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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
11261 Bug New High Email id is not mandatory field but here i’m not able to receive item without email id Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:17 PM Actions
11260 Bug New Normal If i select one customer then if i want to select another customer then we should be able to do it Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:17 PM Actions
11259 Bug New High In reports delivered on is appearing on only 1 packet not on others Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:17 PM Actions
11258 Bug New Normal In HS Popup while scanning if i select No in popup then item should gets reset Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:17 PM Actions
11257 Bug New Normal Reference number is not getting reset after change the uncleared to collected Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:16 PM Actions
11256 Bug New Normal I’m not able to add email error message is appearing as i have selected other while receiving Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:16 PM Actions
11255 Bug New Normal In collected page i have not selected anything but reference number is appearing Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:16 PM Actions
11254 Bug New High While scanning customer items and barcode is showing freight not paid error but in account details of that particular customer the parcel number is not available Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:15 PM Actions
11253 Bug New High I’m unable to download pdf, excel etc Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:15 PM Actions
11252 Bug New High After clicking on scan for a new customer If there is nothing on scan page and if I click on submit for delivery then error message is not user-friendly Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:15 PM Actions
11251 Bug New Normal In receiving page if i submit sign then clear it then nothing happens I'm unable to deliver the items blank sign issue Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:14 PM Actions
11250 Bug New High A different page is coming if there is nothing on collected page Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:14 PM Actions
11249 Bug New Normal In collected page search is not working on date basis Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:14 PM Actions
11248 Bug New Normal Loaders should be there in the app Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:13 PM Actions
11247 Bug New Normal If someone’s item is delivered then should we be able to delete those items on scan item page Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:13 PM Actions
11246 Bug New Normal After receiving the item, page should get reset Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:13 PM Actions
11245 Bug New High In delivery page search function is not properly working on date basis Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:13 PM Actions
11244 Bug New High When I select same customer again and i add a new item code then in that item notes is also coming of previous item Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:12 PM Actions
11243 Bug New Low In report transaction spelling is incorrect Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:12 PM Actions
11242 Bug New Normal In report when I'm switching from undelivered to collected then search is not working properly Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:11 PM Actions
11241 Bug New High I have already scanned one item but if I scan item for a particular customer again then it is coming in the same package Rohit K 11/05/2024 03:11 PM Actions
11235 Bug New Normal End date search is not working properly Rohit K 11/05/2024 02:34 PM Actions
11234 Bug New High My packet is collected but still i’m not able to scan same barcode again Rohit K 11/05/2024 02:33 PM Actions
11233 Bug New High If there is no data then it is showing item is delivered Rohit K 11/05/2024 02:33 PM Actions
11232 Bug New Low In mail spelling of reference is incorrect Rohit K 11/05/2024 02:32 PM Actions
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