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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12019 Bug New Normal Need to change background color gray to white...please compare with android & keep the same background on all screens like Home news etc..attached screenshots for all screens below chirag wadhwa 12/19/2024 01:00 PM Actions
12018 Bug Resolved Normal Infomation > Icon are stretched chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
12017 Bug Resolved High Subadmin > Count not displayed on the app icon when getting push notification of chat. chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
12016 Bug Resolved High Forget password (Glomt Losenord) > Aterstall Losenord > Change the text. chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
12015 Bug Resolved High Subadmin login > Chat message > Send icon not working immediately; message shows as sent only after revisiting the screen. chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
11975 QUERY New High Teamleader & teamleader helper > When I check an event on the calendar for the 18th, it appears under the calendar, but the same event does not show up in the Event List for the 18th. Only today's events are appearing in the Event List. Dharamveer S 12/17/2024 04:53 PM Actions
11974 Bug Resolved High Team Helper Login > Create event > Team name is not displayed in kalender when helper created an event. Amitesh Kumar Rai 12/20/2024 05:22 PM Actions
11973 Bug New High Teamleader helper > Created event own > And showing Button Kommer ej & kommer to self. please check ios for the refernce. These Buttons should not come sulendra k 12/17/2024 04:20 PM Actions
11968 Bug New Normal Chat message screen > One to one chat > Teamleader or User profile should be clickable..and navigate to their particular screen sulendra k 12/17/2024 03:06 PM Actions
11962 QUERY New Normal Can Subadmin send message and email to Admin? Becasue in IOS it allow subadmin to send message & email but in android it doesn't. Dharamveer S 12/17/2024 01:32 PM Actions
11961 Bug New High Android & iOS > No event push comes to teamleaders when admin creates new event for all teamleaders. Amitesh Kumar Rai 12/17/2024 01:18 PM Actions
11958 Bug New High Home news > subadmin login > Read more & read less buttons missing sulendra k 12/17/2024 12:53 PM Actions
11955 Bug New High Android& ios > Sub-admin login > No push and counts displayed when any user requested to follow subadmin. Amitesh Kumar Rai 12/17/2024 12:16 PM Actions
11953 Bug New Normal Android & Ios - Subadmin login - New Team created but not showing under My Teams list Amitesh Kumar Rai 12/17/2024 12:06 PM Actions
11947 Bug Resolved High Home screen > News feed > scroll news > not able to see all news. Check many times i got stucked here..please check this issue properly. chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
11939 Bug Resolved High User login > kalendar & Event list > check video...i am checking event new....sometimes it is not clickable & from event list if i am checking the same event it is displaying blank screen chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:39 PM Actions
11893 Bug Resolved High Not getting count or push notification (following request accepted) on app name when i am in the background . I was not using any app at that time . chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:39 PM Actions
11892 Bug Resolved Normal I received a notification about a request being accepted, and when I tapped on it, it took me to the home screen instead of the notification screen. I was using different app in the mobile chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
11887 Bug New High Teamleader login > App got crash on uploading picture. check steps below & attached video for the refernce sulendra k 12/12/2024 02:31 PM Actions
11884 Bug New Normal Teamleader login > chat screen > cick on team profile pic > Teamleader or username is not aligned in center sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:28 PM Actions
11882 Bug New Normal Teamleader profile > change or update password > when entering current password it does not give hint like Ratt. check ios there it is working fine. sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:19 PM Actions
11881 Bug New Normal In the Team Leader profile creation, when uploading a profile cover, the image is cropped in a horizontal shape. However, after uploading, it appears on the profile cover in a portrait format. sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:12 PM Actions
11880 Bug New High App getting crash when creating new teamleader ...first uploading picture from gallery then from camera ...check video attached sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:05 PM Actions
11876 Bug New Normal Teamlista > Edit team which have no picture uploaded > change background old cover. Do same as in ios sulendra k 12/12/2024 12:22 PM Actions
11865 Bug New Normal Kalendar > For some events its showing location & for some its not displaying . please check . should show for all events if location is provided. sulendra k 12/11/2024 06:38 PM Actions
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