



From 09/15/2021 to 09/24/2021


05:04 PM Bug #462 (Resolved): Signup ->adding information for signup -> keyboard open there is lots of spaced used which is not required.
amir r
02:40 PM Bug #610 (Closed): Received order page received spelling mistake, Please make it correct accordingly
Minal Watmode
01:48 PM Bug #611 (Closed): On received page order's price is different & in the profile page it is different amount
Minal Watmode
01:47 PM Bug #606 (Closed): Profile -> Restaurant's description -> All text should be wrapped and middle on the page.
Minal Watmode
01:41 PM Bug #548 (Closed): Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the customer application is different
Minal Watmode
01:32 PM Bug #538 (Closed): Order accepted by restaurant Toaster message displays so many times even application is closed
Minal Watmode
01:31 PM Bug #527 (Closed): In al accepted order page, It is single order but search for Delivery boys displays for 2 different items to search 2 delivery boys
Minal Watmode
01:30 PM Bug #526 (Closed): All order accepted page -> It shows Individual items not a single order or same order in it
Minal Watmode
01:29 PM Bug #518 (Closed): While signing up -> on rating field Add validation it should be neither more than 5 or nor less than 0
Minal Watmode
01:25 PM Feature #515 (Reopened ): From the menu list when we change the status of item toast message should pop up
Minal Watmode
01:22 PM Bug #514 (Reopened ): Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant application the time is different shows in application
Minal Watmode
01:13 PM Bug #513 (Closed): Table reserved for the customer, Once accepted table booking i would not able see information of the user like; Name, contact no., Gmail id. etc
Minal Watmode
01:11 PM Bug #464 (Reopened ): In the application, order received from user time has to show, restaurant user at least supposed to know 'at what time order has received & when order accepted.
Minal Watmode
01:03 PM Bug #510 (Closed): On received order all items shows in One order But In accepted order page its 2 different orders
Minal Watmode
12:45 PM Bug #461 (Closed): Home -> Profile -> Received , accepted shows negative amount
Minal Watmode
12:24 PM Bug #511 (Closed): All accepted order -> Click on find delivery boy It says something went wrong.
Minal Watmode
12:17 PM Bug #460 (Closed): Currency has added from admin panel but in the application on received order it displays values instead currency
Minal Watmode
10:35 AM Modification/ Enhancements #398 (Closed): Menu page on the items should have short description, menus is not a word, correct it accordingly
Minal Watmode
10:30 AM Modification/ Enhancements #397 (Closed): Order Delivered page should be added when click on delivered order
Minal Watmode
10:21 AM Modification/ Enhancements #396 (Closed): Rejected order page should be added
Minal Watmode


