



From 10/11/2024 to 10/20/2024


02:34 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #10936 (New): Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> The downloaded invoice amount is showing different from the order details
Issue Description:
The downloaded invoice amount is showing different from the order details
See attached scre...
Mohd Irfan
12:12 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #10935 (New): User --> Login --> Home --> New added store --> Categories -->I have added some products through the store without selecting the deal of the day but after approval inside the store when the user checks in user app showing the timing.
Issue Description:
I have added some products through the store without selecting the deal of the day but after ap...
Mohd Irfan
11:38 AM 24GY User Issues Bug #10934 (New): Live server --> User --> Login --> Categories --> if I click same categories 2-3 times the store disappears and shows no store found the text message
Issue Description:
if I click the same categories 2-3 times the store disappears and shows no store found the text...
Mohd Irfan

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