how showing in the backend..and only textbox should be scrollable . Here full screen able to scroll. check android Still same 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12613: Admin Login > Comment on Teamleader post > While commenting, profile image of the admin is not displaying. When open the comment of the post again, profile image is displaying. still same 1.00 Actions
02/10/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12656: Api > Home > Comment on any one news > admin profile pic not showing while sending comments . if we visit again on this screen then it will show Still same. Please check again 1.00 Actions
02/07/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12669: IOS > profile pic is uploaded but not showing on chat screen. Admin login > Sent message > check sent message users list > click on any one user which has profile uploaded and send message ..then check chat screen Please read full description once . I still getting issue 1.00 Actions
02/07/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12665: Android > Calendar > When viewing an event on iOS, it shows the team name and other team members. However, on Android, this information is missing. Please make it the same on both platforms Discussed with Dharmveer sir. We have to fix this 1.00 Actions
02/07/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12520: iOS >Admin login > Samarbete > Picture displaying stretched when clicked by camera from android. 1.00 Actions
02/07/2025 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #12545: iOS > Admin Login > update information > last word or emoji's should display when updating info. Still issue if there is large content and trying to send emojis 1.00 Actions
12/20/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11893: Not getting count or push notification (following request accepted) on app name when i am in the background . I was not using any app at that time . Still not getting any push 1.00 Actions
12/20/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11892: I received a notification about a request being accepted, and when I tapped on it, it took me to the home screen instead of the notification screen. I was using different app in the mobile Not getting Push of follow request accepted & if user sends follow request to admin then same issue occurs...on tap on it it took me on home screen 1.00 Actions
12/20/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11939: User login > kalendar & Event list > check video...i am checking event new....sometimes it is not clickable & from event list if i am checking the same event it is displaying blank screen Still issue is not fixed. Getting same 1.00 Actions
12/19/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11944: Create event from Admin > Check Issues below. Kalendar & Event both - full text not displaying.. arrow is fine now but text is missing. check attached screenshots 1.00 Actions
12/19/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11924: Kalender > Full title of the event is not displayig as displayed in android. In iphone 13 still full text or title not displayed. In iphone 14 it's working fine 1.00 Actions
12/19/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11966: Subadmin login >Chat message screen > Getting internal server error when getting push notification of group chat message . Open the push notification and then check. Still getting server error if app is in background and i am tap on open push notification 1.00 Actions
12/19/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11928: Teamleader login > teamleader should able to see admin profile with specific features like email & roll with their profile pic. Check android It is working now but on this screen back icon is missing...i am not able to come back on hoe screen 1.00 Actions
12/16/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11892: I received a notification about a request being accepted, and when I tapped on it, it took me to the home screen instead of the notification screen. I was using different app in the mobile 1.00 Actions
12/16/2024 Amitesh Kumar Rai Development Bug #11892: I received a notification about a request being accepted, and when I tapped on it, it took me to the home screen instead of the notification screen. I was using different app in the mobile Done From My Side. Pending from Ios 1.00 Actions
12/16/2024 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #11893: Not getting count or push notification (following request accepted) on app name when i am in the background . I was not using any app at that time . Getting push notification but not count on the app 1.00 Actions
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