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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
930 Bug Closed Normal Report-->internal report-->NPO register-->(1) Need to remove sequence number from Executive officer column..(2) Should add space between middle name and surname Himanshu Singh 12/28/2021 05:29 PM Actions
918 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP-->Date format should be same for "Date Licensed/Registered" and " Company Incorporation/Registration Date" Himanshu Singh 12/28/2021 05:27 PM Actions
883 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP-->Relationship tab-->Start date, end date-->End Date can't fall before Start Date. Himanshu Singh 12/23/2021 01:31 PM Actions
882 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP/NRSP-->Relationship tab-->shareholder %-->ShareHolder % can't more than 100% Himanshu Singh 12/23/2021 02:50 PM Actions
881 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->ERSP Register-->contact name should be in single line. Himanshu Singh 12/23/2021 02:56 PM Actions
880 Bug Closed Normal ERSP/NRSP/NPO-->there should be an address heading along with address so, that user can identify which one is address 1 and address2 or address 3. Himanshu Singh 12/15/2021 03:58 PM Actions
857 Bug Closed Normal Report-->NRSP-->Contact person-->should space between first and middle name. Himanshu Singh 12/14/2021 03:35 PM Actions
852 Bug Closed Normal License type-->NPO-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column Himanshu Singh 12/15/2021 03:58 PM Actions
851 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "18, 20 etc" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digits while creating the company? Himanshu Singh 12/15/2021 03:57 PM Actions
847 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->ersp register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column Himanshu Singh 12/14/2021 04:57 PM Actions
843 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "96" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digit(96) while creating the company? Himanshu Singh 12/14/2021 05:27 PM Actions
842 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Register Date--->date format should be same for Register Date under License type and Ersp report. Himanshu Singh 12/23/2021 02:53 PM Actions
841 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->NPO register-->Why is today's date showing in the "De-Register" date column even after status is "Active" Himanshu Singh 12/15/2021 03:59 PM Actions
839 Bug Closed Normal License type-->NPO-->Design issue(NPO profile section), need to increase the width of that section. Himanshu Singh 12/20/2021 02:50 PM Actions
838 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP-->create entity-->then go with that entity-->Go with LICENSES/REGISTRATION tab-->then why does this by default row appear? Himanshu Singh 12/15/2021 03:59 PM Actions
837 Bug Closed Normal LICENSES/REGISTRATION--> Add Licenses/Category-->save information-->Look at column "Added By"-->there should be "SuperAdmin" instead of blank. Himanshu Singh 12/06/2021 02:46 PM Actions
836 Bug Closed Normal License type-->Ersp-->LICENSES/REGISTRATION--> Add Licenses/Category-->Need to rename the “SUBSECTOR STRUCTURE” to “SUBSECTOR CATEGORY” Himanshu Singh 12/06/2021 12:54 PM Actions
835 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->Why is today's date showing in the "De-Register" date column even after status is "Active" Himanshu Singh 12/06/2021 12:52 PM Actions
834 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP-->Why does this banking appear more than one? Himanshu Singh 12/28/2021 05:27 PM Actions
833 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->word is splitting, there should be a scroll bar for that data table so that a single word can appear for the same line, instead of word split. Himanshu Singh 12/23/2021 01:34 PM Actions
830 Bug Closed Normal License type-->ERSP-->subsector-->ERSP'S-->Save information-->Subsector name should be "ERSP'S" instead of "Banking" in company list under license type. Himanshu Singh 12/06/2021 12:53 PM Actions
823 Bug Closed Normal Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Name in red marked area in screenshot should be "ERSP Register Reports List" instead of "Licensee Status Reports List " Himanshu Singh 12/02/2021 12:34 PM Actions

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