07:30 PM Modification/ Enhancements #394 (Feedback): On the Home page of the restaurant status of the there are in the present application there ae $ status but according to client's design it should be 5 status to be added
For this, Please consult with manoj sir. amir r
07:27 PM Feature #515 (Resolved): From the menu list when we change the status of item toast message should pop up
amir r
07:16 PM Modification/ Enhancements #396 (Resolved): Rejected order page should be added
amir r
07:15 PM Modification/ Enhancements #397 (Resolved): Order Delivered page should be added when click on delivered order
amir r
07:14 PM Modification/ Enhancements #398 (Resolved): Menu page on the items should have short description, menus is not a word, correct it accordingly
amir r
07:11 PM Modification/ Enhancements #399 (Resolved): On Insight page should be implemented to adding pie cart & statistic bar
amir r
07:06 PM Bug #513 (Resolved): Table reserved for the customer, Once accepted table booking i would not able see information of the user like; Name, contact no., Gmail id. etc
Please check success tab. there is mentioned all the details of table booking. amir r
07:05 PM Bug #514 (Resolved): Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant application the time is different shows in application
amir r
07:04 PM Bug #610 (Resolved): Received order page received spelling mistake, Please make it correct accordingly
amir r
01:24 PM Bug #610 (Closed): Received order page received spelling mistake, Please make it correct accordingly
Received order page received spelling mistake, Please make it correct accordingly Minal Watmode
07:02 PM Bug #611 (Resolved): On received page order's price is different & in the profile page it is different amount
its correct, Plz check again, i have already mentioned on previous bugs. its calculating in basis of admin panel data... amir r
01:43 PM Bug #611 (Closed): On received page order's price is different & in the profile page it is different amount
On received page order's price is different & in the profile page it is different amount. Minal Watmode
12:04 PM Bug #606 (Resolved): Profile -> Restaurant's description -> All text should be wrapped and middle on the page.
amir r
10:37 AM Bug #606: Profile -> Restaurant's description -> All text should be wrapped and middle on the page.
Profile -> Restaurant's description -> All text should be wrapped and middle on the page. Minal Watmode
10:36 AM Bug #606 (Closed): Profile -> Restaurant's description -> All text should be wrapped and middle on the page.
Minal Watmode
11:09 AM Bug #518 (Resolved): While signing up -> on rating field Add validation it should be neither more than 5 or nor less than 0
now added list from 1 to 5 rating. amir r
11:02 AM Bug #271 (Closed): Search delivery boy--there should be image of delivery boy and name.
Minal Watmode
10:17 AM Bug #412 (Resolved): Header field of the application in every should be occupied with the title & refer clients approved design
amir r
10:16 AM Bug #575 (Resolved): Login -> Add mobile nu. -> received OTP and added on OTP Field before timer start when add correct OTP still it says Invalid OTP
OTP only sent after timer start. so plz enter correct OTP. for this purpose dont use testing phone number OTP i.i 123456 amir r


11:46 AM Bug #575 (Closed): Login -> Add mobile nu. -> received OTP and added on OTP Field before timer start when add correct OTP still it says Invalid OTP
Login -> Add mobile nu. -> received OTP and added on OTP Field before timer start when add correct OTP still it says ... Minal Watmode


03:57 PM Bug #548 (Resolved): Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the customer application is different
Go to admin panel -> Payments -> Pay Restaurant -> Select payment type -> Insert Amount/Percentage -> Save.
and chec...
amir r
03:47 PM Bug #548 (Feedback): Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the customer application is different
please specify the scenario & calculation. which prove its is not an issue Minal Watmode
03:47 PM Bug #548: Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the customer application is different
please specify the scenario & calculation. which prove its is not an issue Minal Watmode
12:43 PM Bug #548 (Resolved): Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the customer application is different
because it is calculating in the basis of admin decided. plz check admin panel, there we can manage restaurant mount ... amir r
03:51 PM Feature #202 (Closed): Restaurant availability add time type for the field
Minal Watmode
12:40 PM Feature #202 (Resolved): Restaurant availability add time type for the field
Already added plz check when addition of add table time, it is asking for table time type (AM/PM) amir r
03:10 PM Bug #526 (Resolved): All order accepted page -> It shows Individual items not a single order or same order in it
amir r
03:10 PM Bug #527 (Resolved): In al accepted order page, It is single order but search for Delivery boys displays for 2 different items to search 2 delivery boys
amir r
12:45 PM Bug #538 (Resolved): Order accepted by restaurant Toaster message displays so many times even application is closed
yes, its alerting the restaurant that no delivery boy arounds you. and your application is not closed, it is in minim... amir r


05:35 PM Bug #548 (Closed): Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the customer application is different
Restaurant profile -> first order placed and delivered -> On account page It shows less amount than the price in the... Minal Watmode
04:19 PM Bug #538 (Closed): Order accepted by restaurant Toaster message displays so many times even application is closed
Order accepted by restaurant Toaster message displays so many times even application is closed
No delivery boy found
Minal Watmode
12:23 PM Bug #527 (Closed): In al accepted order page, It is single order but search for Delivery boys displays for 2 different items to search 2 delivery boys
In al accepted order page, It is single order but search for Delivery boys displays for 2 different items to search 2... Minal Watmode
12:19 PM Bug #526 (Closed): All order accepted page -> It shows Individual items not a single order or same order in it
All order accepted page -> It shows Individual items not a single order or same order in it. Minal Watmode
11:06 AM Bug #511 (Resolved): All accepted order -> Click on find delivery boy It says something went wrong.
amir r
11:05 AM Bug #510 (Resolved): On received order all items shows in One order But In accepted order page its 2 different orders
now items has changed to single order. amir r


