



From 06/07/2022 to 06/16/2022


07:53 PM Bug #2699 (Closed): Test server--> MF --> Return upload--> TBR case -->applicant is not able to Re-updated form in tbr case
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server--> MF --> Return upload--> TBR case --> applicant is not able to Re-updated for...
Mohd Irfan
06:38 PM Bug #2698 (New): demo server --> MF --> Return upload panel -->Return after submit due date, submitted status is showing "on time" instead of "late"
Step to reproduce bug:
Demo server--> MF --> Return upload panel -->Return after submit due date, submitted status...
Mohd Irfan
05:00 PM Bug #2697 (New): 1. Test server --> MF --> Return upload panel --> when applicant upload a Return with 2016 so Return name show 6 instead of 2016.
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> MF --> Return upload panel --> when applicant upload a Return with 2016 so ...
Mohd Irfan

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