06:43 PM Bug #466 (Closed): In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order notification
Minal Watmode
12:06 PM Bug #466 (Resolved): In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order notification
yes, it is possible because user have already paid for the items. so restaurant will have to clear either it is accep... amir r
06:42 PM Bug #500 (Closed): Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -> but on The OTP Page timer did not display, & added correct OTP still it says invalid OTP
Minal Watmode
12:03 PM Bug #500 (Resolved): Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -> but on The OTP Page timer did not display, & added correct OTP still it says invalid OTP
amir r
11:57 AM Bug #500 (Closed): Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -> but on The OTP Page timer did not display, & added correct OTP still it says invalid OTP
Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -... Minal Watmode
05:29 PM Bug #518 (Closed): While signing up -> on rating field Add validation it should be neither more than 5 or nor less than 0
While signing up -> on rating field Add validation it should be neither more than 5 or nor less than 0 Minal Watmode
04:08 PM Feature #515 (Reopened ): From the menu list when we change the status of item toast message should pop up
From the menu list when we change the status of item toast message should pop up Minal Watmode
04:05 PM Bug #514 (Resolved): Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant application the time is different shows in application
Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant applicati... Minal Watmode
03:24 PM Bug #513 (Closed): Table reserved for the customer, Once accepted table booking i would not able see information of the user like; Name, contact no., Gmail id. etc
Table reserved for the customer, Once accepted table booking i would not able see information of the user like; Nam... Minal Watmode
02:58 PM Bug #511 (Closed): All accepted order -> Click on find delivery boy It says something went wrong.
All accepted order -> Click on find delivery boy It says something went wrong
I am not able to find delivery boy to...
Minal Watmode
02:51 PM Bug #510 (Closed): On received order all items shows in One order But In accepted order page its 2 different orders
On received order all items shows in One order But In accepted order page its 2 different orders
Minal Watmode


02:47 PM Bug #458 (Closed): Order placed from user application, But in the restaurant application on received order page it shows, different items order in the list.
Minal Watmode
12:28 PM Bug #439 (Closed): Home -> all history -> History wrong word used please make it correct
Minal Watmode
12:27 PM Bug #415 (Reopened ): Profile page of the application received order count does not displays & Please correct spelling of the received word
Minal Watmode
12:17 PM Bug #411 (Closed): footer menu-> profile > sign-out , There should not be space in between sign & out. It Is a single word signout, please correct it
Minal Watmode
12:07 PM Bug #410 (Closed): On second wizard screen easily words spelling should make correct
Minal Watmode
12:02 PM Bug #409 (Closed): To signup in the application on currency dropdown country name displays. there should show currency only
Minal Watmode
11:51 AM Bug #308 (Closed): While launching the application already signed up in the app still toast message shows, 'no account found please sign up first.'
Minal Watmode
11:41 AM Bug #218 (Closed): New restaurant signed up successfully, and status changed from admin panel OFF to ON. But when try to log in with same credentials it does not work
Minal Watmode
11:40 AM Bug #214 (Closed): In KANZO RESTAURANT application new restaurant signed up twice but it did not display on Admin Panel. which two restaurants has added and waiting for status update the status
Minal Watmode
11:34 AM Bug #406 (Closed): Once created account with the new number-.> filled all the information -> saved.->It navigates to login page-> add same number. it says you dont have any account create , & it takes to signup page
Minal Watmode


07:02 PM Bug #378 (Closed): Order notification did not displays on the front page when order placed.
Minal Watmode
06:59 PM Bug #272 (Closed): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
Minal Watmode
06:58 PM Bug #272 (Resolved): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
amir r
06:54 PM Bug #272 (Reopened ): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
Minal Watmode
06:52 PM Bug #270 (Reopened ): On restaurant application order which receive from user that recent order should be on top of the page.
Minal Watmode
06:36 PM Feature #198 (Closed): For signup put validations to all important field to be added
Minal Watmode
03:54 PM Bug #466 (Closed): In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order notification
In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order not... Minal Watmode

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